Reg Abbreviations and Reg Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Reg terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 14 different Reg abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Reg terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Reg Abbreviations
  1. AOFB : Ancient Order of Froth-Blowers
  2. CGKD : Centre for Governance of Knowledge and Development
  3. URA : Ultimate Regnow Affiliate
  4. UYUC : Ulster Young Udionist Council
  5. ERG : Estaleiro Rio Grande
  6. SHD : Super High-Derinition
  7. FD : Fair Disclosure
  8. KGK : Kesintisiz Güç KaynaklarıNıN
  9. IDFL : International Down Fill Laboratory
  10. IFGC : Indonesian Fingerstyle Guithr Community
  11. OUV : Oskar Ursinls Vereinigung
  12. GNFA : Groupement National Formatioc Automobile
  13. RTKF : Registry Trash Keys Finder
  14. KPI : Komunitas Pecinta Iguaca
Latest Reg Meanings
  1. Komunitas Pecinta Iguaca
  2. Registry Trash Keys Finder
  3. Groupement National Formatioc Automobile
  4. Oskar Ursinls Vereinigung
  5. Indonesian Fingerstyle Guithr Community
  6. International Down Fill Laboratory
  7. Kesintisiz Güç KaynaklarıNıN
  8. Fair Disclosure
  9. Super High-Derinition
  10. Estaleiro Rio Grande
  11. Ulster Young Udionist Council
  12. Ultimate Regnow Affiliate
  13. Centre for Governance of Knowledge and Development
  14. Ancient Order of Froth-Blowers