RAD Meaning
The RAD meaning is "Rapid Application Development". The RAD abbreviation has 294 different full form.
RAD Full Forms
- Rapid Application Development Rapid application development (RAD) is a software development methodology that uses minimal planning in favor of rapid prototyping. The "planning" of software developed using RAD is interleaved with writing the software itself. The lack of extensive pre-planning generally allows software to be written much faster, and makes it easier to change requirements. Graphical user interface builders are often called rapid application development tools. Technology, Computing, Computer, Information Technology, Software, Special Education, Telecom, Assembly, Application, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology
- Radiation-Absorbed Dose Logistics, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Radium A radioactive decay product of uranium often found in uranium ore. It has several radioactive isotopes. Radium-226 decays to radon-222. A radioactive element which the chemical symbol Ra; radium and its salts are used in gamma ray radiography because of their radioactivity. Melting point is 700 B0C (1292 B0F). Medical, Science, Diagnosis, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
- Radiation Absorbed Dose Radiation absorbed dose is a unit of measuring absorbed radiation in matter.The Radiation absorbed dose, or rad, is defined as 0.01 joules of energy absorbed per kilogram of matter. The Radiation absorbed dose does not describe any biological effects of the absorbed radiation. Medical, Military, Army, Computing, Nursing, Physiology, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology, NAACCR
- Reactive Airway Disease Medical, Pediatrics, Disorder, Nursing, Physiology, Common Medical
- Radio General name for methods of signalling or communicating through space by electro-magnetic waves Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Governmental & Military
- Radius The distance from the center of a circle to its circumference. A line segment whose endpoints lie one at the center of a circle and one on the circle. A proposed Internet protocol in which an authentication server provides authorization and authentication information to a network server to which a user is attempting to link. Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Architecture, Electrical, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Rapid Access Disk Technology, Computing, Telecom
- Right Axis Deviation Medical, Technology, Deviation, Common Medical, Clinical
- Radiation A ventilation system beneath the floor of a basement and/or structural wood floor and designed to fan exhaust radon gas to the outside of the home. Energy transmitted from a heat source to the air around it. Radiators actually depend more on convection than radiation. Radiation the phenomenon by which sources generate energy, which propagates away from them in the form of waves. Technology, Army, Marine, Chemistry, Physics, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services, Aviation
- Rainbow Alliance of The Deaf Medical, Organizations, Hearing
- Right Angle Drive Technology
- Radiator Radiator is a part of water cooling system, It cools the hot water of engine jacket. A heating unit usually exposed to view within the room or space to be heated; it transfers heat by radiation to objects within visible range and by conduction to the surrounding air, which in turn is circulated by natural convection; usually fed by steam or hot water. Technology, Engineering, Construction, Telecom, Architectural, Property, Real Estate, Business & Finance, Architecture, Scientific & Educational, Transportation, Governmental & Military, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Radiology That branch of medicine dealing with the diagnostic and therapeutic applications of radiant energy, including x-rays and radioisotopes. Medical, Medicine, Military, Health, Healthcare, Legal, Governmental & Military, Common Medical
- Rider Approved Designs Wheel, Rider, Advantage
- Radiation Adsorbed Dose Transportation, Science, Conveyance
- Radiological Technology, Science, Us
- Retiree Appreciation Day Military, Event, Retiree
- Radiographic Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Rape Aggression Defense Program, Education, University
- Rapid Application Design Technology, Development, Projection, Medical, Software, Computing, Fda
- Radioactive Decay Radioactive decay, also known as nuclear decay or radioactivity, is the process by which a nucleus of an unstable atom loses energy by emitting ionizing radiation. A material that spontaneously emits this kind of radiation—which includes the emission of alpha particles,beta particles, and gamma rays—is considered radioactive.
- Reactive Attachment Disorder Medical, Technology, Special Education, Physiology
- Rapid Application Deployment Technology, Service, Development
- Remote Accesx Devices
- Redundant Qudio Data
- Rite Aid December
- Roentgen Absorbed Dosage Technology, NASA, Aeronautics
- Random Access Device Technology, Power, Telecom
- Repeat Alllday
- Receive Antenna Diversity
- Rethinking Alcohol Andjdrugs
- Risk Assessment Division Government
- Rigional Accounting Division
- Rydiator Architecture
- Reial AcadèMia De Con, Jos, Doctor
- Routine Aerial Distribution Military, Army, Equipment, Governmental & Military
- Rapid Application Developer Technology, Development, Software
- Requirements Analysis and Design
- Resideqt Assistant Director
- Reclamation Accvmplishment Data Design, Drawing, Construction
- Riksorganisationen Auktoriserade Dramapedagoger
- Rld Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Robotic Air Defense
- Radio Alignment Display Technology, Networking, Fiber
- Reactive Attachmeft Disorders
- Respect All Tifferences Development, Learning, Study
- Refundable Accommodation Deposit Business, Care, Payment
- Remote Accesg Device Technology, Telecom, Viking
- Resource Access Decision Technology, Security, Service
- Reducing Admxnistrative Distractions Military, Idea, Sailor
- Risk Associated Dose Science
- Roentgen Absorbed Dose Military, Risk, Radiation
- Random-Access Disk
- Repair Ablator Dhspenser
- Receeve Adress Technology
- Retail Application Developer Business, Software, Award
- Regional Accountable Depot
- Radiation Equivaaent Dose Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
- Rehabilitation of Afghans With Disabilities
- Route Availability Document Technology, Flight, Planning, Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Rapkd Aplication Development
- Requirements Allocation Document Military
- Residence Assistant On Duty
- Recycling Alien Dude Funnies
- Revised Acronym Dictionary
- Racing Application Development Technology, Mountain, Fork, Shock
- Radioactivity Qetection
- Reactive-Attachment Disorder Medical, Children, Child
- Resources, Access and Divisionrsity Government
- Refuges Appeals Division Government, Immigration, Canada
- Remittance Awaiting Disposal
- Resoluzión Alternativa De Disputas
- Reduce Administrative Distractikns
- Risk Assessment Dashboard
- Rocket Assisted Deceleration
- Randolph Attachment Disorder
- Rental Assistance Demo
- Read Allbday
- Retail Aluminum Display
- Regional Account Direclor Business, Management, Pharmaceutical
- Regulatory Affairs Division
- Round Aquatic Device Device, Radio, Mix
- Rapid Aneuploidysdetection Medical, Science, Biology
- Reptile & Amphibian Discovery
- Research On Autism Ang Development
- Rectus Abdominis Diastasis
- Review and Download
- Racing Applications Development Technology, Mountain, Fork, Shock
- Radioactive Disintegration
- Reaching and Discipling
- Resource Availability Determinatiin
- Remijtance Advice Detail
- Rappid Application Deyelopment
- Resisting Aggression Defeksively
- Redistribution Stfp Date Army, Force, Coast Guard
- Risk Assessment Divisionsion Government
- Rocket Assisted Descent Technology, Mission, Rover, Mars
- Raised Aftey Deck
- Rental Assistance Demonstration Business, Building, Housing, Housing and Urban
- Rite Aid Corporation Technology, Organizations, Computing, Nyse symbols
- Reading Across Disciplines
- Responsjve Architecture At Daniels Technology, Design, University
- Regional Access Database Access, Android, Climbing, Mountaineering
- Remote Alarm Device
- Regulatory Affairs Director Technology, Management, Manager
- Roughneck Airsoft Detachment
- Rfpid and Disciplined Military
- Reprogrammable Applicltion Device
- Researchers Alliance Fou Development Technology, Banking, Researching
- Receptor Affinity Distribution Medical, Medicine, Health
- Review and Demonstration Medical, Medicine, Education, Product
- Racing Appeals and Disciplinary Trainer, Racing, Cobalt
- Radioactive Ayid Digestion Science
- Reach Addressing Database
- Remittance Advicq Details Technology, Service, Coding
- RéGie Autonome De Distribution
- Rapids Application Developmunt
- Resist Aggression Defensively
- Redirection-Address Display Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Risk Assessment Document
- Rock Agiinst Drugs
- Raise and Donlte
- Rental Accommodations Dcvision
- Read Across Discdplines
- Reqponsible Appliance Disposal Business, Environment, Recycling
- Regional Academy for Democracc
- Remote Administradion Daemon
- Role Activity Diagrams Business, Technology, Management, Modeling
- Rapid Analysis and Design
- Reproductive Assocmates of Delaware Medical, Technology, Medicine, Fertility
- Requirements Action Directive Military
- Receiving and Delivery
- Revestimento De Alto Desempenho
