RES in Military Meaning

The RES meaning in Military terms is "Regional Economic Stratzgy". There are 11 related meanings of the RES Military abbreviation.

RES on Military Full Forms

  1. Regional Economic Stratzgy
  2. Reaerve
  3. Residence
  4. Range Extension Subsystem
  5. Radio Equipment Systems
  6. Radio Engineering Services
  7. Radio Electronic Service
  8. Resources Any hardware or software available to a computer.
  9. Resolution This term can describe either how many pixels a monitor can display or how fine a printer can print. 1. Monitors. A small monitor may have a resolution or 640 x 480, which means there are 640 pixels horizontally across the screen and 480 pixels vertically. Some other common monitor resolutions are 800 x 600, 1,024 x 768, and 1,280 x 1,024. The higher the resolution, the more that can be displayed on the screen.
  10. Resident Engineers
  11. Reserve That portion of the demonstrated reserve base that is estimated to be recoverable at the time of determination. The reserve is derived by applying a recovery factor to that component of the identified coal resource designated as the demonstrated reserve base. Portion of a body of troops that is kept to the rear, or withheld from action at the beginning of an engagement, in order to be available for a decisive movement. Members of the uniformed Services who are not in active service but who are subject to call to active duty.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RES stand for Military?

    RES stands for Resident Engineers in Military terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Resident Engineers in Military?

    The short form of "Resident Engineers" is RES for Military.


RES in Military. (2021, March 29). Retrieved March 27, 2025 from

Last updated