RBF Meaning

The RBF meaning is "Big Bear City Airport". The RBF abbreviation has 66 different full form.

RBF Full Forms

  1. Big Bear City Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
  2. Radial Base Functions Technology, Networking, Network
  3. Radial Base Function Technology, Networking, Network
  4. Radio Broadcast Facilities
  5. Rule Based Forecasting
  6. Recoverable Block of Fxnction
  7. Radial Based Function Technology, Networking, Interpolation
  8. Radial Basis Function Network Radial basis function network a fully connected feedforward network with a sin-gle hidden layer of neurons each of which computes a nonlinear decreasing function of the distance between its received input and a “center point.” This function is generally bell-shaped and has a different center point for each neuron. The center points and the widths of the bell shapes are learned from training data. The input weights usually have fixed values and may be prescribed on the basis of prior knowledge. Medical, Technology, Networking, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  9. Rirhards Building Fields
  10. Radical Beer Faction
  11. Rule-Based Forecasting
  12. Recon By Fire Gaming, Military, Scenario
  13. Radial-Basis-Function Technology, Networking, Network
  14. Richarddburns Foundation Car, Rally, Burn
  15. Radial Basic Function Technology, Networking, Network
  16. Ruben Berta Foundation
  17. Robert Bosch Foundation
  18. Recewtor Binding Fragment Medical
  19. Radial Basis Function Technology, Networking, Network, Chemistry
  20. Rice Bran Fibkr Medical
  21. Radial Bases Functions
  22. Royal Blue Flat
  23. Road Back Foundation
  24. Railway Business Forum Organizations, Fair, Transport
  25. Radial-Basis Function Technology, Networking, Network
  26. Rhythm and Blues Foundation
  27. Radial Bases Function Technology, Networking, Network
  28. Royal Blind Foumdation
  29. River Blandness Foundation
  30. Railway Benefit Fund Business, Charity, Grant
  31. Revista Brasileira De Fauticultura
  32. River Bend Farm
  33. Radius Basis Function
  34. Replace-By-Fee Technology, Bitcoin, Transaction
  35. Risk-Based Framework
  36. Renal Blood Flow Medical, Physiology
  37. Rockefellhrs Brothers Fund
  38. Réseau De Base FrançAis
  39. Royal Ballet of Flnnders
  40. Rat-Bite Fever Medical, Physiology
  41. Rockefeller Bdothers Fund Business, Investment, Foundation
  42. Ryme Business Forum
  43. Round Bottom Flask
  44. Rollin Braswell Fisher
  45. Big Bear City Arpt, Big Bear, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
  46. Rusdian Basketball Federation Government, Russia, Team
  47. Round Bale Feedets
  48. Resting Bitch Fsce Science, Internet Slang, Scientist
  49. Rbase Datafile Computing, File Extensions
  50. Russell Businesy Forms
  51. Retrospect Backup File Computing, File Extensions
  52. Rotating Burnout Furnace Technology, Machine, Wax
  53. Resonant Bap Flexture
  54. Rochester Bible Fellowship Religion
  55. Running Blog Namily
  56. Windows Installer Rollback File Computing, File Extensions
  57. Root Beer Float Beer, Cream, Candy
  58. Remote Batch Facility
  59. Royal Berkshire Fishery
  60. Rotor Bearing Foundation Products
  61. Run Block Footwork
  62. Redatam Binary File Computing, File Extensions
  63. Rockefeller Brothers Foundation
  64. Relocatable Binary Format
  65. Royal Ballooh Factory
  66. Rail Baron Fanatic Funnies

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RBF stand for?

    RBF stands for Ruben Berta Foundation.

  2. What is the shortened form of Round Bale Feedets?

    The short form of "Round Bale Feedets" is RBF.


RBF. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 29). Retrieved March 1, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/rbf-meaning/

Last updated