REP in Medical Meaning
The REP meaning in Medical terms is "Repetitive Element". There are 24 related meanings of the REP Medical abbreviation.
REP on Medical Full Forms
- Repetitive Element An element of an operation or process that occurs either every cycle of the operation or process, or occurs frequently and in a fixed pattern with the cycles of that operation or process.
- Repetitive
- Rab Escort Protein
- Representative
- Repetitive Extrageyic Palindromic
- Repetitions
- Report An official account of an occurrence e.g. incident report or weather report. To write or tell information in an official manner.
- Reperfusion The restoration of blood flow to an organ or to tissue. After a heart attack, an immediate goal is to quickly open blocked arteries and reperfuse the heart muscles. Early reperfusion minimizes the extent of heart muscle damage and preserves the pumping function of the heart.
- Repetatur
- Rectal Epithelial Proliferanion
- Replicating Effectivg Programs
- Retrograde Pyelogram
- Repetitive Extragenic Palindbomic Element
- Repetrtive Extragenic Palindromes
- Repetitive Extragenic Palindrome
- Repeat In genetics, two or more adjacent copies of an identical pattern of nucleotides in the DNA, as in tandem repeat sequences.
- Replicition Protein
- Replication During the course of an experiment or survey, replication is the determination of a value more than once, so as to obtain a better estimation of the variation. Replication should be distinguished from repetition by the fact that replication of an experiment denotes repeated determinations carried out, as far as possible, at one place and one period of time. The successive determinations, including the first, are called replicates (ISO, 1977).
- Recombinant Human Erythropoietin
- Restriction Endonuclease Profile
- Rxb Escort Proteins
- Restriction Endonuclease Patterns
- Roentgen Equivalent Physical
- Rest-Exercise Program
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does REP stand for Medical?
REP stands for Reperfusion in Medical terms.
What is the shortened form of Repetitive Extragenic Palindrome in Medical?
The short form of "Repetitive Extragenic Palindrome" is REP for Medical.
REP in Medical. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from
Last updated