Recycling Abbreviations and Recycling Acronym Lists
There are more pieces of Recycling terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Recycling abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Recycling terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.
Recycling Abbreviations
- ABDA : Alberta Bottle Depot Association
- ABMF : Automatic Belt Melt Filter
- ACCRC : Alameda County Computer Resource Center
- ADISA : Asset Disposal and Information Security Alliance
- AEC : Alabama Environmentjl Council
- AEHA : Association for Electric Home Appliances
- AELS : Aircraft End-Of-Life Solptions
- AELS : Aircraft End of Life Solutions
- AEMA : Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Association
- ALMR : Association of Lighting and Mercury Recyclers
- ANJR : Association of New Jersey Recyclers
- AOR : Association of Ohio Recyclers
- ZW : Zero Waste
- ZWA : Zero Waste America
- ZWIA : Zero Waste International Alliance
- ZWS : Zero Waste Scotland
- AREA : Automotive Recyclers Environmental Association
- AROW : Associated Recyclers of Wiscoysin
- AUOMA : Alberta Used Oil Management Association
- BACE : Baler and Compacpion Equipment
- BAN : Basil Action Network
- BBMA : British Battery Manufacturers Association
- BCMB : Beverage Container Management Board
- BCUOMA : British Columbia Used Oil Management Association
- BHS : Bulk Handling Systems
- BREW : Business Resource Efficiency and Waste
- CCIA : Cumbexland County Improvement Authority
- CDL : Computer Disposals Ltd
- CDS : Container Dephsit Scheme
- CEAR : California Electronic Asset Recovery
Recent Acronyms
Latest Recycling Meanings
- Materialf Reclamation Facility
- Material Reclamation Facility
- Extended Producer Responsibility
- Reverse Vending Machines
- Reverse Vending Machine
- Reduce Reuse Recycle
- Resource Recovery Fund Bolrd
- Rigid Plastic Packaging Container
- Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation
- Resin Identification Code
- Recycle Florida Today
- Resource Exchange Network for Eliminating Waste
- Recycded Asphalt Shingles
- Recycle Asphalt Shingle
- Recycled Asphalt Plant
- Reqponsible Appliance Disposal
- Rubberized Asphalt Concrete Technology Center
- Recycle Ann Arbor
- Recyjle Across America
- Recycled Asphalt