REHAB in Medical Meaning

The REHAB meaning in Medical terms is "Rehabilitated". There are 6 related meanings of the REHAB Medical abbreviation.

REHAB on Medical Full Forms

  1. Rehabilitated
  2. Rehabilitation The process of renovating a rail car, train or bus to original specifications through a rebuilding process that may include new components, mechanical systems, and interior. Any repair work that requires a permit. The improvement of an existing roadway surface by improving the existing surface or by removing (milling) a specified thickness of the existing pavement and placement of additional pavement layers.
  3. Rehabilitate
  4. Rehabilitation (Center, Hospital, &c)
  5. Rehabilitation Medicine
  6. Rehabilitation Evaluation Hall and Baker

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does REHAB stand for Medical?

    REHAB stands for Rehabilitation Evaluation Hall and Baker in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Rehabilitated in Medical?

    The short form of "Rehabilitated" is REHAB for Medical.


REHAB in Medical. (2020, July 19). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated