RCS in Scientific & Educational Meaning

The RCS meaning in Scientific & Educational terms is "Royal College of Surgeons of England". There are 12 related meanings of the RCS Scientific & Educational abbreviation.

RCS on Scientific & Educational Full Forms

  1. Royal College of Surgeons of England The Royal College of Surgeons of England, often referred to simply as the Royal College of Surgeons (RCS), is an independent professional body and registered charity committed to promoting and advancing the highest standards of surgical care for patients, regulating surgery, including dentistry, in England and Wales. The College is located at Lincoln's Inn Fields in London.
  2. Revision Control System
  3. Readiness Control System
  4. Rehoboth Christian School
  5. Reference Climatological Station
  6. Reaction Control System/Subsystem
  7. Reentry Control System
  8. Radar Cross Section For a scattering object or target at a certain range the cross–sectional area of an isotropic scatterer at the same range that would return the same power to a radar as the actual target.
  9. Reaction Control System / Revision Control System
  10. Reflectivity Cross Section
  11. Real Compton Scattering
  12. Reactive Chemical Species

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RCS stand for Scientific & Educational?

    RCS stands for Readiness Control System in Scientific & Educational terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Readiness Control System in Scientific & Educational?

    The short form of "Readiness Control System" is RCS for Scientific & Educational.


RCS in Scientific & Educational. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 15). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/rcs-meaning-in-scientific-educational/

Last updated