REM in China Meaning

The REM meaning in China terms is "Rare Earth Metals". There are 3 related meanings of the REM China abbreviation.

REM on China Full Forms

  1. Rare Earth Metals The rare earth elements (REE) are a set of seventeen metallic elements. These include the fifteen lanthanides on the periodic table plus scandium and yttrium.
  2. Rare Earth Metal
  3. Rarf Earth Materials

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does REM stand for China?

    REM stands for Rare Earth Metals in China terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Rare Earth Metal in China?

    The short form of "Rare Earth Metal" is REM for China.


REM in China. (2021, December 15). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

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