RA in Governmental & Military Meaning
The RA meaning in Governmental & Military terms is "Resolution Advisory". There are 24 related meanings of the RA Governmental & Military abbreviation.
RA on Governmental & Military Full Forms
- Resolution Advisory This is an advisory from a Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) given to the flight crew recommending either a manoeuvre intended to provide separation from all traffic threats or a manoeuvre restriction intended to maintain existing separation.
- Radio Altitude The height of an aircraft above terrain immediately below the it taken from a Radio Altimeter.
- Rally America
- Registration Authority A registration authority (RA) is an authority in a network that verifies user requests for a digital certificate and tells the certificate authority (CA) to issue it. RAs are part of a public key infrastructure (PKI), a networked system that enables companies and users to exchange information and money safely and securely. The digital certificate contains a public key that is used to encrypt and decrypt messages and digital signatures.
- Radar Altimeter An onboard radar for determining the altitude of an aircraft above an underlying surface.
- Ranger
- Radar Altitude The altitude of an aircraft as determined by radar–type radio altimeter thus the actual distance from the nearest terrain feature.
- Risk Assessment Process of analyzing threats to and vulnerabilities of an information system, and the potential impact resulting from the loss of information or capabilities of a system. This analysis is used as a basis for identifying appropriate and cost-effective security countermeasures.
- Resident Agency
- Resident Authority
- Registry Agent
- Review Access
- Rear Admiral Flag officer in RN Junior rank of admiral, being intermediate between Commodore and vice-admiral
- Regional Assembly
- Range The difference between the highest and lowest values of a measurable attribute of the output of a process. An area between two limits within which a quantity is measured, stated in terms of a lower and upper limits. The categorization of an attribute into different segments. The set of values that a quantity or function may take.
- Roughness Average
- Route Advertisement
- Resource Advisor
- Reserve Affairs
- Routing Area
- Recent Action
- Repair Analysis
- Retard Advance
- Royal Artillery
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does RA stand for Governmental & Military?
RA stands for Rear Admiral in Governmental & Military terms.
What is the shortened form of Range in Governmental & Military?
The short form of "Range" is RA for Governmental & Military.
RA in Governmental & Military. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ra-meaning-in-governmental-military/
Last updated