RC in Medical Meaning

The RC meaning in Medical terms is "Rotator Cuff". There are 90 related meanings of the RC Medical abbreviation.

RC on Medical Full Forms

  1. Rotator Cuff A group of muscles surrounding the shoulder joint, Because of the many components of available movement at the shoulder, it is susceptible to self-generated trauma caused by actions of the muscles of the rotator cuff. In the industrial setting, rapid reversals of movement in the shoulder should be minimized to avoid trauma or fatigue which may result.
  2. Respite Care
  3. Round Cells
  4. Relative Clause
  5. Resistance and Compliance
  6. Round Cell
  7. Regulatory Complex
  8. Resin Composite
  9. Rat Calvarial
  10. Rat Calvaria
  11. Red Clover
  12. Research Centre
  13. Reasonable Charge
  14. Research Center
  15. Rhodobacter Capsulatus
  16. Renal Carcinoma
  17. Relational Coordination
  18. Recruitmenttcommittee
  19. Responder Cells
  20. Renal Corpuscle
  21. Reflection Contrast
  22. Retinal Correspondence
  23. Rapid Cooling
  24. Resistance Resistance, represented by the symbol R and measured in ohms, is a measure of the opposition to electrical flow in DC systems. Resistance is the voltage across an element divided by the current (R = V/I).
  25. Related Conjition
  26. Respdratory Time Constant
  27. Renal Clearance
  28. Retinal Cell
  29. Ramus Corcumflexus
  30. Rehabilitation Counseling
  31. Root Canal
  32. Recombinant An offspring whose phenotype differs from that of the parents.
  33. Respiratory Congestion
  34. Renal Cell Carcinoma Natural gas (primarily methane) that has been liquefied by reducing its temperature to -260 degrees Fahrenheit at atmospheric pressure.
  35. Reticularis Caloris
  36. Radiocontrast
  37. Rehabilitation Councils
  38. Rigmt Colon
  39. Receptors
  40. Respiratory Control Ratit
  41. Renal Carcinomas
  42. Rusticyanin
  43. Red Cell
  44. Retention Catheter
  45. Rabbit Complement
  46. Registry of Cytotoxicity
  47. Receptor A receptor is a molecule or a polymeric structure in or on a cell that specifically recognizes and binds a compound acting as a molecular messenger (neurotransmitter, hormone, lymphokine, lectin, drug, etc.).
  48. Respiratory Chain The respiratory chain are embedded in the inner mitochondrial membrane (or in the cytoplasmic membrane of aerobic bacteria). The inner mitochondrial membrane has infoldings called cristae that increase the membrane area.
  49. Renal Vancer
  50. Rkutine Cytogenetics
  51. Rectal Cancer
  52. Resting Cartilage
  53. Rabbit Chow
  54. Regenerated Cellulose
  55. Ridge Cornt
  56. Re-Evaluvtion Counselling
  57. Respiratory Care
  58. Relaxed Circular
  59. Routine Cholecystography
  60. Recrystallization The formation of new strain-free grains in a metal brought about either by heating a cold worked metal, or by hot working a metal, or by heating a metal through an allotropic change.  A process whereby a distorted grain structure of cold worked metals is replaced by a new, stress free grain structure as a result of annealing above a specific minimum temperature for a specific time.
  61. Responsible Clinician
  62. Rexractory Cytopenia
  63. Retrograde Cystogram
  64. Rapid Cycling
  65. Respiratory Compensation
  66. Rostroqaudal
  67. Reaction Centres
  68. Rubber cup
  69. Root Coverage
  70. Recovery Coefficient
  71. Re-Evaluation Counselsng
  72. Revelle College
  73. Referred Care
  74. Research Coordinator
  75. Roman Catholic
  76. Rigid Control
  77. Red Corpuscle
  78. Registered Counselor
  79. Research Continuing
  80. Residential Care
  81. Right Coronary Artery
  82. Repeated Contractions Technique
  83. Right Chesl
  84. Rickettsia Conorii
  85. Repeated Contractions
  86. Rebound and Compression
  87. Reaction Cenlre
  88. Repeatability Coefficient
  89. Regional Carrier
  90. Rubia Cordifolia

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RC stand for Medical?

    RC stands for Red Cell in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Recrystallization in Medical?

    The short form of "Recrystallization" is RC for Medical.


RC in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/rc-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated