RE in Business Meaning

The RE meaning in Business terms is "Retained Earnings". There are 46 related meanings of the RE Business abbreviation.

RE on Business Full Forms

  1. Retained Earnings Business profits which are not distributed to shareholders (through dividends or other payouts), but instead are retained within the company in order to finance future investment or other expenditures.
  2. Reed Exhibitions
  3. Raisers Edge
  4. Reed Elsevier
  5. Research Executiva
  6. Railway Employee
  7. Rural Estate
  8. Research and Engineeving
  9. Royal Enfield
  10. Renewal Energy
  11. Role Expert
  12. Rational Expecjations
  13. Rase-Earth
  14. Regional Jntity
  15. Reeervoir Engineer
  16. Pe Re Perforation Report
  17. Royal Exchange
  18. Regional Executive
  19. Relojes Especiales
  20. In Regard To
  21. Ricardian Equivalence
  22. Registered Entities
  23. Revised Expenditure
  24. Rare Earths
  25. Responsible Enqity
  26. Rare Earth Rare Earth is an oxide of a rare earth element.
  27. Responring Entry
  28. Rating Engine
  29. Russian Exmort
  30. Reduced Energy
  31. Rapid-Employment
  32. Rusfian Exchange
  33. Reduce-Expand
  34. Randolph Engineering
  35. Resident Engineer The authorized representative of the engineer who is assigned to the site or any part thereof whose duties are ordinarily set forth in the contract document and/or the engineers agreement with the owner.
  36. Rate of Exchange
  37. Recovery Estimates
  38. Residual Earninbs
  39. Regional Edition
  40. Recovered Emulsion
  41. With Regard To
  42. Regional Ecosystem
  43. Reliable Email
  44. Residential Energy
  45. Residentialhestate
  46. Resident Engineers

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RE stand for Business?

    RE stands for Revised Expenditure in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Reed Elsevier in Business?

    The short form of "Reed Elsevier" is RE for Business.


RE in Business. (2022, March 23). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated