REC in Medical Meaning

The REC meaning in Medical terms is "Receive". There are 37 related meanings of the REC Medical abbreviation.

REC on Medical Full Forms

  1. Receive
  2. Recommend
  3. Research Ethics Committees
  4. Research Ethics Committee
  5. Rehabilitation Engineering Center
  6. Ruminal Epithelial Cells
  7. Recommeld
  8. Regional Ethics Comfittee
  9. Respiratory Epibhelial Cells
  10. Recombination The action of a free electron falling back into a hole. Recombination processes are either radiative, where the energy of recombination results in the emission of a photon, or non-radiative, where the energy of recombination is given to a second electron which then relaxes back to its original energy by emitting phonons.
  11. Regional Emekgency Coordinators
  12. Reticular Epithelial Cells
  13. Recombinantgchromosome
  14. Rectally
  15. Regibnal Emergency Coordinator
  16. Restoration Environmental Contractors
  17. Rncession
  18. Recovery Pwriod
  19. Respiratory Epithelial Cell
  20. Rpceptor
  21. Recovery Education Center
  22. Receiver Someone who receives incoming signals and converts them to perceptible forms. A circuit that accepts signals from a transmission medium (which can be wireless or wired) and decodes or translates them into a form that can drive local circuits. In hardware, a functional unit that converts small electronic signals to signals that control a device.
  23. Research Ethical Committee
  24. Rat Embryo Cells
  25. Recipe The superscription of a prescription, usually indicated by the sign. A prescription or formula.
  26. Recommender Systems in e-Commerce
  27. Radioelectrocomplexing
  28. Rear End Collision
  29. Role Expectation Conflict
  30. Record In ECDIS, a TRANSFER STANDARD construct which is comprised of one or more tagged FIELDS and identified by a KEY.
  31. Recreation (ground)
  32. Receiver-Exciter-Controller
  33. recession
  34. Receiving
  35. Recurrent Appearing or occurring again. For example, a recurrent fever is a fever that has returned after an intermission, a recrudescent fever.
  36. Receive Error Counter
  37. Recommended Ecological Class

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does REC stand for Medical?

    REC stands for Respiratory Epithelial Cell in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Receiver-Exciter-Controller in Medical?

    The short form of "Receiver-Exciter-Controller" is REC for Medical.


REC in Medical. (2022, January 21). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated