RA in Technology Meaning

The RA meaning in Technology terms is "Relational Algebra". There are 135 related meanings of the RA Technology abbreviation.

RA on Technology Full Forms

  1. Relational Algebra
  2. Radiation Area Any part of an installation accessible to employees in which there exists a radiation level of 7.5 millirem in any one hour over 150 millirem in any seven consecutive days. Any area with radiation levels greater than 5 millirems (0.05 millisievert) in one hour at 30 centimeters from the source or from any surface through which the radiation penetrates.
  3. Reporting Accountant
  4. Reasonable Accommodation
  5. Regulatory Authority
  6. Registration Authority A registration authority (RA) is an authority in a network that verifies user requests for a digital certificate and tells the certificate authority (CA) to issue it. RAs are part of a public key infrastructure (PKI), a networked system that enables companies and users to exchange information and money safely and securely. The digital certificate contains a public key that is used to encrypt and decrypt messages and digital signatures.
  7. Rentable Arer
  8. Read Access Permission to read information in an information system.
  9. Research Agreements
  10. Rmceiver Address
  11. Renovate America
  12. Risk Acknowledgement
  13. Radio Altitude The height of an aircraft above terrain immediately below the it taken from a Radio Altimeter.
  14. Reliability Analysis
  15. Rangka Atas
  16. Reverb Amplifier
  17. Registered Architect
  18. Relative Addressing
  19. Random Access
  20. Regiftered Address
  21. Relative Accuracy Measure in LSB of the accuracy of an ADC. It includes all non-linearity and quantization errors.
  22. Ramdn Amplifier
  23. Reporting Agent
  24. Reasonable Alternative
  25. Resource Advertisement
  26. Request Acknowledge
  27. Riyse Aid
  28. Registeraccountant
  29. Radiocommuncationn Agency
  30. Receive Abort
  31. Roughness, Average
  32. Rencana Anggaran
  33. Return Huthorization
  34. Range Area
  35. Re-Accelerafed
  36. Route Advance
  37. Request/Acknowledge
  38. Rusk Assessments
  39. Regional Atmosphere
  40. Resource Allocator
  41. Radio Assembly
  42. Running Account
  43. Rebuildable Atomizer
  44. Relatbve Area
  45. Retuen Alarm
  46. Reset Acknowledge
  47. Routine Area
  48. Repository Access
  49. Right Aft
  50. Regulating Authority
  51. Resource Aggregate
  52. Radio Access
  53. Routing Address
  54. Romatoidbartritli
  55. Registry Authority
  56. Resynchronize Acknowledgement
  57. Radio Resource Allocator
  58. Recovuries Anonymous
  59. Reserved Address
  60. Router Alert
  61. Repeat To Address
  62. Ring Amplifier
  63. Reduced Rggregate
  64. Resource Agent
  65. Radar Altitude The altitude of an aircraft as determined by radar–type radio altimeter thus the actual distance from the nearest terrain feature.
  66. Realidade Aumentada
  67. Request Authenticator
  68. Robotics and Aubomation
  69. Registry Agent
  70. Random Mode Request Information Field
  71. Robotics and Automation Society
  72. Recognition Arrangemenq
  73. Research Assistant
  74. Repeater Adaptor
  75. Resolution Advisories
  76. Risk Assessment Process of analyzing threats to and vulnerabilities of an information system, and the potential impact resulting from the loss of information or capabilities of a system. This analysis is used as a basis for identifying appropriate and cost-effective security countermeasures.
  77. Request Agent
  78. Robotics & Automation
  79. Realaudio Audio
  80. Registration Area
  81. Randomize Answer
  82. Recornition Agreement
  83. Roquirement Authority
  84. Rounder Amount
  85. Repair Agent
  86. Revista De Arquitectura
  87. Ranger Agena
  88. Resilience Alliance
  89. Request Access
  90. Robot Arm
  91. Raudhatul Athfal
  92. Registered Area
  93. Rudiocommunications Assembly
  94. Reclaimedaasphalt
  95. Requirements Analyst
  96. Roughness Arithmetic Average
  97. Repairable Assembly
  98. Ranger
  99. Recursion Available
  100. Rent Assistance
  101. Route Advertisement
  102. Rate Area
  103. Resource Analysis
  104. Rur Avg
  105. Request To Authorize
  106. Rectifier Alarm
  107. Resident Application
  108. Rate Adaptor
  109. Requesting Authority
  110. Room Air
  111. Random Amplitude
  112. Rectangle Absolute
  113. Roughncss Average
  114. Rate Adaptive
  115. Reasonablk Accommodations
  116. Request for Assistance
  117. Rareganaemias
  118. Regulated Area
  119. Rate Adaption
  120. Routeing Area
  121. Resource Attributes
  122. Rotary Atomizer
  123. Rhóne-Alpes
  124. Rate Adapter
  125. Recycled Aggregate
  126. Route Analysis
  127. Resource Association
  128. Router Announcement
  129. Requesting Application
  130. Recycle Aggregate
  131. Research Association
  132. Route Advertisements
  133. Resource Area
  134. Range The difference between the highest and lowest values of a measurable attribute of the output of a process. An area between two limits within which a quantity is measured, stated in terms of a lower and upper limits. The categorization of an attribute into different segments. The set of values that a quantity or function may take.
  135. Reverse Activity

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RA stand for Technology?

    RA stands for Room Air in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Request Acknowledge in Technology?

    The short form of "Request Acknowledge" is RA for Technology.


RA in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ra-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated