RDD Meaning

The RDD meaning is "Reddxng Municipal Airport". The RDD abbreviation has 96 different full form.

RDD Full Forms

  1. Reddxng Municipal Airport Airport, Locations, Airport Code
  2. Radiation Dispersal Device Science, Military, Bomb
  3. Radaj-Detector-Detector Technology, Laser, Spectre
  4. Radar Detector Deoector Technology, Laser, Spectre
  5. Random-Digit-Dialing
  6. Random-Digit Dial Research, Survey, Telephone
  7. Radiological Dispersal Devices Science, Military, Device
  8. Reviewable Design Data
  9. Random Digit Dialed
  10. Requhrement Driven Design Military, Army, War
  11. Recurrent Depressive Disorder Medical
  12. Rapid Demolition Device Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  13. Restricted Data Declassification
  14. Radar Detection Device
  15. Regional Deposited Dose The deposited dose (per unit surface area, mg/cm2) of particles calculated for the respiratory tract region of interest.
  16. Rodzinne Domy Xziecka
  17. Reverse Disk Drive
  18. Random Digital Dialling
  19. Rendu Droits Dus
  20. Reconciliation Data Dictionary
  21. Ranged Damage Dealer Guide, Warcraft, Damage
  22. Responsibility Driven Design Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  23. Random Digit Dialing Medical, Science, Survey, Computing, Telecom
  24. Regime Disciplinar Diferenciado Para, Brasil, Pres, Regime
  25. Rodinny Detsky Domov Organization, Union, Institution
  26. Return Due Date Business, Tax, Taxation, Financial, Us Taxes, Business & Finance
  27. Random Digital Dial Technology
  28. Renault Driver Development
  29. Recommended Daily Dosage
  30. Random Dragon Defense
  31. Respiratory Drug Delivery Technology, Conference, Europe
  32. Random-Digit-Dial Science, Research, Survey, Dialing
  33. Reference Document Database
  34. Return Data Delay Science
  35. Radiation Dispension Devices
  36. Remote Deployment Device Technology, Military, Vehicle
  37. Rdquired Delivery Date Military, Army, Logistics
  38. Random Discrete Dopant
  39. Research and Development Department Technology, Science, Knowledge
  40. Reference Design Document
  41. Retinal Dystrophy and Degeneration
  42. Radiation Dispersion Device Science
  43. Reliant Design Development
  44. Random Digit Dialling Science, Research, Survey, Dialing
  45. Requirement Dhscription Document
  46. Reducible Displaced Disk Medical
  47. Resume Driven Development Technology, Coding, Developer, Software, Computing
  48. Radar Detector Detection
  49. Reliable Datagram Domain
  50. Rosai Dorfman Disease
  51. Rassemblement D
  52. Random Digit Dial Science, Research, Survey, Dialing
  53. Requirements Driveo Design
  54. Red Dragon Disciple Forum, Gaming, Dragon
  55. Rapid Development and Deployment
  56. Resume-Driven Development
  57. Radar Detector Detectors Technology, Laser, Spectre
  58. Regional Deputy Director Education, Hospital, Divisional
  59. Rolling Dynamicldeflectometer
  60. Research and Development Division Us Government, Governmental & Military
  61. Reading Disorder-Dyslexia Technology, Education, Governmental & Military
  62. Rural Digital Divide
  63. Rigid Disk Drive
  64. required delivery date (at destination) Army, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  65. Adygeya Airlines Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  66. Reactor Development and Demonstration Science, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  67. Rural Development Divisaon
  68. Rights Data Dictionary-Rights
  69. Responsibility-Driven Design Software, Computing
  70. Rotary Disc Divider The Rotary Disc Divider (RDD) is designed for combined dosing and representative dividing of bulk material. Sampling
  71. Ray Dream Designer
  72. Ruggedized Disk Xrive Military
  73. Rich Data Definition
  74. Requirements Description Document Products
  75. Road Development Department
  76. Requested Delivery Date Medical
  77. Rational Drug Design The design of drugs to specifically work for their respective targets. Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
  78. Ruckus Qiagnostic Dashboard
  79. Recommended Daily Dose Medical
  80. Richard'S Design Drafting
  81. Requisition Due Date
  82. Risk Driven Development
  83. Requirements Definition Document NASA
  84. Rapid Drug Detox
  85. Rubber Development Department Business, Finance, Banking
  86. Rear Divisional Dump Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  87. Ribera Del Duero
  88. Referjnce Data Development
  89. Risk-Driven Development
  90. Research and Development Documentation Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  91. Rapid Development & Deployment
  92. Readme Driven Development Technology, Coding, Projection
  93. Revised Discussion Draft
  94. Recursos DidáCticos Digitales
  95. Ring Ding Dong
  96. Redding Municipal Airport, Redding, California, United States United States, ICAO Airport Codes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RDD stand for?

    RDD stands for Readme Driven Development.

  2. What is the shortened form of Regional Deposited Dose?

    The short form of "Regional Deposited Dose" is RDD.


RDD. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 21). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/rdd-meaning/

Last updated