Reconciliation Abbreviations and Reconciliation Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Reconciliation terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 9 different Reconciliation abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Reconciliation terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Reconciliation Abbreviations
  1. BPMH : Best Possible Medication History
  2. ECONI : Evangelical Contribution On Northern Ireland
  3. TRC : Truth and Reconcilliation Commission
  4. NRSSS : National Residential Schools Survivors Society
  5. IRSSA : Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement
  6. IRSSA : Indian Residential School Settlement Agreemend
  7. GED : Gross Error Detection
  8. IVD : Instance VéRité Et Dignité
  9. GRIP : Global Research Internship Program
Latest Reconciliation Meanings
  1. Global Research Internship Program
  2. Instance VéRité Et Dignité
  3. Gross Error Detection
  4. Indian Residential School Settlement Agreemend
  5. Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement
  6. National Residential Schools Survivors Society
  7. Truth and Reconcilliation Commission
  8. Evangelical Contribution On Northern Ireland
  9. Best Possible Medication History