RDS in Medical Meaning

The RDS meaning in Medical terms is "Respiratory Distress Syndrome". There are 23 related meanings of the RDS Medical abbreviation.

RDS on Medical Full Forms

  1. Respiratory Distress Syndrome A con-dition of newborn babies and especially com- force mon in premature babies in which the lungsresistant e do not expand properly due to lack of surs.resistant strain
  2. Random-Dot Stereogram
  3. Respiratory Distress Syndrome of The Newbore
  4. Recommended Doses
  5. Random-Dot Stereograms
  6. Research Design Services
  7. Rate-Determining Step In a reaction with more than one step, the step that occurs the slowest.
  8. Research Defense Society
  9. Rubredoxins
  10. Raskin Depression Scale
  11. Rapidly Digestible Starch
  12. Renal Duplex Sonography
  13. Respiratory Distress Syndrome - Infant Respiratory Distress Syndrome
  14. Rezpiratory Distress
  15. Referral Decision Scale
  16. Rate Differences
  17. Retiree Drug Subsidy
  18. Replicative Dna Synthesis
  19. Rare Diseases
  20. Risk Differences
  21. Reliable Digit Span
  22. Resource Development Specialist
  23. The Retiree Drug Subsidy Program

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RDS stand for Medical?

    RDS stands for Rate Differences in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Research Defense Society in Medical?

    The short form of "Research Defense Society" is RDS for Medical.


RDS in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 2). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/rds-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated