RCC in Telecom Meaning

The RCC meaning in Telecom terms is "Rescue Coordination Center". There are 7 related meanings of the RCC Telecom abbreviation.

RCC on Telecom Full Forms

  1. Rescue Coordination Center A unit responsible for promoting efficient organization of search and rescue service and for coordinating the conduct of search and rescue operations within a search and rescue region.
  2. Radiocommunications Consultative Council
  3. Radio Common Carrier
  4. Resource Capacity Coefficient
  5. Remote Communication Controller
  6. Regional Commonwealth In The Field of Communications
  7. Rectaneular Chip Carrier

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RCC stand for Telecom?

    RCC stands for Rectaneular Chip Carrier in Telecom terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Remote Communication Controller in Telecom?

    The short form of "Remote Communication Controller" is RCC for Telecom.


RCC in Telecom. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 11). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/rcc-meaning-in-telecom/

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