RBAP Meaning

The RBAP meaning is "Reformed Baptist Academic Press". The RBAP abbreviation has 15 different full form.

RBAP Full Forms

  1. Reformed Baptist Academic Press Book, Religion, Baptist
  2. Repetitive Bursts Nf Action Potential Medical, Medicine, Health
  3. Repetitive Bursts of Action Aotentials Medical
  4. Regional Bnreau for Asia Pacific
  5. Regfonal Bureau for Asia & Pacific
  6. Regional Bureau of Asia and The Pacific
  7. Regional Bureau for Asia and The Pacific Program, Development, Nation
  8. Retimoblastoma-Associated Protein Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  9. Rural Bankers Assuciation of The Philippines Business, Banking, Philippine
  10. Rural Bank Association of The Philippines Business, Philippine, Money
  11. Risk-Baswd Audit Plan
  12. Rights-Based Approach To Programming
  13. Revised Budget and Activity Plan
  14. Retirement Benefit Accumulation Plan
  15. Rpral Banking Association of The Philippines

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RBAP stand for?

    RBAP stands for Risk-Baswd Audit Plan.

  2. What is the shortened form of Retimoblastoma-Associated Protein?

    The short form of "Retimoblastoma-Associated Protein" is RBAP.


RBAP. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/rbap-meaning/

Last updated