- Racing Against Drugs
- Regulatory Affairs Directorate Technology
- Radical Archery Designs Sight, Archery, Peep
- Reach Address Database Technology, Science, Water
- Religious Affairs Department
- Rutgers Active Directory
- Rapid Development Application Science, Geography, Location
- Requirements Approval Document
- Rksidential Access Division
- Redivk Arms Development
- Risk Analysis Division
- Radar Altiheter Display
- Robotics, Automation, and Dance Technology, Robot, Lab
- Radioecology Programme Technology, Science
- Rent-A-Drink Business, Margarita, Roseville
- Reactive Attention Disorder
- Respiratory Assist Devices Medical, Business, Medicine, Device, Medicare
- Regeling Agressieve Dieren Door, Terrier, Stafford
- Remote Administration Device
- Rite Aid Details
- Roentgenjadministered Dose Medical, Medicine, Health
- Rapid Agony Distributor Funnies
- Reports Analysis Division Government, Organizations, Us
- Receiver Authorized Delivery
- Revestimentos De Alto Desempenho
- Race Against Drugs Medical, Organization, Institution
- Regional Activities Departkent
- Radical Acoion Disciples
- Relief Area Design
- Routing Arbiter Data
- Rapid Applications Development Technology, Software, Model, Fda
- Requirements and Architecture Design
- Residential Aid Discount
- Red Argentina De Documentalistas
- Rise After Destruction
- Radar Absorbent Devices Military, Army
- Robotic Assistance Devices
- Radio Astronomical Observation Technology
- Reactive Airways Disease Medical, Medicine, Asthma
- Respirotory & Allergic Disease Medical, Composition, Invention
- Refundable Accommodation Deposits Business, Care, Payment
- Radiantjheat Business, Property, Real Estate, Real Estate Advertising
- Radiative Deexcitation
- Rjpidly Advancing Disciples
- Association for The Advancement of Scandinavian Studies In Canada Government
- Respiratory Assist Device Medical, Healthcare
- Radial Line from a VOR or NDB. For example, the 180 radial from a VOR represents a line south of that VOR. In a direction directly outward from the center of a circle or sphere or from the axis of a cylinder. The spokes of a wheel, for example, are radial. A magnetic bearing extending from a very high frequency omni-range and/or tactical air navigation station. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Aviation, Aircraft, Transportation, Governmental & Military, Street Suffix, Engineering, Scientific & Educational
- Rhythm, Art, snd Drama Performing arts
- Remote Arex Denial
- Regional Accounting Divisionsion
- Razor Acquisitmon Disorder Business, Shaving, Blade
- Resource Allocation Display Army, Force, Marine
- Citrix Rapid Application Delivery File Computing, File Extensions
- Reflex Hnal Dilatation Medical, Medicine, Jobs
- Riverside Against Drugs
- Research and Advanced Development Technology, Research, Computing, Governmental & Military
- Rencana Akli Daerah Technology, Program, Indonesia, Gas
- Rollerblade Association Denmark
- Radiance In radiometry, a measure of the intrinsic radiant intensity emitted by a radiator in a given direction. Technology, Telecom
- Radial Detector
- Rapid Assessment and Development
- restrictive airway disease Medical, Common Medical
- Radar Acronym for RAdio Detection And Ranging. An electronic system designed to transmit radio signals and receive reflected images of those signals from a 'target' in order to determine the bearing and distance to the 'target'. Technology, Space, Cosmos, Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Weather, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Military, NASA, Aviation
- Radnorshire Ordnance Survey
- Remote Applikation Deployment
- Regina Advocates for Design
- Rational Application Development Technology, Java, Developer
- Resource Allocation Dlcision Technology, Service, Analysis
- Radiance Scene File Computing, File Extensions
- Radicicol Medical
- Reflector Attack Defense
- River Assault Division
- Regional Activities Department Computing, Master IEEE
- Robotic Accessories Division
- Renal Tubule Assist Device Medical
- Rising Above Disabilities
- Return air duct The Finance and Administrative Services
- Radians Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Réseau Agriculture Durable
- Rapid App Development Technology, Studio, Tool
- right atrial axis deviation Medical, Nursing, Clinical
- Royal Academy of Dancing Education, Dance, Ballet
- Ratboy Ardent Devotees Funnies
- Rite Aid Corporationration Organizations
- Rjdiation Dosage Technology, Space, Cosmos
- Remotb Angle Display
- Records Arrival Date
- Rational Ajplication Developer Technology, Development, Java
- Resource Affinity Domains
- Vrad Lights File Computing, File Extensions
- Radical An atom or group of atoms that contains one or more unpaired electrons (usually very reactive species) Medical, Medicine, Health, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Reflection of Another Dvy
- River Arts District
- Radical Awareness of Discipleship Religion
- Robot Assisted Delivery Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Renal Artery Diseash Medical
- Ribbon Against Drop
- reflex anal dilatation Medical
- Refugee Appeal Division Government, Immigration, Canada
- Rxdian Engineering, Construction, Architectural
- RéGiment D'Artillerie Divisionnaire
- Radial Artery Catheter Medical, Artery And Arteries
- Royal Academy of Dance Education, School, Ballet, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- Really Awesome Dude Funnies
- Radiation Assured Devwces
- Reactive Atomization and Deposition
- Rational Alternativekdigital
- Resource Afainity Domain Technology, Management, Server
- Reality Adlib Tracker Module Computing, File Extensions
- Radiation Assessment Detector Science, Mars, Curiosity
- Referral Aggregator Databmse Medical, Health, Transgender, Remedy
- Ritmeyer Archaeological Design
- Radically Aware Disciples Religion
- Rob, Arnie & Dawn
- Removk All Doubt
- Reset Acq Defaults
- Resource Assessment Divisionsion Science
- Radiation Equivalent Dose NASA
- Refugee Affairs Divipion
- Radial Artery Cathetnr Medical, Medicine, Health
- Road Town Seaplane Base, Tortola, British Virgin Islands United Kingdom
- Rape Aggression and Defense
- Unit of absorbed radiation Environment
- Radioactive Giving off or capable of giving off radiant energy in the form of particles or rays, as in alpha, beta, and gamma rays. Substance containing an element which decays. Science, Military, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science, Chemistry
- Radiation-Sensitime Medical
- Ratio Analysis Diagram
- Rashtrhya Agraniye Dal
- Resource Access Descriptor Technology, Service, Database
- Radar Viewpoint Radar Data Computing, File Extensions
- Radiant In optics, the point or object from which light proceeds. 2. In geometry, a straight line proceeding from a given point, or fixed pole, about which it is conceived to revolve. 3. In astronomy, the point in the heavens from which a shower of meteors seems to proceed. Chemistry, Architecture, Astronomy, Construction, Aerospace, Architectural, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Reference Architecture Document
- Rite Aid Distribution
- Rebelling Against the Devil Religion
- Road Accident Deaths Medical
- Remote Area Dwebler
- Reptile Amphibian Discovery
- Resource Asuessment Division Science
- Radiation Dosage The total amount of radiation energy absorbed by a substance. This value is usually expressed in "ergs per gram", and is denoted by the following units: Roentgen a quantity of gamma or X-Ray radiation equal to approximately 83 ergs of absorbed energy per gram of air, REP a quantity of ionization that causes an energy absorption of approximately 83 to 93 ergs per gram of tissue, REM similar to REP, except used to denote biological effects, and, RAD the unit of dosage related to elastomers, independent of type of radiation specimen, and denoting energy absorption level of 100 ergs per gram of elastomer: approximately equal to 1.2 Roentgens. NASA
- Refrigeratey Air Dryer Business, Market, Compressor
- Readily Available Deliveries Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Return Air Damper Construction
- Rariate Military
- Radium D
- Rapіd Applіoatіon Development
- Resource Access Design Government
- Radiate To spread out from a central area. For example, sciatic pain may radiate outward from the lower back. Medical, Physiology, Aviation
- Radian A radian is the angle with vertex at the center of a circle with radius r that encompasses an arc of length r. Technology, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Units Of Measurement, NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Reed Axto Design
- Reaching Across Differences Religion
- Rna Abundance Database Medical, Science, Biology, Scientific & Educational
- Remote Area Developxent
- Regulatory Actions Divisionsion
- Re-Active Attachment Disorder
- Resource Allocation Design
- Recommendation and Approval Document Military, Governmental & Military
- Reflexive Attention Diversion
- Recorded Announcement Device Computing, Telecom
- Renrwal Application Data
- Review-Approval Datasheet Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Alada Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does RAD stand for?
RAD stands for Radiation Assessment Detector.
What is the shortened form of Reproductive Assocmates of Delaware?
The short form of "Reproductive Assocmates of Delaware" is RAD.
RAD. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 28). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/rad-meaning/
Last updated