REFL Meaning

The REFL meaning is "Reflections". The REFL abbreviation has 8 different full form.

REFL Full Forms

  1. Reflections
  2. Reflectance Reflectance of the surface of a material is its effectiveness in reflecting radiant energy. It is the fraction of incident electromagnetic power that is reflected at an interface. The reflectance spectrum or spectral reflectance curve is the plot of the reflectance as a function of wavelength.
  3. Reflected Technology, Construction, Architectural
  4. Reflex A reflex action, differently known as a reflex, is an involuntary and nearly instantaneous movement in response to a stimulus. Medical, Medicine, Health
  5. Reflector In general, any object that reflects incident energy. Usually it is a device designed for specific reflection characteristics. Technology, Construction, Architectural
  6. Reflect To throw back something such as radio waves or light. NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services
  7. Reflux The term used when liquid backs up into the esophagusfrom the stomach.
  8. Ramky Estates and Farms Limited

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does REFL stand for?

    REFL stands for Reflux.

  2. What is the shortened form of Reflections?

    The short form of "Reflections" is REFL.


REFL. (2021, March 29). Retrieved February 7, 2025 from

Last updated