RCV Meaning

The RCV meaning is "Release, Control Validation". The RCV abbreviation has 75 different full form.

RCV Full Forms

  1. Release, Control Validation
  2. Reference Change Value Medical, Science, Variation
  3. Receive Business, Technology, Military, Army, Telecom, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering, Amateur radio, Computing, Aerospace, Legal, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Medical, Physiology, NASA
  4. Recent Change and Verify Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  5. Release, Control & Validate
  6. Release Control and Validation
  7. Retiro, CesantíA Y Vejez Business, Para, Con, Individual
  8. Round Covered Vegetable
  9. Real Course Video
  10. R Code rubber-insulated building wire, 600V, 60°C. or render (survey),  Right, are, Remote, Return, Right or Resistance, Potentiometer, Resistance, Radius, reaction force, reliability, Rockwell hardness, stress ratio, Vector reaction force, Correlation coefficient, radius, Distance vector, genser community, precedence designations, routine
  11. Release, Control, & Validation
  12. Retain Corporate Value
  13. Rottweiler Club of Victoria
  14. Reaction Control Valves
  15. Radiation Control Valve Technology
  16. River City Velo
  17. Recorded Cinematographic Variety
  18. Restrictor Check Valve
  19. Rotating Cylinder Valve Technology, Honda, Engine, Products
  20. Rat Coronavirus Medical
  21. Rabbit Calicivirus Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  22. Rist Canyon Vineyards
  23. Re Charge Voucher
  24. Resource Competence View
  25. Rotary Cylinder Valve
  26. Rabbinical Council of Victoria Australia, Government, Jewish, Rabbi
  27. Riot Control Vehicle Military, Water, Manufacturer
  28. Receiver Someone who receives incoming signals and converts them to perceptible forms. A circuit that accepts signals from a transmission medium (which can be wireless or wired) and decodes or translates them into a form that can drive local circuits. In hardware, a functional unit that converts small electronic signals to signals that control a device. Technology, Military, Aviation, Army, War, Architecture, Conveyance, Space, Construction, Architectural, Telecommunications, Morse Code, Electronic Engineering, Morse Aids, Cosmos, Cable Telecommunications, Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Amateur radio, Telecom, Medical, Physiology, NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services, Federal Aviation Administration
  29. Resistance/Capacitance/Voltage Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  30. Route Clearance Vehicles Technology, Group, Vehicle
  31. Rio Como Vamos
  32. Rebound Compression Valve
  33. Release Control Validation
  34. Replacement Cost Value Business, Insurance, Money
  35. Revised Common Version
  36. Route Clearance Vehicle Technology, Military, Army
  37. Rear Collection Vehicle Technology
  38. RèGles De Course à La Voile
  39. Roman Catholic Version Bible, Orang, Dialog
  40. Rank Choice Voting Government, Election, Vote
  41. Refuse Collection Vehicle Transportation, Governmental & Military
  42. Radical, Citoyen Et Vert
  43. River City Vineyard Religion
  44. RáDio De Cabo Verde Para, Radio, Cape
  45. Roll Call Vote Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  46. Ram Control Valve Science
  47. Remotely Controlled Vehicle Military, Governmental & Military
  48. Ryder Cheshire Volunteers
  49. Roll Call Votes
  50. Radio Controlled Vehicles
  51. Recovery Process General, Governmental & Military
  52. Ryder-Cheshire Volunteers
  53. Rock Creek Velo
  54. Radio Club Venezolano Radio, Society, Amateur
  55. ReCharge Voucher Computing, Telecom
  56. Raptor Conservancy of Virginia
  57. Reheat Control Valve Power Plant
  58. Rugby Club Valenciennois
  59. Robotic Command Vehicle Military, Armour, Artillery, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  60. Radio Christian Voice
  61. Research Center of Virology
  62. Release Control & Validation
  63. Rotary Control Valve
  64. Ranked Choice Voting Government, Election, Vote, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  65. Red cell volume Clinical
  66. Royal Cable Vision
  67. Radio Charmes Vosges
  68. Robotic Combat Vehicle
  69. Regie Cassette Video
  70. Release, Control & Validation Business, Management, Service
  71. Rotary Control Valves
  72. Ranked-Choice Voting Government, Election, Vote
  73. Reactor Control Volume Physics, Scientific & Educational
  74. Radio Cadena Voces
  75. Roberts Country Vehicles

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RCV stand for?

    RCV stands for Release Control & Validation.

  2. What is the shortened form of Rotating Cylinder Valve?

    The short form of "Rotating Cylinder Valve" is RCV.


RCV. Acronym24.com. (2021, November 16). Retrieved March 6, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/rcv-meaning/

Last updated