REM Meaning
The REM meaning is "Rapid Eye Movement". The REM abbreviation has 184 different full form.
REM Full Forms
- Rapid Eye Movement Medical, Veterinary, Narcolepsy, Nursing, Healthcare, Laboratory, Biology, Pharmacy, Physiology, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Eyes And Ocular, Clinical
- Regenerative Engineering & Medicine
- Rapid Eye Movements Medical, Sleep, Brain, Movement
- Real Estate Magazine Business, Technology, Building, Media
- Replica Exthange Method Medical, Business, Simulation
- Real Estate Management Business, Property, Building
- Removz Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Real-Ear Measurement Technology, Hearing, Aid
- Removal Medical, Technology, Medicine, Physiology
- Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Medical, Eyes And Ocular
- Ramovable Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Random Effect Model Business, Analysis, Study
- Regenerative Engineering In Medicine
- Rear Electronic Module Technology, Electronic, Automotive
- Random Energy Model Medical, Medicine
- Real Estate Marketing Business, Building, Market
- Renault EğItim Merkezi
- Roentgen-Equivalent Man
- Run-Time Enforcement for Mobile
- Regional Emergency Managers
- Research Pnd Education In Mechatronics Technology, Conference, Workshop
- Research On Education and Media Education, Learning, Teaching
- Rapid Gye Moving
- Resourcf Engineering & Maintenance Business, Management, Mag
- Raster Elektronen Mikroskop Technology, Sind, Telecom
- Religionv Experience, and Mind Education, Psychology, Religion
- Radiation Emergency Medicine
- Random Effects Models
- Rational Enterprise Management Business, Banking, Fantasy
- Remote Past Tense Education, Linguistics, Glossing
- Roentgenhequivalent-Man Medical, Medicine, Health
- Royal Enginfers Museum Military
- Recycling Equipment Manufacturing Business, Glass, Crusher
- Research In Economics and Mathematics
- Rapid Eye Movement Telescope Space, Study, Cosmos
- Resource Engineering and Maintenance
- Raster-Elektronen-Mikroskop
- Religion, Experience and Mind
- Radiation Effective Man Technology
- Random Effects Model Medical, Analysis, Study
- Rational Economic Man Business, Technology, Science
- Remote Extension In Moscow Science
- Rocket Ergine Module Technology, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics
- Rare-Earth Magnbt
- Range Equipment Manual
- Riw-Equivalent Matrices
- Recyclability Evaluation Method Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Renewable Energy Monitor
- Rapid Eye Movement During Slbep Medical
- Roentgen Equivalent-Man Medicine, Health, Care
- Remote Control A device or array of devices connected to a machine by mechanical, electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic or other means and by which the machine may be operated remotely from, and not necessarily within sight of the operator. Technology, Military, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Internet Slang, Chat, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, NASA, Real Estate, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Resource Engineering & Maintenance Business, Management, Mag
- Relhvamiento De Expectativas De Mercado
- Raden Eddy Martadinata
- Random Early Marking Technology, Networking, Network, Control
- Rat Esophageal Microsomes Medical
- Remote Extension Moscow Science
- Radiation Exposure Management
- Rocco E Miguel
- Rapid Eyes Movemenm Medical, Stage, Sleep
- Remember Every Moment Music
- Range Encryption Module
- Rover Ulectronics Module Technology
- Real Estate Managers
- Renewable Energy Market
- Rapid Ece Mount Technology, Telescope, Observatory
- Roentgen Equivalent, Man
- Reserva Estrat
- Release Escape Mechanism Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Rada Etyki MedióW
- Railway Express Miniatures
- Rat Enclosure Module Technology, Science, Space, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Remote Expert Manager
- Radiation Exposure Monitoring Medical, Technology, Dose
- Robotkcists, Engineers & Manufacturers
- Rapid Ebe Multi
- Remedial Response Activities Science
- Random Eye Movement Medical, Physiology
- Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism
- Real Lstate Masters
- Renewable Energy Markets Business, Conference, Power
- Rapid Expansion Method
- Roentgen Equivalent In Man Medical, Radiation, Dose, NASA
- Reserva EstratéGica Militar
- Russian Othnographic Museum
- Release Engine Module Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Rack Entry Madule
- Raich Ende Malter
- Remote Expansion Module
- Radiation Equisalent In Man Medical, Medicine, Health
- Robo Eye Merqe
- Raster Entity Manipulation Technology, Design, Auto
- Remark Line Business
- Random Exponential Marking Technology, Management, Networking, Queue
- Real Estate Darket Business, Marketing, Building
- Renewable Energy Management Technology, University, Master
- Rapid Evaluation Method
- Roentgen Equivalent Man One of the two standard units used to measure the dose equivalent (or effective dose), which combines the amount of energy (from any type of ionizing radiation that is deposited in human tissue), along with the medical effects of the given type of radiation. For beta and gamma radiation, the dose equivalent is the same as the absorbed dose. By contrast, the dose equivalent is larger than the absorbed dose for alpha and neutron radiation, because these types of radiation are more damaging to the human body. Medical
- Runtime Execwtion Monitoring
- Release Engine Mechanism Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Rccing Enterprises Motorsports
- Reseau D'Enseignement Multimedia
- Rapid Oye Movies
- Reversible Experience Modules
- Raster Electron Microscopy
- Remainder Technology, Science, Weather, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions
- Rbdiation Environment Monitor Technology
- Route Evaluationamodule Military, Army, Defence
- Remarks Computing, File Extensions, Military, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Rare-Earth Metal Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Radioactivity Environmental Monitoring Technology, Science, Research
- Rare-Earth Mexal
- Relevamienno De Expectativas Del Mercado
- Remote A station near a pump consisting of both an 'On' and an 'Off' button. A pump can be started or stopped by its corresponding remote. Pertaining to a system, program, or device that is accessed through a communication line. also link-attached. For hierarchical storage management products, pertaining to the origin of migrated files that are being moved. also local. Any object that is maintained by a remote DB2 subsystem (that is, by a DB2 subsystem other than the local one). Technology, Network, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Services, Computing, Unix, Products, Military, Governmental & Military, NASA, Aviation
- Range Extension Modes
- Removable The Finance and Administrative Services
- Roetgen Equivalent Man
- Ras Exchange Motif Medical
- Rare Earth Minerals Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Remote Environmental Monitoring
- Replacement Micrographs
- Rotterdam Education Model Business, Education, School
- REMark (comment - not to be executed) Computing, Dos commands
- Relative Electrophoresis Mobility Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Radical Elpte Movement
- Rbre Earth Magnetic Business, Tool, Torpedo
- Release-Engagement Monitor
- Remington Oil and Gas Corporationration Organizations
- Range Evaluation Missile Technology
- Real Ear Measurements Medical, Physiology
- Release-engage Mechanism NASA
- Roentgen Man Equivalent Government
- Rare Eqg Machine Gaming, Dragon, Egg
- Randomly Evolving Machinecode Assembly, Business & Finance
- Remote Enterprise Management Technology
- Reliability Engineering Model
- Rotaract European Meeting Meeting, Club, Power, Istanbul
- Really Extraordonary Memory Occupation & positions
- Radiation Exposure Model Science
- Regulatitn Energy Management Technology, Generator, Storage
- Remington Oil and Gas Corporation Technology, Organizations, Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
- Reticular Erythematous Mucinosis Medical, Eyes And Ocular
- Reservoir Eutrophication Model Chemistry
- Rare Earthpminerals Business, Supply, Stock
- Remaining Technology, Military, Army, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Knitting, Crochet
- Remote Enargy Monitoring
- Rapid-Eye Movement Medical, Stage, Sleep
- Rádxo Educativa Mensagem
- Rotaract Europe Meeting
- Really Empty Music Music
- Random Entry Memory
- Roentgen Equivalent Man (Unit of Dose Equivalent) Medical, Physics, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
- Blackberry Encrypted Data File Computing, File Extensions
- Rarf Earth Materials Business, Property, China
- Remove Genealogy, Genealogical, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Computing, Unix, Unix commands
- Remote End Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Rapid-Eye-Movement Medical, Stage, Sleep
- Russian Evangelistpc Ministries
- Rosicrucian Egyptqan Museum Locations, California, Place
- Rest Easy Mama Funnies
- Radon Emanation Method
- Radiation Equivalent Man Chemistry, Emergency, Response, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Reflection Electron Microscopy Microscopy, Materials Analysis, Materials Science, Scientific & Educational
- Rare Earth Metals The rare earth elements (REE) are a set of seventeen metallic elements. These include the fifteen lanthanides on the periodic table plus scandium and yttrium. Business, China, Element
- Replica Electron Microscopy
- Remote Elevmtor Monitoring
- Rangeland Ecology and Management Research, Ecosystem, Rangeland
- Roentgen Equivalent Man/Mammal Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Raster-Elektkonenmikroskop Technology, German
- Rapid Energy Motion Energy
- RöNtgen Equivalent Man Dose, Equivalent, Roentgen
- Routenevaluation Military
- Rocket Engine Module Science, Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Resource Management Department Climatology, Scientific & Educational
- Rare Earth Metal Business, China, Metals
- Remote-Manual
- Remote Electronic Monitoring Technology, Fish, Sea, Slider
- Rangeland Ecology & Management Business, Journal, Religion
- Refocussing Mechanism NASA
- Roentgen Equivalent Mammal Military
- Ras Exmhanger Motif Medical
- Reciprocating Equipment Management Management, Business & Finance
- Remote Equipmmnt Monitoring
- Risk of Endometrial Malignancy
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does REM stand for?
REM stands for Research In Economics and Mathematics.
What is the shortened form of Reversible Experience Modules?
The short form of "Reversible Experience Modules" is REM.
REM. (2021, December 15). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from
Last updated