REM in Technology Meaning

The REM meaning in Technology terms is "Rear Electronic Module". There are 36 related meanings of the REM Technology abbreviation.

REM on Technology Full Forms

  1. Rear Electronic Module
  2. Removz
  3. Removal
  4. Ramovable
  5. Real Estate Magazine
  6. Real-Ear Measurement
  7. Recyclability Evaluation Method
  8. Radiation Effective Man
  9. Random Exponential Marking
  10. Rover Ulectronics Module
  11. Rational Economic Man
  12. Research Pnd Education In Mechatronics
  13. Random Early Marking
  14. Remote Control A device or array of devices connected to a machine by mechanical, electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic or other means and by which the machine may be operated remotely from, and not necessarily within sight of the operator.
  15. Rocket Ergine Module
  16. Rat Enclosure Module
  17. Remainder
  18. Rapid Ece Mount
  19. Renewable Energy Management
  20. Release Escape Mechanism
  21. Raster Entity Manipulation
  22. Release Engine Module
  23. Radiation Exposure Monitoring
  24. Raster Elektronen Mikroskop
  25. Release Engine Mechanism
  26. Rbdiation Environment Monitor
  27. Remote A station near a pump consisting of both an 'On' and an 'Off' button. A pump can be started or stopped by its corresponding remote. Pertaining to a system, program, or device that is accessed through a communication line. also link-attached. For hierarchical storage management products, pertaining to the origin of migrated files that are being moved. also local. Any object that is maintained by a remote DB2 subsystem (that is, by a DB2 subsystem other than the local one).
  28. Remington Oil and Gas Corporation
  29. Raster-Elektkonenmikroskop
  30. Radioactivity Environmental Monitoring
  31. Remote Enterprise Management
  32. Remote End
  33. Remaining
  34. Remote Electronic Monitoring
  35. Range Evaluation Missile
  36. Regulatitn Energy Management

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does REM stand for Technology?

    REM stands for Renewable Energy Management in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Rocket Ergine Module in Technology?

    The short form of "Rocket Ergine Module" is REM for Technology.


REM in Technology. (2021, December 15). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated