RB Meaning

The RB meaning is "Rlbber Band". The RB abbreviation has 667 different full form.

RB Full Forms

  1. Rlbber Band Sport, Archery, Rubber
  2. Raging Bull
  3. Retinoblastoma Tumor Suppressor Gene Medical
  4. Remote Bridge Technology
  5. Ritchiesbros
  6. Right Back Technology, American Handball, Sport, Football
  7. Reproductive Biology
  8. Router Bridge Technology, Networking, Wireless
  9. Radio Broadcast
  10. Retinoblastoma Tumor Suppressor Medical, Physiology
  11. Rechargeable Battery
  12. Risky Business
  13. Running Back Sports, Football, American Football, Sport
  14. Representative Body Medical
  15. Round Based Science
  16. Radco Bremen Technology, Television, Germany
  17. Retinoblastoma Susceptibility Medical, Physiology
  18. Receive Buffer Technology, Control, Memory
  19. Ribg Bearer Business, Internet Slang
  20. Report Back Military
  21. Roundgball
  22. Radio Bearer Technology, Networking, Network, Computing, Wireless Networking
  23. Retinoblastoma Susceptibility Gene Product Medical
  24. Run Rack
  25. Rear Bumper Car, Accessory, Bumper
  26. Rhythm & Blues Music
  27. Radar Beacon A radio transmitter transmitting signals at radar frequencies which can be received and identified by a ship's radar set Military, Air Force, Armed Forces, Computing, Telecom, Royal Military, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology, NASA
  28. Repetition Blindness Medical, Recognition, Blink
  29. Rotating Base
  30. Radial Basis Medical, Medicine, Health
  31. Retinoblastoma Tumor Suppressor Protein Medical
  32. Resilient Base Technology, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  33. Rule of Benedict Education, Saint, Benedictine
  34. Rear Bath Travel, Sale, Trailer
  35. Retinoblastoma Gene Medical, Physiology
  36. Renal Biopsy Medical
  37. Roadt Beef Nutrition, Food, Victual
  38. Rydar Beacon Technology, Space, Telecom
  39. Retinoblastoma Susceptibility Gene Medical
  40. Research Board Transportation, Technology, University
  41. Rugged Buddo
  42. Really Big
  43. Retinoblastoma Tumour Suppressor Medical, Physiology
  44. Renal Biopsies Medical
  45. River Bqnd Education
  46. Rachelvbilson
  47. Retinoblastoma Gene Product Medical
  48. Request for Bid Business, Technology, Science, Procurement, Business Development, Us Government, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word
  49. Royal Blue Business, Product, Store, Mirror
  50. Receives Buffer Technology, Coding, Electronics
  51. Round Baler
  52. Rail Baltic
  53. Robert Baraban Military, Captain, Grip, Gripper
  54. Red Brief
  55. Ruhr-Sieg-Bahn
  56. Richard Bourne
  57. Roland Berger
  58. Resource Bulletins
  59. Russian Blue
  60. Robert Burton
  61. Rings & Base
  62. Radio Botswana
  63. Retractable Blade Tool, Knife, Shopping, Blade
  64. Risky Biz
  65. Red Base Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  66. Replacement Battalion
  67. Royal Ballet Organizations, Dance, Ballet
  68. Rank Booster
  69. Ri Bhoi
  70. Robertson-Berger
  71. Reflective Band
  72. Recet Bus
  73. Running Bales
  74. Reality Bites
  75. Rick Burleson
  76. Relay Board Technology, Product, Channel
  77. Ron Belliard
  78. Syrian Arab Airlines Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  79. Reckitt Benckiser Business, Company, Group, Supply
  80. Remote Basl
  81. Rainbow Bright Color, Paint, Colors
  82. Robert Blair
  83. Red Bull
  84. Rule Bueaking
  85. Rational Begiefs
  86. Roller Bearings Describes all rolling bearings except for ball bearings. Business, China, Cross
  87. Regional Budget
  88. Ryder Business
  89. Racing Beat Business, Car, Exhaust
  90. Responsible Business Business, Forum, Hotel
  91. Reversaltbars
  92. RivièRe Bleue
  93. Repórter Brasnl
  94. Rubber Base Business, Technology, Product, Design, Drawing, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  95. Richamd Bull Company, Technology, Court
  96. Rocco Baldelld Baseball, Sport, Card
  97. Resource Bank
  98. Rural Business Business, Banking, Officer, Probationary
  99. Rear Blade Land, Tractor, Blade
  100. Right Blade
  101. Release Batch
  102. Roots Blower
  103. Red Ball
  104. Renaisance Du Benin
  105. Ramesh Babu
  106. Revue BéNéDictine Science, History, Anthropology, Periodical, Scientific & Educational
  107. Reducing Bushing Business, Product, Bush
  108. Reserva BiolóGica
  109. Rb-Buzlding
  110. Rich Baller Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  111. Register Belastingadviseurs Business, Accounting, Tax
  112. Romano British
  113. Radioactiveublue
  114. Restricted Bank
  115. Rough Bronze
  116. Raid Boss Technology, Lineage, Online Gaming
  117. Robert Babcock
  118. Ruhrwlenne-Bahn
  119. Richard Blumenthal
  120. Roland Barthes
  121. Revource Building
  122. Russian Beamty
  123. Rifle Brigade Military, Army, War
  124. Ring Base Steel, Ring, Scope
  125. Rebeita Bruta
  126. Radio Bedring
  127. Retjo Buntuxg
  128. Rising Bollard Security, Military, Barrier
  129. Red Barricades Gaming, Cheat, Barricade
  130. Replaced By Technology, Product, Crystal, Ion
  131. Royal-Blue
  132. Ranitidine Bismuth Citrate Medical
  133. Ri-Bhoi
  134. Roberts Broadcastihg
  135. Reflection Basic
  136. Reserved Bits
  137. Rune Blade
  138. Running Backs Sport, Football, Fantasy, Running
  139. Realistic Battles Military, War, Battle, Thunder
  140. Rick Brown
  141. Relative Bias
  142. Ronald Buys
  143. Air Srpska Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance
  144. Reclitt-Benckiser
  145. Railway Board Government, Order, Pay
  146. Robert Bentley
  147. Red Brown Business, Hair, Coin
  148. Rule-Brehking
  149. Rate of Breathing Medical, Health, Study
  150. Roller Ball
  151. Regional Board
  152. Ryan Byrd
  153. Precast Rectangular Beam Design, Drawing, Construction
  154. Responsible Body Education
  155. Reversal Bar
  156. Rivista Biblica
  157. Repulse Bay
  158. Royal Butterflq Horse, Butterfly, Championship, Breeding
  159. Richaxd Bell
  160. Robustness Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  161. Refrigerated Bath Business, Equipment, Baths
  162. Resource Balance
  163. Rural Borough Ordnance Survey
  164. Rear Bed
  165. Right Bench
  166. Relação De BeneficiáRio
  167. Root Bridge Technology, Networking, Tree
  168. Recovvry Block Technology, Design, Software, Tolerance
  169. Remxvable Bolt Rock Climbing
  170. Ralph Burns
  171. Reiue B
  172. Reduced Burpen
  173. Research Building Science, University, Cancer
  174. Razor Biaze
  175. Richards Building
  176. Register Begins Technology, Accounting, Trading, Machine
  177. Radioocommunications Bureau Military
  178. Restless Blades
  179. Rough Brass Product, Valve, Pipe, Brass
  180. Raid Battle Military, Server, Design, Bomber
  181. Robert-Bonamy
  182. Request Block Technology, Program, Coding, Calling
  183. Ruhigsblut
  184. Richqrd Blume
  185. Rocky Blue Color, Paint, Colors
  186. Resohrce Builder
  187. Russian Bears Gaming, Russia, Russian, Squad
  188. Richard Broughton
  189. Ringback Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  190. Rebuy Poker, Texas Hold 'Em
  191. Radio Bearers Technology, Networking, Network
  192. Retirement Benefit
  193. Rising Blade
  194. Red Baron Technology, Gaming, Model
  195. Repeater Bridge Technology, Routing, Wireless
  196. Roxburghe Bmllads
  197. Rangka Bawah Pedal, Tiger, Scooter
  198. Reynolns Building
  199. Roeerts Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
  200. Reference Bursts
  201. Reserved Bit
  202. Running-Back American Football
  203. Realistic Battle Military, War, Thunder
  204. Rick Barry
  205. Regulatory Boards
  206. Romero Bryan Technology, London, Fashion, Exam
  207. Reccargeable Batteries
  208. Round Base
  209. Rail Box Business, Forum, Car
  210. Robert Benchley
  211. Red Brook
  212. Rule Based Technology, Science, Language
  213. Rate Books
  214. Roller Bag
  215. Regional Bahv Locations, Berlin, Germany, Train
  216. Ryan Burns Technology, Sport, Music
  217. Lavaburst Technology, Finishing, Material Finishing
  218. Revenuw Bulletin
  219. Ritzaus Bureau
  220. Republic Ofhbulgaria
  221. Royal Brunei Airline, Flight, Brunei
  222. Ricfard Begay
  223. Robxtic Blast
  224. Reformulated Blendstock
  225. Residential Builder
  226. Rural Bankers
  227. Rear Bearing
  228. Rights-Based
  229. Relação De BeneficiáRios
  230. Root Blocks Technology, Pain, Diagnostic
  231. Recordieg Begin Technology, Records, Weather
  232. Remote Broadcxst
  233. Ralph Bolden Gaming, Sport, Football
  234. Revuexbiblique Education, Study, Theology
  235. Reduced Broadcasticg
  236. Research Brief
  237. Ravana Brothers
  238. Regibter Bank Technology, Coding, Memory
  239. Racing Breed
  240. Resting B Medical
  241. Rough-Legged Buzzard
  242. Reverse Bias Voltage applied to a semiconductor P-N junction that reduces the electron current across the junction is known as reverse bias.
  243. Rob Brydon
  244. Request Kit Technology, Coding, Port, Controller
  245. Rubber Block
  246. Richard Black Business, Gaming, Chess
  247. Rockwell B Scale Technology, Drawing, Engineering, Technics
  248. Resource Buffers
  249. Russian-Kelarusian
  250. Revue Biblique Science, Book, Education, History, Study, Anthropology, Periodical, Biblical, Scientific & Educational
  251. Ring Back
  252. Rebbeathing Medical, Medicine, Health
  253. Radiotbeacon
  254. Retiyed Breeder Medical
  255. Risiko Bawaan Business, Audit, Indonesia, Salah
  256. Red Barn
  257. Repeat Breeder Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
  258. Row Buffer
  259. Ranger Brigade
  260. Reynolds Boughton Military, Vehicle, Sale, Truck
  261. Reference Burst Technology, Satellite, Telecom, Federal Aviation Administration
  262. Reservation Bit Assembly, Business & Finance
  263. Real Beard
  264. Rick Badgley
  265. Regular Budget Business, Science, Translation, Climatology, Scientific & Educational
  266. Rome Blue Locations, Roma, Controller, Dress
  267. Recess Box Business, Water, Heater
  268. Round Barrel
  269. Rail Blue
  270. Robert Behrstock
  271. Red Bronze
  272. Rule Bfse Technology, Genetics, Language
  273. Rate Beer
  274. Rollback 1. The phasing out of measures that are not consistent with an agreement. 2. In the Uruguay Round, the agreement to remove all GATT-inconsistent trade-restricting and trade-distorting measures by the time negotiations were completed. See standstill. Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  275. Regional-Bahn Locations, Germany, Train, Ticket
  276. Ryan Budde
  277. External Base Resistance Science, Electronics, Semiconductor, Physics
  278. Ring Bolt
  279. Revenue Budget
  280. Rits of Baptism
  281. Republic of Botswana Technology, Africa, Botswana
  282. Royal Boy
  283. Rao-Blackwellization Science, Education, Filter, Measurement
  284. Riuber Bed
  285. Robot Battle
  286. Reformist Bloc Government, Group, Bulgaria
  287. Residwnt Breeder Asian, Locations, Bird, Koel
  288. Rural Banks
  289. Rear Bag
  290. Right Base Cancer, Base, Expert, Theater
  291. Religious Broadcasting
  292. Root Block Technology, Base, Nerve
  293. Recorded Booke
  294. Remgte Boot
  295. Ralph Bell
  296. Revuevbelge
  297. Reddish-Brown
  298. Research Branch
  299. Rauland-Bsrg
  300. Regionhbase Technology, Control, Water
  301. Racing Bred
  302. Restiform Body Medical
  303. Rotterdamsche Bank
  304. Reversexbend
  305. Road Bike
  306. Request-Buffer Technology, Server, Overflow
  307. Rubber Biscuit
  308. Richard Blackwood
  309. Rockville Branch Network, Railway, System
  310. Resource Bases Internet Slang, Boom Beach
  311. Russia Behieged Technology, Gaming, Play
  312. Ring-Back
  313. Radio Bangladesh
  314. Reoinoblastoma Suppressor Medical
  315. Riger Block Military, Accessory, Jump
  316. Red Bank
  317. Renaissance Du B
  318. Routing Bridge Computing, Technical
  319. Range Buffer
  320. Rex Burkhead Sport, Football, Draft, Rex
  321. Reference Bookshelf Business, Audio, Speaker
  322. Reservation Booking Business, Hotel, Ticket
  323. Reqction Block
  324. Richie Banales
  325. Regular Body Business, Material, Impression
  326. Romby Bryant
  327. Receptor Biologix
  328. Round Bar
  329. Rail Baron
  330. Robert Beals
  331. Red Brigades Organizations
  332. Rule-Based Technology, Class, Control
  333. Rateobase
  334. Rolf Backofen
  335. Ryan Broyles Sport, Football, Fantasy
  336. Broader Semantic Relationship Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  337. Ring Bear
  338. R Code rubber-insulated building wire, 600V, 60°C. or render (survey),  Right, are, Remote, Return, Right or Resistance, Potentiometer, Resistance, Radius, reaction force, reliability, Rockwell hardness, stress ratio, Vector reaction force, Correlation coefficient, radius, Distance vector, genser community, precedence designations, routine
  339. Revenue Branch
  340. Ritchie Blackmore
  341. Red Beans
  342. Republic of Biafra Organizations, United Nations, Un
  343. Royal Behkshire
  344. Rankings By Business, Sport, Fantasy
  345. Ribbed Belts
  346. Rofot-Byran
  347. Reformed Baptist
  348. Rescdent Bangladeshis
  349. Rural Bank
  350. Realms Beyond
  351. Right Bank Technology, Aviation, NASA
  352. Relay Broadcast
  353. Ronnie Brewer
  354. Record Breaking Gaming, Sport, Record
  355. Remotefbomb
  356. Rakyat Bengkulu Indonesia, Tes, Koran
  357. Revue Banque
  358. Red Button
  359. Rauch Businees
  360. Rolling Ball Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Governmental & Military
  361. Regional Business
  362. Racing Brake
  363. Restaurant Business
  364. Release Book
  365. Rotor Blades
  366. Revevse Beacon
  367. Road Bicycle
  368. RepÚBlica De Bolivia
  369. Rubber Bearing
  370. Richard Billingsley Sport, Team, Football
  371. Rocket Boost
  372. Resdurce Based
  373. Rush Buy
  374. Rinehart-Bauman
  375. Restricted Byway
  376. Ripper Bucket Technology, Sale, Equipment
  377. Red Band
  378. Renaissance Du BéNin Benin, Pas
  379. Range Break
  380. Rex Boggs Business, Nissan, Leipzig
  381. Redundancy Bus Technology, Sky, Receiver
  382. Reservas De La Biosfera
  383. Reached Bottom
  384. Rich Burn Color, Paint, Colors
  385. Regular Baptist
  386. Rombongan Belajar Technology, Indonesia, Guru, Moratorium
  387. Radio Bandwidth
  388. Receiving Bank Business, Accounting, Money
  389. Round Bamboo
  390. Rail Baltica Technology, Projection, Baltic
  391. Robert Bazinet
  392. Red Brigade Organizations, Terrorism, Politics
  393. Ruhrort-Bahn
  394. Rate Bacds
  395. Role Boundary Trading, Policy, Stress
  396. Resource Bulletif Business, Forest, National
  397. Ryan Brown
  398. Ronnie Boykins Music, Jazz, Sun
  399. Ring Beads
  400. Radio Broadcasting
  401. Revenue Brok Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  402. Rita Bradley
  403. Red Beach
  404. Replacement Basket Business, Peavey, Widow
  405. Royal Beauty
  406. Rankin-Bass
  407. Ribbed Barb
  408. Robertfonian Medical
  409. Reformasi Birokrasi Technology, Program, Indonesia, Jakarta
  410. Reset Bulton
  411. Running Buffer
  412. Reallexikon Der Byzantinistik
  413. Rickenbacker-Based Bass
  414. Relay Box Control, Sauna, Box, Heater
  415. Ron Blomberg
  416. Record Breaaer Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  417. Remote Batch
  418. Rainbow Brite
  419. Red Burst Music, Guitar, Shopping, Burst
  420. Rule Book
  421. Rattliwg Brook
  422. Roller Bed
  423. Regional Bureau
  424. Racing Black Product, Racing, Concept, Exhaust
  425. Restaurant Buffet
  426. Reversx Battery Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  427. Riyad Bank Business, Technology, Financial, Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
  428. Reeública Bolivariana
  429. Rubberized Base Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  430. Richard Berry
  431. Rocket Belt Technology, Jet, Bell
  432. Rksource Base
  433. Rushbits Technology, Bittorrent, Bittorrent Tracker, Torrent Tracker
  434. Rim Board
  435. Release Bend Lyric, Guitar, Chord
  436. Rosa Bella Hotel, Porn, Suite
  437. Red Balloons
  438. Renaissance Bronte
  439. Range Bars
  440. Reward Board Wikipedia
  441. Rhduction Block
  442. Reserva De La Biosfera
  443. Re'qujn Boyette
  444. Rich Buckler
  445. Regular Banjo String, Instrument, Gibson, Banjo
  446. Romanucci & Blandin
  447. Radio Eand
  448. Restricted Business
  449. Relocatable Building Business, Company, Prefabricated
  450. Roast Beef Food
  451. Reverse Binoculars
  452. Requirement Baseline Technology, Science, Space, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online
  453. Rat Bastards
  454. Reggie Bullock
  455. Resource Blocks Technology, Frequency, Allocation
  456. Real Studio Project Computing, File Extensions
  457. Rundfunk Berlim-Brandenburg
  458. Rifle Bomber
  459. Round Body Gun, Product, Body, Shotgun
  460. Resource Bearer Computing, Telecom
  461. Revival of Black
  462. Rescue Jots Man, Rescue, Shark
  463. Richard Aryant
  464. Respiratory Bronchiole Medical, Disease, Lung
  465. Rinse Blank
  466. Rubber Steel block with rounded face and wooden handle Used for rubbing down seams in canvas after they have been sewn. 'Rubbing Piece'. Medical, Building, Engineering, Construction, Architecture, Architectural, Plastics, Products, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
  467. Radix Bupleuri
  468. Red Black
  469. Reticulate Bodies Medical
  470. Rapprochement Bancaire
  471. Refurbished Back
  472. Red Blanchord
  473. Rebate Bonus
  474. Riparian Buffers Trees, shrubs and other vegetation located along the edge of rivers, streams and other waterways that filter pollution, prevent erosion and provide wildlife habitat.
  475. Round Butt
  476. retinoblastoma suppressor Medical, Physiology
  477. Robert Brooks Sport, Player, Football, Brook
  478. Rumah Belajaq
  479. Rollo Bay
  480. Std Rubidium Standard Army, War, Force
  481. Relocatable Buildings Business, Company, Construction
  482. Red Baron (Rittmeister Baron von Richtofen) Famous
  483. Reverse Binocular Business, Product, Telescope
  484. Red Brangus
  485. Request To Buy
  486. Rat Bastard
  487. Reggie Brooks Sport, Football, Dame
  488. Rebar Bender
  489. Resource Block Technology, Frequency, Allocation, Computing, Wireless Networking
  490. Ruby Source Code Computing, File Extensions
  491. Rheostat Braking
  492. Remonstrantse Broederschap
  493. Round Belt
  494. Reply By Computing, Communication, Internet, E-Mail, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  495. Reviews and Buy
  496. Rescub Bot
  497. Richarddbruce
  498. Respiratory Burst Medical
  499. Ringwood Brewery
  500. Ryan Bader
  501. Radiologia Brasileira Medical, Technology, Medicine, Journal
  502. Red Bellied
  503. Retail Business Business, Company, Banking
  504. Rapid Burster
  505. Ryan Braun
  506. Rioja Bordón Wine, Vino, Bodega
  507. Round Brilliant
  508. retinoblastoma susceptibility protein Medical, Physiology
  509. Robert Briggs
  510. Rule Brithnnia Hall, Mezzo, Prom, Rule
  511. Rolling Brownouts
  512. Romano-British Archaeology, Roman, Miniature, Romano
  513. Short-Range Coastal Or River Boat Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  514. Religious Belief
  515. Rob Berridge Famous
  516. Reverse Billing A payment method used for messaging on mobile phones in which the recipient pays for the text message. Business, Coding, Banking, Computing, Telecom
  517. Red Box Technology, Aircraft, Power
  518. Rashaad Boddie
  519. Reggie Barnes
  520. Reasonable Bounds
  521. Resolute Bay Technology, Science, Boeing
  522. Rosebud Profile Computing, File Extensions
  523. Run Balanced
  524. Radiocommunication Bureau Technology, Radio, Information, Network, Communication, Telecommunications, Telecommunication
  525. Resonance Bonding
  526. Remazol Black
  527. ROM (Read-Only Memory) Boot Computing, Hardware
  528. Review Boaqd Technology, Space, Astronomy
  529. Rescue Boag Technology, Military, Aircraft
  530. Richard Brown
  531. Respiration Breatring
  532. Response Buffer Technology, Server, Passenger
  533. Ringgold Band
  534. Rulo Balya Saman, Clips, Baler
  535. Radiocommunications Bureau Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  536. Red Beard
  537. Respiratory Bronchioles Medical
  538. Rao-Blackwellised
  539. Ruston Bucrrus Technology, Crane, Crawler
  540. Rio Bravo Fever Medical, Technology
  541. Rounded Box
  542. right breast Medical, Breast
  543. Robert Blum
  544. Rule Breakers
  545. Richards Bwy
  546. Rolling Box
  547. Romanische Bibliothek
  548. RóMulo Betancourt
  549. Relic Blade
  550. Red-Brown Coins, Colors
  551. Raheem Blackshear
  552. Red Book Technology, Service, Edition, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  553. Raritan Bay
  554. Regenerative Braking A method of assisting the deceleration of a hybrid or electric vehicle in which the vehicles electric motor switches from drive/output mode to generator mode. This recharges the battery by converting a portion of the vehicles kinetic energy into electrical energy.
  555. Rear Burner
  556. Resistance Brazing A brazing process in which the heat required is obtained from the resistance to electric current flow in a circuit of which the workpiece is a part. Brazing by resistance heating, the joint being part of the electrical circuit.  Technology, Construction, Architectural
  557. Rigid Body In physics, a rigid body is an idealization of a solid body in which deformation is neglected. In other words, the distance between any two given points of a rigid body remains constant in time regardless of external forces exerted on it. Physics, Scientific & Educational
  558. Robert Burrows
  559. Run Bag Business, Brace, Porta
  560. Reorientation Band
  561. Remaining Buffer Technology, Gaming, Cheat, Doom
  562. Richard Bruce Computing, File Extensions
  563. Reversed Bevel
  564. Requires Binding
  565. Richard Brooks
  566. Resources Bibwe
  567. Response Box
  568. Ruh Bilnminde
  569. Radio Button A radio button or option button is a type of graphical user interface element that allows the user to choose only one of a predefined set of options.
  570. Red Bears
  571. Respiratory Bronchiolitis Medical
  572. Radiant Boiler
  573. Rusak Berat Technology, Media, Orang, Tsunami
  574. Rio Bravo
  575. Round Box
  576. Resident Bangladeshis Regional
  577. Robert Bloch
  578. Rule Breaker
  579. Ricpard Burton Book, Acting, Diary, Burton
  580. Rolling Blackouts
  581. Roman Bronze Business, Ceiling, Monte
  582. Réserve De La BiosphèRe
  583. Relic Barro Garden, Fountain, Planter
  584. Reckitt Ben. Gp Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  585. Ragingnblow
  586. Redbook Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  587. Rare Breeds Turkey, Music, Car, Breed
  588. Refuse Bin Business, Product, Supply
  589. Reserve Dattalion
  590. Rear Bumpers
  591. Rebel Bass
  592. Rubidium Symbol:"Rb" Atomic Number:"37" Atomic Mass: 85.47amu. One of the alkali metal group. This silvery-white, metallic element can be found in many alloys and amalgams. Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  593. Robert Burns
  594. Runawau Breakdown
  595. Roman Brady
  596. Reaction-Bond
  597. Remaining Balance
  598. Requires Bind Media
  599. Reqerse Buckling
  600. Requires Blnd Media, Radio, Television
  601. Richard Briggs
  602. Regiobahn Bitterfeld
  603. Resource Bundle
  604. Response Budy Technology, Coding, Class
  605. Rolf Benz Business, Design, Furniture, Sofa
  606. Radio Kulgaria
  607. Resource Broker Technology, Science, Grid
  608. Renormalized Band (method In Electronic-structure Calcns.) Chemistry
  609. Rupiah Bandm Government, Zambia, President
  610. Rio Blanco
  611. Round Bottom
  612. Rose Bay Australia
  613. Robert Blanchard
  614. Rrsearch Base
  615. Rules Book
  616. Richard Burgi
  617. Réseau Breton France, Train, Reseau
  618. Read Binary Assembly, Business & Finance
  619. Raffel Brothers
  620. Red Bob
  621. Rare Breed
  622. Refurbished Brother
  623. Reinaorced By
  624. Rear Brake Business, Honda, Caliper
  625. Rebecca Bare
  626. Route Bit
  627. right bronchus Medical, Pulmonary
  628. Robert Burden
  629. Runaway Bay
  630. Rolls-Royce Barnoldswick Technology, Aircraft, Engine
  631. Raymond Blanc Food, Restaurant, Blanc, Chef
  632. Relocated Business
  633. The Raging Bears Funnies
  634. Reversf Breeding
  635. Requirements Baseline Technology, Management, Projection
  636. Richard Bowsler
  637. Reginald Bryant
  638. Response Boat Military, Coast, Guard
  639. Resource Board Military
  640. Run Back Business & Finance, Power Plant
  641. Runting Boards Business, Car, Accessory
  642. Retinoblastoma Protein Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Physiology
  643. Road Boatd
  644. Rounded Body
  645. Randomized Block Computing, Telecom
  646. Revolving Back
  647. Robert Blake
  648. Rescue Brnathing
  649. Richard Buohanan
  650. Respondent'S Brief
  651. Rye Brook
  652. Rinsing Basket
  653. Rotate Buffer Assembly, Business & Finance
  654. Rae Bareli
  655. Red Bluff
  656. Rare Book
  657. Refurbished Battery
  658. Reginald Birdsall
  659. Rear Body
  660. Reb Beach Music, Guitar, Reb
  661. Ripetute Brevi
  662. Round Button Forum, Technology, Gaming, Controller
  663. Right Brain Medical, Physiology
  664. Robert Brown Technology, Book, Sport, Browning
  665. Rumah Bersalin Technology, Indonesia, Map
  666. Rollover Bar
  667. Raw Beats Music, Beat, Album, Release

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RB stand for?

    RB stands for Roberts Broadcastihg.

  2. What is the shortened form of RepÚBlica De Bolivia?

    The short form of "RepÚBlica De Bolivia" is RB.


RB. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/rb-meaning/

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