REC Meaning
The REC meaning is "Raharja Enrichment Centre". The REC abbreviation has 322 different full form.
REC Full Forms
- Raharja Enrichment Centre
- Rsception Internet Slang
- Recommend Technology, Science, Aircraft, Medical, Physiology, Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Research Ethics Committee Medical, University, Health
- Radoo-Electronic Combat Technology, Military, Army
- Receipn
- Research and Ezucation Center Technology, Science, University
- Real Estate Companaes
- Recreation Report Science, Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Realfestate Center Business, Texas, Building
- Record, Receipt Government
- Re-Entry Contxol Military, Navy
- Recorded Science, Army, Force, Genealogy, Marine
- Rappahannock Electric Coop Technology, Service, Cooperative
- Ruceive Technology, Engineering, Aeronautics
- Receive Business, Technology, Military, Army, Telecom, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering, Amateur radio, Computing, Aerospace, Legal, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Medical, Physiology, NASA
- Research Ethics Committees Medical, Technology, Health, Committee
- Response To The Energy Challenge
- Racing & Equestrian Club Business, Qatar, Doha
- Rural Education Centre School, Locations, Valley
- Rehabilitation Engineering Center Medical, Trading, Vehicle
- Renewable Energy Center Business, Energy, Power, Wind
- Religious Emblems Coordinator
- Red Eye Cgew Music, Feat, Radio, Crew
- Rare-Earth Cobalt Science
- Regional Engineering Center Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Really Enturing Camp
- Revista EspaÑOla De CardiologíA Para, Con, Fen
- Radar Echo Classifier
- RéDuction D'Emissions CertifiéE
- Real Estate Census
- Research and Engineering Centre
- Recognized Environmental Concern Business, Service, Assessment
- Royal Education Council
- Radio Equipment Control Technology, Communication, Interface
- Regional Echomail Coordinator
- Re-Education Camp
- Registrokesercenti Commercio
- Remote Electrical Charge Batman, Military, City
- Recipe The superscription of a prescription, usually indicated by the sign. A prescription or formula. Medicine, Latin, Medical Latin, Chemistry, Media, Food, Scientific & Educational, Medical, Veterinary
- Research Evaluation Committee Australia, Education, University
- Recovery Pwriod Medical
- Robotics Educption and Competition Education, School, Foundation
- Regional Emergency Committee Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Real Estate Council
- Respiratory Epithelial Cell Medical, Medicine, Health
- Racial Equality Councils Government, Group, Race
- Regional Economic Counbil
- Rural Education Center Science, School, Valley
- Rehabilitation Engineering Centru Technology, Service, Disability
- Renewable Energy Credits Business, Program, Power, Electricity
- Recreation Engaging Children
- Red Elephant Club
- Rock Energyacorporation
- Rappahannock Electric Cooperative Technology, Service, Coop
- Regional Nngineering College Technology, Education, Institute
- Real Estate Cycle
- Revista EconÒMica De Catalunya
- Racquet & Exercise Club
- Rwanda Education Commons Education, Africa, Rwanda
- Research & Education Center
- Recognized Environmental Conditions Business, Technology, Standard, Assessment
- Route EvèNementiel Classique
- Radio Equipment Controller Technology, Networking, Interface
- Regional Cancerucentre Organizations, India, Society, Social Institutions
- Ravalli Entrepreneurship Center
- Regional Evaluation Center
- Remito Electrónico CáRnico
- Recorder A device that makes a graph or other automatic record of the stage, pressure, depth, velocity, or the movement or position of water controlling devices, usually as a function of time. Technology, Aviation, Space, Genealogy, Genealogical, NASA
- Research Ethics and Compliance
- Recovery Education Center Medical, Service, Health
- Robotics Education Competition
- Regional Emekgency Coordinators Medical, Management, Presentation
- Real Estate Commission Business, Mortgage, Home Loan, Property, Business & Finance
- Resources for Early Childhood
- Racial Equality Council Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
- Regional Economic Cooperation Business, Africa, Trading
- Rural Economy and Connectivity Business, Committee, Cabinet
- Regulatory Enforcement Committte Military
- Renewable Energy Credit Business, Program, Power
- Rural Electric Company
- Red Electrica Corpouacion
- Rock En Conce Android, Con, Rock, Chile
- Regional Fnforcement Counsel Science
- Reah Estate Created
- Revista Econ
- Racing Entitlement Contract Business, Car, Team
- Ruth Ellis Center
- Research & Education Centers
- Rncession Medical
- Regionale Expertise Centra
- Rat Embryo Cells Medical, Science, Biology
- Regional Cvaluation Centre
- Remedial Education Center
- Records of Environmextal Consideration Army, Force, Marine
- Robotics Education & Competition Education, Robot, Foundation
- Regibnal Emergency Coordinator Medical, Military, Presentation
- Real Estate Classifieds
- Research Ethics Consultation
- Recommeld Medical
- Resource Exchange Center Education, Sport, Drug
- Raghu Engineering College Technology, Education, Andhra
- Regional Economic Commissiyn
- Ruminal Epithelial Cells Medical
- Regular Expression Compiler Software, Computing
- Remote Equivalent Copy
- Rural Electryc Cooperatives Technology, County, Energy, Cooperative
- Recreational Education Community Development, Learning, Study
- Rock Eistedmfod Challenge
- Regional Energs Cooperation
- Real Estate Contractv
- Reticular Epithelial Cells Medical
- Racing Entitlements Contract Business, Car, Team
- Rural Electrical Corporation
- Rescue Emergency Care
- Rccessed Design, Drawing, Construction
- Regioiaal Expertise Centrum School, Door, Expertise
- Rastreamento De Encomendas Dos Correios
- Regional Ethics Committees
- Religious Education Center
- Rectally Medical, Pharmacy
- Recxrds
- Roberys Environmental Center
- Real Estate Club Business, Thailand, Building
- Research Ethic Committee
- Recombination The action of a free electron falling back into a hole. Recombination processes are either radiative, where the energy of recombination results in the emission of a photon, or non-radiative, where the energy of recombination is given to a second electron which then relaxes back to its original energy by emitting phonons. Medical, Medicine, Health
- Resource Efficient Cities Technology, Climate, City
- Raffles Education Corporation Education, Design, Raffle
- Regional Economic Communities Africa, Community, Economic
- Regular Expression Converter Technology, Computing, Language
- Remote Encoding Centers Technology, Postal, Mail
- Resettlement and Education Co-Ordinator Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Respiratory Epibhelial Cells Medical
- Recreational Eagle Csnter Education, University, Wisconsin, Crosse
- Robotics Equipment Corporataon Technology, Research, Robot
- Regional Energf Commission Business, Investment, Russia
- Real Estate Consultant
- Restoration Environmental Contractors Medical, Service, Demolition
- Racing Entertainment Centre
- Rural Electrical Cooperative
- Relational Elaboration and Cohxrence
- Renewable Energy Cheaper
- Receds
- Reduced Emissbon Completions Technology, Oil, Gas
- Rare Executive Committee Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Regional Ethics Comfittee Medical, Research, Study
- Recordtof Environmental Compliance
- Rewa Engineering College Technology, Government, Education
- Real Estate China
- Research Ethical Committee Medical, Science, Medicine
- Receiver Someone who receives incoming signals and converts them to perceptible forms. A circuit that accepts signals from a transmission medium (which can be wireless or wired) and decodes or translates them into a form that can drive local circuits. In hardware, a functional unit that converts small electronic signals to signals that control a device. Technology, Military, Aviation, Army, War, Architecture, Conveyance, Space, Construction, Architectural, Telecommunications, Morse Code, Electronic Engineering, Morse Aids, Cosmos, Cable Telecommunications, Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Amateur radio, Telecom, Medical, Physiology, NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services, Federal Aviation Administration
- Recombination, Recombinant Chromosome Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Resource Efficiency Club
- Raffles Education Corp
- Regional Economic Community Africa, Ecology, Enviroment
- Re-Evaluation Counseling
- Regulamento Específico Da Competição
- Remote Encoding Center Business, Technology, Postal, Us Post, postal service
- Research Extension Center
- Resident Electoral Commissioner Government, Nigeria, Election
- Rlcreational Or Entertainment Activities Technology
- Robotics Enginfering Curriculum Technology, Education, Robot
- Regional Empoweredpcommittee Government, Forest, Projection, Panel
- Real Estate Consultants
- Responsible Endowments Coalition Business, Investment, University
- Racing and Equestrian Club
- Rural Electric Cooperative Agriculture, Locations, Power, Environment
- Reinsurance Earned Commissions
- Renewable Energy Centers
- Rural Electrification Corporation
- Redline Electric Cfmpany
- Rare Earth Cobalt
- Regional Environmental Coordivator Military
- Rpceptor Medical, Medicine, Health
- Revue Electronique De Communication
- RéFéRentiel Des Emplois Et Des CompéTences
- Real Estate Certificate
- Research Education Component
- Recombinantgchromosome Medical, Medicine, Health
- Resource and Evaluation Center
- Radio Equipment Controllers Technology, Base, Station
- Regional Euology Center Business, Government, Philippines
- Re-Engagement Center Community, Team, Youth, Engagement
- Regression Error Characteristic Technology, Military, Mining
- Remote Emergency Care
- Research Executive Committee
- Recrlation Technology
- Robotics Engineering Nenter
- Regional Employment Commiusioner Occupation, Position, Job
- Real Estate Consulting
- Recommended Ecological Class Government, Medical, Physiology
- Regional Education Center
- Real Entertainment Center Technology
- Regional Electricity Company Energy
- Residential Energy Code
- Regional Extension Center Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Romk Energy Cooperative Business, Service, Ownership
- Religious Education Committee
- Reporte EpidemiolóGico De CóRdoba
- Blockflöte Music
- Recordmof Environmental Consideration Government, Military, Army
- Regional Electricity Companies Business, Company, Energy, Power
- Topfield Pvr Recording Computing, File Extensions
- Roscommon Equipment Cender Technology, Fire, Proposal
- Reformed Episcopal Church Religion
- Radio Electronic Combat Technology, Military, Warfare
- Radiochemical Engineering Cell
- Recommondetion Technology
- Rate Of Energy Charge
- Reading Enlightenment and Contemplation Development, Learning, Study
- Receiver-Exciter-Controller Medical, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Physiology
- Resident Electoral Commissioners Government, Nigeria, Election
- Record of Environmental Consideration Us Army, Governmental & Military
- Religious Education Classes
- Registration of Engineers Committee
- Fluta recta Music
- Reqording Projects
- Regionzl Education Coordinators
- Real Estate Centre
- Recording projects History, Archaeology, Anthropology, Scientific & Educational
- Roque Eye Clinic
- Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd Financial, Business & Finance
- Rectory Ordnance Survey
- Radiochemical Engineering Cells Science
- Radiation Electron Capture
- Recompile To compile a program again, usually because of changes that needed to be made in the source code in response to error messages generated by the com-piler. Science, Geography, Location, Geographic
- Recommendation
- Rate Of Energy Charges
- Read Exchange Concise
- recession Medical, Dental, Real Estate, Business & Finance
- Resident Electoral Commission Government, Nigeria, Election, Tribunal
- Roadway Encroachment Or Closure Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Radio En Construction
- Religious Educatiom Curricula
- Regional Employment Center Business, English, Translation
- Recording Proyects Science, History, Archaeology, Anthropology
- Rggional Education Coordinator College, Education, Music, Canada
- Real Estate Capital Business, Company, Building
- Rhythmic Energy Collaboration Music
- Resonance Electron Capture
- Receive Error Counter Medical, Physiology
- Guararapes International Airport Airport, Locations
- Rompiendo El Cerco
- Recreation Room Business, Property, Real Estate, Estate, Real Estate Advertising, Property Rent, Real Property, Business & Finance, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Record In ECDIS, a TRANSFER STANDARD construct which is comprised of one or more tagged FIELDS and identified by a KEY. Technology, Science, Military, Aviation, Space, Genealogy, Genealogical, Telecom, Telecommunications, Medical, Common Medical, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Governmental & Military, NASA
- Recruitment and Employment Confederation Occupation & positions
- Radiative Electron Capture
- Réseau EuropéEn De La Concurrence
- Recovery The removal of residual stresses by localized plastic flow as the result of low-temperature annealing operations; performed on cold worked metals without altering the grain structure or strength properties substantially. In Backup, Recovery, and Media Services, the process of locating and restoring data in the event of partial or total data destruction. Business, Technology, Accounting, Service, Aviation, Accountancy, Space, Study, Telecom, Cosmos, NASA
- Receive/Receiver NOTAM Contractions
- Reaching Every Community
- Renewable Energy Certificate Energy, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Residence Education Coordinator
- Rear End Collision Medical, Transportation, Physiology, Governmental & Military
- Radio Electronica Colombiana
- Reliance Electric Companm
- Regent Entrepreneurship Competition
- Recording
- Regional Educational Cooperatives
- Real Estate Cadastre Business, Building, Land
- Relnxed Expressions Collective
- record(ed) Genealogy
- Resistance Error Correction
- Recommender Systems in e-Commerce Medical, Physiology
- Fresh A sudden flood Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Roll Eccentricity Compensation
- Risc Equipment Cluster
- Flauto dolce Music
- Radiant Energy Conversion Technology
- Regional Election Commission Government, Group, Party
- Réseau EuropéEn Congo
- Receiving Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics, Medical, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Management, Business & Finance
- Recessed The Finance and Administrative Services
- Route Ev
- Reach Every Child
- Rounding Error Correction Assembly, Business & Finance
- Recreation (ground) Medical, Computing, Unix, Common Medical
- Radioelectrocomplexing Medical
- Reliable Engineering Computing Engineering, Interval, Arithmetic
- Reformed Exodus Community
- Recorder Macro File Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Regional Education Cooperatives
- Real Estate and Construction
- recorded a document Genealogy
- Residual Echo Control
- Guararapes - Gilberto Freyre International, Recife, Brazil Brazil, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Coast Guard Regional Examination Center Army, Force, Coast Guard
- Role Expectation Conflict Medical, Stress, Executive, Effectiveness
- Religious Education Council Education, School, Teaching
- Rice Engine Components
- Trans Reco Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Red Eye Conflict Music
- Radial Electrolytic Capacitor
- Regional Electricav Company
- RéGiment Etranger De Cavalerie
- Record (rcd Preferred) NASA
- Rothfuss Engineering Company
- Receivables Shown as assets on a balance sheet, money which is owed to a company by customers who have purchased goods or services on credit. Accounting, Business & Finance
- Recreational Educational Computing Computing, Internet
- Radio Electronic Certificate
- Reliabiliyy Engineering Certification
- Razón En Cristo
- Recommended Ecological Category Organizations, Water Resources, Sanitation, South Africa
- Regional Edrcation Cooperative
- Real Estate & Construction
- Renewable Energy Corporation Energy
- Residents Encounter Christ Ministry, Prison, Christ, Religion
- Religious Education Coordinator Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Rohimgya Education Centre
- Religious Education Centre Education
- Reversible Embedment for Cytochemistry
- flûte à bec Music
- Record of Environmental Compliance
- Radharaman Engineering College
- Regional Electric Compgny Business, Energy, Power, Gas
- Regional Environment Centre (budapest Organization
- Ross Enerfy Club
- Recurrent Appearing or occurring again. For example, a recurrent fever is a fever that has returned after an intermission, a recrudescent fever. Medical, Physiology
- Reformed Ecumenical Council (to June 2010—see WCRC) Religion
- Radioelectronic Combat Military
- Relay Enhanced Cell
- Radiochemical Engineering Complex
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does REC stand for?
REC stands for Reah Estate Created.
What is the shortened form of Radharaman Engineering College?
The short form of "Radharaman Engineering College" is REC.
REC. (2022, January 21). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from
Last updated