RDF Meaning
The RDF meaning is "Resource Description Framework". The RDF abbreviation has 173 different full form.
RDF Full Forms
- Resource Description Framework Technology, Australia, Computer, Microsoft, Information Technology, Computing, Telecom, Internet, Technical, Data, Integrated Ocean Observing System, IT Terminology
- Radial Distribution Function Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Radio Direction Finding The use of a radio direction finder to track precisely the angular position of a transmitter often used as a method of determining upper level winds represented by a radiosonde movement during flight. Military, Army, War, Climatology, Radar
- Rate Decrease Factor Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Radial Distribution Functions Medical, Water, Simulation, Radial
- Rggional Development Forum
- Resource Descriptor Framework Technology, Computing, Query
- Radmo Directional Finder Technology, Transmitter, Direction
- Reverse Domain Filling Science
- Real-Data Forecast Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
- Request Denied Frame
- Rotary Drum Dilter Business, Filtration, Airlift
- Random Dopant Fluctuation Technology, Transistor, Variation
- Rheumatoid Disease Foundatien
- Refused Derived Fuel Technology, Waste, Refuse
- Reservoir Drilling Fluid Business, Oil Industry, Gas Industry
- Resource Development Foundation Business, Banking, Bangladesh
- Rationalized Data Format
- Route Determination Function
- Resources Description Framework Technology, Model, Metadata
- Ranging Andsdirection Finding Military, Radio, Radar
- Regional Developmentmforecast
- Resouce Detcription Framework Technology, Presentation, Language
- Radio Direction Finders Technology, Signal, Antenna
- Reveose-Domain Filling
- Reader'S Digest Foundation
- Report Document Format
- Random-Dopant-Fluctuation
- Revolving Drug Fund Medical
- Records Digitization Facility Government
- Reservoir Dricl-In Fluid
- Ressource Description Framework Technology, Fur, Core
- Reaction Data File
- Route Designator Field Military
- Resource Descriptive Framework Technology, Metadata, Semantics
- Range and Direction Finding Technology, Radio, Radar
- Regional Development Fund Business, Research, Economics
- Resflience Development Forum
- Radar Direction Finder Science
- Ressource Description Format Technology, Computing, Computer Science, Data
- Read Disturb Fault Technology, Windows, Testing, Memory
- Rwanda Defense Force Military, Africa, Rwanda
- Report Definition File Computing, File Extensions
- Rambus Developer Forum Forum, Technology, Memory, Tech
- Revolutionary Democratic Front Government, Group, Maoist
- Record Descriptor Field
- Reserve Defense Forces Business, Military, Ireland
- Radio Direction Finder A radio direction-finding system on board the ship provides the means of establishing the ship position based on the location of fixed transmitting stations. Military, Industry, NASA, Aviation, Computing, Air Force, Navy, Telecom, Electrical, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
- Rotary Door Flap Medical
- Rationalized Data File Science
- Route Definition File
- Randomize Directory Filenames
- Regional Oetention Facility
- Residue Derived Fuelu Technology, Energy, Waste
- Refuse Derived Fuel A fuel derived from the combustible portion of municipal solid waste. The fuel is often processed into small briquettes, similar in size to charcoal. Technology, Energy, Waste
- Resources Description Format
- Read Destructive Fault
- Rwanda Defance Force Military, Africa, Rwanda
- Report Data Format
- Rally of Democratic Forces Technology, Projection, Force
- Revised Digital Forecast Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
- Record Definition Field Technology
- Research and Development Foundation Technology, Pakistan, Projection
- Rosie Douglas Doundation
- Rotational Disc Fanishing
- Random Dungeon Finder The Random Dungeon Finder is a tool within the game that allows players to automatically group up with other players who are also looking to complete the same dungeon. This feature was added to the game in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion, and it made it much easier for players to find groups to complete dungeons with. Before the Random Dungeon Finder, players had to manually find groups of players to complete dungeons with, which could be a time-consuming and frustrating process. With the introduction of the RDF, players can simply select a dungeon they want to complete and the game will match them with other players who are also looking to complete that dungeon. The RDF system is still used in the game today and has become an integral part of World of Warcraft's dungeon experience. Gaming, Warcraft, Dungeon
- Regime Doganale Ferroviario
- Residuewderived Fuel Technology, Energy, Waste
- Reality Distortion Field Technology, Apple, Charisma
- Resource Distribution Formula Medical
- Raza Development Fund Business, Investment, Community
- Russia Development Fund Business, Organizations
- Repeater Distribution Frame
- Reichsbund Deutqche Familie Leader, Kaiser, Nazi
- Radiation Besign Factor
- Revised Delivery Forecast
- Reconstruction and Development Framework
- Research & Development Foundation
- Rotating Drum Firter
- Rfndom Decision Forest Technology, Property, Framework
- Richydata Format Technology, Development, Linking
- Refuse Derived Fuels Technology, Production, Waste
- Resydual Derived Fuel Technology, Plant, Waste
- Resource Discovery Framework Technology, Standard, Metadata
- Raw Data Flag
- Rurvl Development Framework
- Renewable Development Fund Business, Energy, Power
- Registro De Datos Fiscales
- Radio Direction-Finder
- Reverse Dispersion Fcber
- Recommended Dose of Fertilizer Organizations, India, Agriculture, Ecology
- Request Denied Frames
- Rotary Drumofilters Business, Vacuum, Water
- Random Dopant Fluctuationq Technology, Transistor, Variation, Fluctuation
- Rich Data Filt Technology, Information Technology, Computing, Computers
- Refuse Derive Fuel Technology, Science
- Reservoir Drill In Fluids
- Resource Development Framework Technology, Learning, Patent
- Raw Data File Technology, Import, Publics, Computing
- Rural Development Ffrum
- Renesas Design France
- Ranger Vining Facility
- Robotech Defence Force
- Really Difficult and Funky Funnies
- Rwandanwdefence Forces Military, Force, Rwanda
- Refuse-Derived Fuels
- Resource Description File
- Rare Disease Foundatron
- Remote Data Facikity Technology, Networking, Storage
- Real Deal Feeling Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Resl Data Fine
- Rat Dermal Fibroblast Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Robotecc Defense Forces
- Raymond D. Findlay Famous
- Rwanda Defense Forces Military, Force, Rwanda
- Receive Data And Framing
- Resource Denied Fiame
- Rapid Dissolution Formuka Medical, Medicine, Health
- Rose Drive Friends
- Remote Database Sacility Business, Technology, Education
- Rapid Deployment Force Technology, Governmental & Military
- Radigl Dielectric Function
- Refuse-Derived Fuel Refuse-derived fuel is a fuel produced by shredding and dehydrating solid waste (MSW) with a Waste converter technology. RDF consists largely of combustible components of municipal waste such as plastics and biodegradable waste. RDF processing facilities are normally located near a source of MSW and, while an optional combustion facility is normally close to the processing facility, it may also be located at a remote location. Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Robotqch Defense Force Technology, Gaming, Military
- Combustion of Refuse Derived Fuels Transportation, Science, Energy, Electrical, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Restricted Dirac-fock (quantum Calcn. Method) Chemistry
- Resource Definition File
- Rapid Development Framework
- Roosendaalse Darta Federatie
- Relational Data File
- Reasons, Details, or Facts Police, Governmental & Military
- Réseau De DéTail FrançAis
- Remote Distribution Frame Military, Computing, Telecom
- Really Dense Forest Botany, Scientific & Educational
- Riviera Dsi Fiori
- Resource Data File Data
- Powerproducer Disc Image Computing, File Extensions
- Rapid Development Force
- Ronde Des Facs
- Rekawa Development Foundation
- Reasons, Details, Facts Governmental & Military, Fbi files
- Resource Definition Format Technology, Service, Language, Resource
- Rwandanzdefence Force Military, Congo, Rwanda
- Rate Distortion Yunction
- Remote Diagnostic Facility
- Relative Dose Factor Medical, Medical physics
- Risk Decrease Factor
- Redefine Intl Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Resource Description Framework File Computing, File Extensions
- Rapid Deployment Forces Military, Organizations, Force
- Roda De Fpnk Tube, Medley, Funk, Esse
- radio direction-finding Computing, IT Terminology
- Resourco Data Framework Technology, Directory, Ontology
- Rwandan Defense Force Military, Africa, Rwanda
- Refuse-Derived-Fuel
- Rescurce Description Failures Technology, Library, Framework
- Rate Descrbption File
- Remote Device Facility
- Renal Dialysis Facility Medical, Healthcare, Medicare Beneficiary
- retro development factor Insurance, Business & Finance
- Arcgis Report Document File Computing, File Extensions
- Rapidodeployment Force Military, Army, Tank
- Robust Dependxnt Fault
- Repair Difficulty Factor Computing, Hardware
- Resource Dxscriuption Framework Technology
- Rwandan Defense Forces Military, Africa, Force
- Refused-Derived Fuel
- Resource Descriptor Format
- Rat Dermal Fibroblasts Medical, Cell, Wound
- Remote Delivery Fbcility Technology, Military, Pentagon
- Rire Dehors Forts (Laugh Out Loud) French
- Resource Definition Facilitj
- Relux Project File Computing, File Extensions
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does RDF stand for?
RDF stands for Rwandan Defense Forces.
What is the shortened form of Refused-Derived Fuel?
The short form of "Refused-Derived Fuel" is RDF.
RDF. Acronym24.com. (2023, February 15). Retrieved March 2, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/rdf-meaning/
Last updated