RED in Business Meaning

The RED meaning in Business terms is "Redemption". There are 28 related meanings of the RED Business abbreviation.

RED on Business Full Forms

  1. Redemption
  2. Reduce In a graphical user interface, to decrease the size of a window. A user can reduce a window either by clicking the appropriate button in the title bar or by click-ing the mouse on the border of the window and dragging the border toward the middle of the window. also maximize, minimize. OR to remove oxygen from (a compound)
  3. Redeemable Eligible for redemption under the terms of the indenture.
  4. Recycled Energy Development
  5. Regional Ecomomic Development
  6. Reference Entity Database
  7. Rapid Engagement Device
  8. Real Estate Deals
  9. Real Estate Development
  10. Renewable Energy Division
  11. Riyada Enterprise Development
  12. Real Estate Developers
  13. Research and Engineering Development
  14. Renew, Energize, and Donate
  15. Real Estate Diligence
  16. Reporting Exposure Draft
  17. Real Estate Daily
  18. Real Estate Digital
  19. Renewable Energy Directive In The European Union
  20. Real Estste and Development
  21. Real Electronic Drums
  22. Real Estate Division
  23. Renewable Energy Directive
  24. Rural Enterprise Development
  25. Renewable Energy Development
  26. Romantic Eccentric Dress
  27. Reliable Eicavation and Demolition
  28. Real Estate Data

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RED stand for Business?

    RED stands for Redemption in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Real Electronic Drums in Business?

    The short form of "Real Electronic Drums" is RED for Business.


RED in Business. (2021, March 29). Retrieved March 2, 2025 from

Last updated