RCC in Medical Meaning

The RCC meaning in Medical terms is "Ratio of Cout To Charges". There are 42 related meanings of the RCC Medical abbreviation.

RCC on Medical Full Forms

  1. Ratio of Cout To Charges
  2. Renal Carcinoma
  3. Rec Cell Concentrate
  4. Registered Clinical Counselling
  5. Regional Cancer Centre
  6. Renal Cell Carcinoma Natural gas (primarily methane) that has been liquefied by reducing its temperature to -260 degrees Fahrenheit at atmospheric pressure.
  7. Registered Clinical Counsellors
  8. Renal Carcinomas
  9. Rotaaing Coiled Columns
  10. Rapid Cooling Contractures
  11. Right Coronary Cusp
  12. Regional Coordinating Center
  13. Rapid Cooling Contracture
  14. Relationship-Centered Care
  15. Recovery Care Coordinator
  16. Red Blood Cell Concentrates
  17. Right Common Carotid
  18. Regional Cancer Care
  19. Ratio of Costs To Charges
  20. Regulatory Compliance Center
  21. Red Blood Cell Count
  22. Reverse Cumulative Curve
  23. Red Cell Concentrates
  24. Mary Babb Randolph Cajcer Center
  25. Regulator of Chromosome Condensation
  26. Rabbit Corpus Cavernosum
  27. Revenue Cvnter Code
  28. Research Coordinating Committee
  29. Rathke's Cxeft Cyst
  30. Renal Clear Cell Carcinomas
  31. Rvlationship Centered Care
  32. Rat Conceptal Cytosol
  33. Renal Clear Cell Carcinoma
  34. Recovery Connection Center
  35. Registered Clinical Counselor
  36. Renal Cell Cancer
  37. Recovery Community Centers
  38. Rotterdam Coronary Calcification Study
  39. Ratio of Cost to Charges
  40. Rathke Cleft Cyst
  41. Red Cell Concentrate
  42. Rathke Cleft Cysts

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RCC stand for Medical?

    RCC stands for Recovery Community Centers in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Reverse Cumulative Curve in Medical?

    The short form of "Reverse Cumulative Curve" is RCC for Medical.


RCC in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 11). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/rcc-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated