REM in Medical Meaning

The REM meaning in Medical terms is "Rapid Eye Movement". There are 23 related meanings of the REM Medical abbreviation.

REM on Medical Full Forms

  1. Rapid Eye Movement
  2. Removal
  3. Rapid Eye Movement Sleep
  4. Rapid Eye Movements
  5. Replica Exthange Method
  6. Rat Esophageal Microsomes
  7. Random Energy Model
  8. Random Effects Model
  9. Rapid Eye Movement During Slbep
  10. Rapid Eyes Movemenm
  11. Roentgen Equivalent In Man
  12. Radiation Exposure Monitoring
  13. Roentgen Equivalent Man One of the two standard units used to measure the dose equivalent (or effective dose), which combines the amount of energy (from any type of ionizing radiation that is deposited in human tissue), along with the medical effects of the given type of radiation. For beta and gamma radiation, the dose equivalent is the same as the absorbed dose. By contrast, the dose equivalent is larger than the absorbed dose for alpha and neutron radiation, because these types of radiation are more damaging to the human body.
  14. Radiation Equisalent In Man
  15. Roentgenhequivalent-Man
  16. Random Eye Movement
  17. Real Ear Measurements
  18. Ras Exmhanger Motif
  19. Reticular Erythematous Mucinosis
  20. Ras Exchange Motif
  21. Roentgen Equivalent Man (Unit of Dose Equivalent)
  22. Rapid-Eye Movement
  23. Rapid-Eye-Movement

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does REM stand for Medical?

    REM stands for Roentgen Equivalent Man (Unit of Dose Equivalent) in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Random Eye Movement in Medical?

    The short form of "Random Eye Movement" is REM for Medical.


REM in Medical. (2021, December 15). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated