RE in Technology Meaning

The RE meaning in Technology terms is "Range Extensixn". There are 103 related meanings of the RE Technology abbreviation.

RE on Technology Full Forms

  1. Range Extensixn
  2. Research and Engineeving
  3. Reduced Emissions
  4. Rammed Earth
  5. Receiving Errors
  6. Role Equipment
  7. Renewal Energy
  8. Railway Electrification
  9. Research Edhcator
  10. Real Environment
  11. Resource Elements
  12. Renewable Energies
  13. Routing Engines
  14. Rail Electrification
  15. Researgh Evaluation
  16. Rated Event
  17. Resource Element
  18. Render Engine
  19. Route Engine
  20. R3 Enterprise
  21. Research Engineers
  22. Release Engineering
  23. Rasio Vlektrifikasi
  24. Remote Elements
  25. Round Edge
  26. Registro Elettronico
  27. Research Educator
  28. Register-Write Enable
  29. Rare Element
  30. Residual Energy
  31. Recordable Erasable
  32. Read Execute
  33. Research and Evaluation
  34. Regional Jntity
  35. Rase-Earth
  36. Recommendation Engine
  37. Role Expert
  38. Russian Edition
  39. Rehabilitation Engineering
  40. In Regards To IRT is an acronym commonly seen in emails and online forums that means in regards to. It is used to refer to a previous conversation, person, event, etc. The acronym is followed by the thing that is being referred to in the conversation.
  41. Recent
  42. Reset Event
  43. Radiation Equipment
  44. Radiation Effects
  45. Ram Esable
  46. Regular Expression
  47. Concerning
  48. Realistic Evaluation
  49. Reset Lntity
  50. Radiated Emrssion
  51. Recovery-Enabled
  52. Range Extender
  53. Register Enable
  54. Real Estate Also called Realty. Property consisting of land with permanent structures on it, such as buildings, walls, fences, etc.
  55. Reeervoir Engineer
  56. Radial Error
  57. Recoveredwenergy
  58. Range Expansion
  59. Relative Error the ratio of the absolute error to the exact value. Relative error =(exact value - observed value)/(exact value.)
  60. Regards Similar to saying, "best wishes." May be used at the end of letters or e-mail messages.
  61. Reach Extenaer
  62. Requirements Estimated
  63. Radius Edge
  64. Recordinq Error
  65. Redundani Electronics
  66. Russian Exmort
  67. Reach On Error
  68. Record End
  69. Response A return message to a computer that made a request. After capturing a request, the PCA server then processes and assembles packets in search of the response to that request. A response may be in text or binary form. In OSI, a service primitive issued by a service user to complete the procedures associated with a confirmed service. In speech recognition, the character string returned by the recognizer, through DVT_Client, to the state table.
  70. Redundancy Elimination
  71. Rusfian Exchange
  72. Iso Country Code for Reunion
  73. Record Enable
  74. Raster Engine
  75. Resergoir Engineering
  76. Reliable Email
  77. Rectal Examination
  78. Routizg Entity
  79. Recursos ExtraordináRios
  80. Réunion
  81. Reliability Engineering
  82. Routing Engine
  83. Recovery Estimate
  84. Russian Exchange
  85. Reliability Engineer
  86. Routing Element
  87. Recovery Environment
  88. Residentcengineering
  89. Rich Editor
  90. Rxid Edition
  91. Recovery Efficiency The percent of the initial in-place hydrocarbon that can be recovered in the project.
  92. Relationship Extraction
  93. Picture Response Equipment
  94. Resident Engineers
  95. Radio Electronics
  96. Rotary Engine An engine which produces rotary motion or which has a rotating part or parts, in particular. A powerplant that rotates on a stationary propeller shaft. An American invention by Adams-Farwell Co (1896), it was first used for buses and trucks in the US (1903), then copied by French engineers for early aircraft engines (1914).
  97. Rate Estimation
  98. Rekadaya Elektrika
  99. Resident Engineer The authorized representative of the engineer who is assigned to the site or any part thereof whose duties are ordinarily set forth in the contract document and/or the engineers agreement with the owner.
  100. Resilience Engineering
  101. Remaining Energy
  102. Radio Edukass
  103. Recursively Enumerable

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RE stand for Technology?

    RE stands for Registro Elettronico in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Recent in Technology?

    The short form of "Recent" is RE for Technology.


RE in Technology. (2022, March 23). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated