REL in Airport Meaning

The REL meaning in Airport terms is "Almirante Marcos A. Zar Airport". There are 3 related meanings of the REL Airport abbreviation.

REL on Airport Full Forms

  1. Almirante Marcos A. Zar Airport
  2. Runway Edge Lights Are provided for a runway intended for use at night or for a precision approach runway intended for use by day or night. Runway edge lights shall be fixed lights showing variable white, except that: in the case of a displaced threshold, the lights between the beginning of the runway and the displaced threshold shall show red in the approach direction; and a section of the lights 600m or one-third of the runway length, whichever is the less, at the remote end of the runway from the end at which the take-off run is started, may show yellow.
  3. Runway Entranceolight

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does REL stand for Airport?

    REL stands for Runway Entranceolight in Airport terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Runway Entranceolight in Airport?

    The short form of "Runway Entranceolight" is REL for Airport.


REL in Airport. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated