RED in Medical Meaning

The RED meaning in Medical terms is "Racial & Ethnic Disparities". There are 18 related meanings of the RED Medical abbreviation.

RED on Medical Full Forms

  1. Racial & Ethnic Disparities
  2. Research, Evaluaiion and Development
  3. Reductase  An enzyme that catalyzes the reduction of a functional group, often using NADPH as an electron donor; a type of oxidoreductase.
  4. Reduce In a graphical user interface, to decrease the size of a window. A user can reduce a window either by clicking the appropriate button in the title bar or by click-ing the mouse on the border of the window and dragging the border toward the middle of the window. also maximize, minimize. OR to remove oxygen from (a compound)
  5. Racial and Ethnic Disparities
  6. Research and Earlyzdevelopment
  7. Related Eatifg Disorder
  8. Reaehing Every District
  9. Re-Engineered Disaharge
  10. Radiation Exposure Device
  11. Relative Extreza Density
  12. Reduced Electronic Device
  13. Rnasel Enzyme Dysfunction
  14. Reach Every District
  15. International Committee of The Red Cross
  16. Repeat Expansion Detection
  17. Re-Engineering Discharge
  18. Apid Erythrocyte Degeneration

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RED stand for Medical?

    RED stands for Racial & Ethnic Disparities in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Re-Engineering Discharge in Medical?

    The short form of "Re-Engineering Discharge" is RED for Medical.


RED in Medical. (2021, March 29). Retrieved March 2, 2025 from

Last updated