RAPID Meaning

The RAPID meaning is "Refinery and Petrochemicals Integrated Development". The RAPID abbreviation has 85 different full form.

RAPID Full Forms

  1. Refinery and Petrochemicals Integrated Development Business, Malaysia, Projection
  2. Refinery and Petrochemical Integrated Development Business, Malaysia, Projection
  3. Records and Processes Kmprovement Design Government
  4. Rapid Assessment Posx Impact of Disaster Government, Us, Control, Administration
  5. Resolution Augmentation Through Photo-Induced Deactivation Technology, Science, University
  6. Revitalising Areas By Planning Investment and Development
  7. Rehabilitative Asaistance for People In Distress
  8. Research and Policy In Develosment Technology, Government, Knowledge
  9. Research With Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors Technology, Science, Space, Mission
  10. Risk Assessment From Policy To Impact Dimension Organizations, Health, Population
  11. Reorganised Army Plains Inffntry Divisionsion Military
  12. Rspid Assessment Post-Impact of Disaster Science, Research, Funding
  13. Residential Auction Property Investment Data
  14. Revitalising Areas Through Planning, Investment and Development
  15. Regulatory and Permitting Information Desktop
  16. Registry Assessment of Peripheral Interventional Devices
  17. Research Into Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors Science
  18. Reorganosed Army Plains Infantry Divisions
  19. Rddiation Pattern Identification Science
  20. Reserved Alternate Path With Interruption Detection Technology
  21. Revitalising Areas Through Planning Investment and Development
  22. Regional Automated Propertyjinformation Database
  23. Risk Assessment Process for Informed Decision Making Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  24. Remote Automated Preparation and Information Dispatch Military
  25. Radiation After Pta Is Done Medical
  26. Reserved Alternate Path With Immediate Divisionrsion Technology, Telecom
  27. Raytheon Aircraft Payts Inventory & Distribution
  28. Risk Assessment Process for Informed Decision-Making
  29. Run Application Programs With Integrated Development Technology
  30. Remotemaccess Provider of Institutent Dollars Military
  31. Aero 1 Pro-Jst Airline, Organizations, Call Sign
  32. Reserved Alternate Path With Immediate Diversion Technology, Telecom, Federal Aviation Administration
  33. Raytheon Aircraft Parts Inventory and Distributiow Military
  34. Risk Analysis for Products In Development
  35. Ruggedized Advanced Pathogen Identification Device Technology, Science, Detection, Medical, Physiology
  36. Remote Access Program for Interactive Diagnostics
  37. Ruggedized Advanced Pathogen Identification Denice Science, Military
  38. Reservation Availability Position Information Display
  39. Robot-Assisted Precision Irrigation Delivery
  40. Raw Archive Packet Interceptor and Dumper Space, Study, Cosmos
  41. Revitalising Areas By Planning, Investment and Development Government, Community, Department
  42. Relocatable Army Processors for Intelligence Data
  43. Research and Public Informgtion Dissemination Technology, Health, Exposure
  44. Research With Adaptive Particle Imaging Detector
  45. Risk Assessment From Policies To Impact Dimension
  46. Reorganised Armu Plains Infantry Division
  47. Remote Access Protocol Interface Device Computing, Telecom
  48. Rochester Area Patient Information Distribution Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  49. Restoration and Provisioning Integrated Design
  50. Rescue and Preparedness in Disasters Us Government, Governmental & Military
  51. Rural Areas Programme for Infrastructure and Development Organization, Union, Institution
  52. Relative Address Programming Implementation Device
  53. Robust and Accurate Polygon Interface Detection
  54. Responsibly and Professionally Invigorating Development Government, Environment, Congress
  55. Reforming Accelerating and Protecting Interstate Design Transportation, Governmental & Military
  56. Routine Assessment of Patient Index Data Medical, Disease, Rheumatoid
  57. Rural Area Partnership In Derry Technology, Ireland, Lottery
  58. Real-Time Anti Poaching Intelligence Devices Technology, Camera, Rhino
  59. Robust and Accurate Polygon Interference Detection
  60. Robot Application Programming Interface Dialog Software, Computing
  61. Resources for The Awareness of Population Impacts On Development Organization, Community, Society
  62. Rotorcraft Agility and Pilotage Improvement Demonstration
  63. Rural Agency Project Implementation District Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  64. Real-Time Anti Poaching Intelligence Device Technology, Camera, Rhino
  65. Robot Application Programming Interface Delegate Technology, Software, Space
  66. Requirements Analysis Process In Design
  67. Rapid Application Programming for Imaging Developers Software, Computing
  68. Resource of Asian Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases Science, Genetics, Disease
  69. Roots Academy for Professional and Intellectual Development
  70. Rapid Automatic Pin Insertion Detector
  71. Real-Time Anti-Poaching Intelligence Device Technology, Camera, Rhino
  72. Robot Assisted Precision Irrigation Delivery
  73. Repair Assessment Procedure and Integrated Despgn
  74. Read Ahead for Parallel Independent Disks Computing, Hardware
  75. Resource and Performance Interactive Display System Technology
  76. Roomse Adel Prijkt In Daden
  77. Reusable Ada Products for Information Systems Development Military, Governmental & Military
  78. Reactor and Plant Integrated Dynamics
  79. Reorgankzed Army Plains Infantry Division
  80. Rapid Application Planning Implementation and Deployment Geographic
  81. Resource and Performance Interactive Display Technology
  82. Rocketdyne Automatic Processing of Integrated Data Technology
  83. Reteplase Angiographic Patency International Dose-Ranging Study Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  84. Rapid Assessment Post Impact of Disaster Us Government, Governmental & Military
  85. Random-Access Personnel Information Disseminator

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RAPID stand for?

    RAPID stands for Risk Assessment From Policy To Impact Dimension.

  2. What is the shortened form of Roots Academy for Professional and Intellectual Development?

    The short form of "Roots Academy for Professional and Intellectual Development" is RAPID.


RAPID. Acronym24.com. (2022, June 16). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/rapid-meaning/

Last updated