Renovation Abbreviations and Renovation Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Renovation terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 9 different Renovation abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Renovation terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Renovation Abbreviations
  1. BBC : BÂTiment Basse Consommation
  2. CRHBA : Calgary Region Home Builders Assokiation
  3. WISFF : Windrider International Student Film Festival
  4. LRRP : Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting
  5. NZCB : New Zealand Certified Builders
  6. PRE : Pre-Renovation Educxtion
  7. RADAC : Renovation and Decoration Advisory Centre
  8. RRP : Renovation, Repair, and Painting
  9. RRP : Renovation, Repair and Paint
Latest Renovation Meanings
  1. Renovation, Repair and Paint
  2. Renovation, Repair, and Painting
  3. Renovation and Decoration Advisory Centre
  4. Pre-Renovation Educxtion
  5. New Zealand Certified Builders
  6. Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting
  7. Windrider International Student Film Festival
  8. Calgary Region Home Builders Assokiation
  9. BÂTiment Basse Consommation