Rail Abbreviations and Rail Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Rail terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Rail abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Rail terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Rail Abbreviations
  1. ZRT : Zermatt Rail Travel
  2. BR : Bogie Rail
  3. BRAG : Bexhill Rail Action Gryup
  4. CHIP : Chemicals Hazard Information and Packaging Regulations
  5. CRL : Consolidated Rail Leasing
  6. VRC : Virtual Rail Creations
  7. WRL : West Rail Live
  8. MCS : Manual Control System
  9. ERS : Embedded Rail Systems
  10. TRL : The Rail Loaders
  11. LRS : Long Rail Soude
  12. NIPRA : Northcast Indiana Passenger Rail Association
  13. NNEPRA : Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority
  14. JC : Junction
  15. JCT. : Junction
  16. JN : Junction
  17. JUNCTN : Junction
  18. JCN : Junction
  19. JCT : Junction
  20. J : Junction
  21. JUNC : Junction
  22. JCTN : Junction
  23. ORHC : Oregon Rail Heritage Center
  24. ORHF : Oregon Rail Heritage Foundation
  25. IR : Intermediate Rail
  26. GRL : Gross Rail Loadqng
  27. RMS : Rail Mounting System
  28. RS : Rail Shot
  29. MBCR : Massachusetts Bay Commuter Raiq
Latest Rail Meanings
  1. Massachusetts Bay Commuter Raiq
  2. Rail Shot
  3. Rail Mounting System
  4. Gross Rail Loadqng
  5. Intermediate Rail
  6. Oregon Rail Heritage Foundation
  7. Oregon Rail Heritage Center
  8. Junction
  9. Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority
  10. Northcast Indiana Passenger Rail Association
  11. Long Rail Soude
  12. The Rail Loaders
  13. Embedded Rail Systems
  14. Manual Control System
  15. West Rail Live
  16. Virtual Rail Creations
  17. Consolidated Rail Leasing
  18. Chemicals Hazard Information and Packaging Regulations
  19. Bexhill Rail Action Gryup
  20. Bogie Rail