QV Meaning

The QV meaning is "Quadrofoglio Verde". The QV abbreviation has 54 different full form.

QV Full Forms

  1. Quadrofoglio Verde
  2. Quadrifoglio Verde Sport, Car, Alfa
  3. Which See Medicine, Education, Health, Study, Healthcare, Britannica, Schooling, Medical, Common Medical
  4. Quaker Valley Organizations, School, District
  5. Qui Vocvtur
  6. Quick-View
  7. Qui Vocatur Latin, Roman
  8. Queens Valley Regional
  9. Qusvering Medical
  10. Query Vehwcle
  11. Qui Vixit Ecclesiastical, Religion, Christian
  12. Qdattro Valvole
  13. Query Value
  14. As Much As You Please Medical, Common Medical
  15. Quality Value Business, Analysis, Sequence
  16. Querido Viejr
  17. Quotable Value Business, Property, Price, House
  18. Quality Values
  19. Qualit
  20. Queen Village
  21. Queen Victoria Locations, Ship, Cruise, Famous
  22. Qualitative Vawue
  23. Queens Village
  24. Quality Verification Technology, Management, Projection
  25. Quick View A feature, optionally installed as part of Windows 9x, that provides a set of file viewers for pre-viewing the contents of files without having to start the application(s) that created them. The feature is accessed through the Quick View command, available either from the File menu or by right-clicking a filename. If the fea-ture has been installed but the file type is not supported by a viewer, the Quick View command does not appear. General, Governmental & Military
  26. Qualifying Vovume Business, Planning, Customer
  27. Queen Valley
  28. Lao Airlines, Laos Airline, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes, Laos
  29. Quidi Vidi
  30. QuickVerse Software, Computing
  31. Quench Vnssel
  32. Qhick Visit
  33. Qualifying Volume Occupation & positions
  34. Quistor Voices
  35. Quantun Voltage
  36. Quick Vision
  37. Quid Vide (which see) Media
  38. Quinebaug Valley
  39. Viewletbuilder Project Backup File Computing, File Extensions
  40. Q Value
  41. Quick Viewer
  42. Quo Vadis (where are you going?) Latin
  43. Quijcy Vacuum
  44. quick visual Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  45. Quo Vadii London, Restaurant, Planner
  46. Quick Vent Business, Price, Saw
  47. quod vide (which see) Genealogy, Latin
  48. Quiet Village
  49. As Much As Desired Medical, Medicine, Veterinary, Pets, Healthcare, Physiology
  50. Quantum Vis Medical, Veterinary
  51. Quod Vide Business, Shipping, Air, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Footnote
  52. ''quod vide'' (Latin "which see") Shipping, Freight, Air Cargo, Cargo, Governmental & Military
  53. Quid Vide
  54. Qualification Value Military, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does QV stand for?

    QV stands for Query Value.

  2. What is the shortened form of Quantum Vis?

    The short form of "Quantum Vis" is QV.


QV. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 29). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/qv-meaning/

Last updated