R in Governmental & Military Meaning

The R meaning in Governmental & Military terms is "Receive". There are 42 related meanings of the R Governmental & Military abbreviation.

R on Governmental & Military Full Forms

  1. Receive
  2. Railroad
  3. Redemption
  4. Rex
  5. Railway
  6. Return The amount that is earned by someone who holds an asset, usually expressed as a percentage of what it cost to acquire the asset. The return includes interest, dividends, and capital gains and losses, the latter due to both changes in the price of the asset and, for international holdings, changes in exchange rates.
  7. Report An official account of an occurrence e.g. incident report or weather report. To write or tell information in an official manner.
  8. Republican
  9. Regina
  10. Referee
  11. Reverse
  12. Removed
  13. (as a prefix:) restricted airspace
  14. Rail The vertical face of the sloping end of a roof eave. Cross members of panel doors or of a sash. Also, a wall or open balustrade placed at the edge of a staircase, walkway bridge, or elevated surface to prevent people from falling off.  Any relatively lightweight horizontal element, especially those found in fences (split rail). A horizontal sash member. Horizontal piece of timber in framing or panelling; any horizontal piece of timber. Liquid precipitation larger than .02 cm in diameter.
  15. Returning
  16. Remote A station near a pump consisting of both an 'On' and an 'Off' button. A pump can be started or stopped by its corresponding remote. Pertaining to a system, program, or device that is accessed through a communication line. also link-attached. For hierarchical storage management products, pertaining to the origin of migrated files that are being moved. also local. Any object that is maintained by a remote DB2 subsystem (that is, by a DB2 subsystem other than the local one).
  17. Rimorchio (trailer)
  18. Residential
  19. Reencoding
  20. Reject
  21. Route Consecutive links in a network served by single flight numbers, eg QF1 operates SYD/BKK/LHR as a single route. The path that network traffic follows from its source to its destination. also cut-through. The URL used to direct requests to an application. A route is made up of an optional host and a domain that are specified when an application is pushed. For example, in the route myapp.example.com, myapp is the host and example.com is the domain.
  22. Robert
  23. Radical An atom or group of atoms that contains one or more unpaired electrons (usually very reactive species)
  24. Right A short-lived (typically less than 90 days) call option for purchasing additional stock in a firm, issued by the firm to all its shareholders on a pro rata basis.
  25. Rule A line printed above, below, or to the side of some element, either to set that item off from the remain-der of the page or to improve the look of the page. Foot-notes, for example, often appear below a short rule that sets them off from the main text on the page. The thick-ness of a rule is typically measured in points.
  26. Registered Trademark A distinctive symbol, name, etc., on a product or company, which is registered and protected by law so it cannot legally be used by anyone else.
  27. Rider An additional rib on inside of sheathing of hold of a wooden vessel. A second tier of casks or barrels. A riding turn of rope.
  28. Are
  29. Radial Line from a VOR or NDB. For example, the 180 radial from a VOR represents a line south of that VOR. In a direction directly outward from the center of a circle or sphere or from the axis of a cylinder. The spokes of a wheel, for example, are radial. A magnetic bearing extending from a very high frequency omni-range and/or tactical air navigation station.
  30. Rebelion
  31. Reach Distance that an excavator arm can extend. A stream section with fairly homogenous characteristics. REACH is the system for Registration, Evaluation and Assessment of Chemicals being proposed under the EU Chemicals Policy.
  32. Required
  33. Racial
  34. Range The difference between the highest and lowest values of a measurable attribute of the output of a process. An area between two limits within which a quantity is measured, stated in terms of a lower and upper limits. The categorization of an attribute into different segments. The set of values that a quantity or function may take.
  35. Royal Mast or sail next above topgallant.
  36. Runner In an injection or transfer mold, the channel that connects the sprue with the gate to the cavity. Grooves or channels cut into either or both halves of the injection mold to provide a path for the molten plastic material, which is to be carried from the sprue to the gate(s) of the cavity. In an injection mold, the feed channel, usually of circular cross section, that connects the sprue with the cavity gate.
  37. Rare
  38. Resist A material applied to a part of the surface of an article to prevent reaction of metal from that area during chemical or electrochemical processes. A material applied to prevent the flow of brazing filler metal into unwanted area. 
  39. Restricted Area A specified area on land or water designated by an appropriate authority within which access or navigation is restricted in accordance with certain specified conditions. A deck, space, area, etc., not permitted to be entered for safety reasons.
  40. Reserve That portion of the demonstrated reserve base that is estimated to be recoverable at the time of determination. The reserve is derived by applying a recovery factor to that component of the identified coal resource designated as the demonstrated reserve base. Portion of a body of troops that is kept to the rear, or withheld from action at the beginning of an engagement, in order to be available for a decisive movement. Members of the uniformed Services who are not in active service but who are subject to call to active duty.
  41. Range Rate
  42. Rates The authorized charges per unit or level of consumption for a specified time period for any of the classes of utility services provided to a customer.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does R stand for Governmental & Military?

    R stands for Robert in Governmental & Military terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Regina in Governmental & Military?

    The short form of "Regina" is R for Governmental & Military.


R in Governmental & Military. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/r-meaning-in-governmental-military/

Last updated