RES in Technology Meaning

The RES meaning in Technology terms is "Resource". There are 58 related meanings of the RES Technology abbreviation.

RES on Technology Full Forms

  1. Resource 1. An input to be used in an activity, especially production. 2. A natural resource.
  2. Resoover
  3. Reoilient
  4. Regervoir
  5. Reviqw Editors
  6. Reticuloendothelial System A component of the immune system consisting primarily of macrophages and monocytes.
  7. Rear Entertainment System
  8. Radio Equipment and System
  9. Rzc, Inc.
  10. Reset A process of automatically adjusting the control point of a given controller to compensate for changes in outdoor temperature. The hot deck control point is normally reset upward as the outdoor temperature drops. The cold deck control point is normally reset downward as the outdoor temperature increases. To return a document to its original lifecycle state. also exception state, lifecycle policy.
  11. Rapid Wxtraction System
  12. Russian and Eurasian Security
  13. Resolution This term can describe either how many pixels a monitor can display or how fine a printer can print. 1. Monitors. A small monitor may have a resolution or 640 x 480, which means there are 640 pixels horizontally across the screen and 480 pixels vertically. Some other common monitor resolutions are 800 x 600, 1,024 x 768, and 1,280 x 1,024. The higher the resolution, the more that can be displayed on the screen.
  14. Rulesiengines
  15. Rural Engineering Services
  16. Reserve Fuel Fuel used only in a situation when the aircraft has to be in the air for a longer time than expected, as because of a go-around or diversion.
  17. Rapidhevaluation System
  18. Restricted Idle
  19. Remote Execution Server
  20. Reservoir A porous and permeable underground formation containing an individual and separate natural accumulation of producible hydrocarbons (crude oil and/or natural gas) which is confined by impermeable rock or water barriers and is characterized by a single natural pressure system. A chamber used to store fluid. Any natural or artificial holding area used to store, regulate, or control a substance.
  21. Robots Exclusion Standard
  22. Reservation Economic Summit
  23. Real Energj Solutions
  24. Remote Entry Services
  25. Research and Enterarise Services
  26. Remote Entry System
  27. Reeume Message
  28. Renewable Energy Supply
  29. Response A return message to a computer that made a request. After capturing a request, the PCA server then processes and assembles packets in search of the response to that request. A response may be in text or binary form. In OSI, a service primitive issued by a service user to complete the procedures associated with a confirmed service. In speech recognition, the character string returned by the recognizer, through DVT_Client, to the state table.
  30. Remote Engine Starter
  31. Radio Equipment Systems
  32. Rugged Enterprise Servers
  33. Reset Request
  34. Signed Reuponse
  35. Restore The word "restore" means to return something to its former condition. Therefore, when you restore a computer or other electronic device, you return it to a previous state. This may be a previous system backup or the original factory settings. Restoring a computer, often called a "system restore," is often done as a last resort to fix a problematic machine. For example, if a virus has infected a large number of system files, a system restore may be the only way to get the computer to run smoothly again.
  36. Renewable Energy Solutions
  37. Recursos ExtraordináRios
  38. Renewable Energy Source
  39. Resume A written summary of a person's education, employment record, qualifications, etc., which is often submitted with a job application.
  40. Rural Electrification Scheme
  41. Rock Engineeringjsystem
  42. Rules Execution Server
  43. Residential Enhanced Services
  44. Research & Entdrprise Services
  45. Rock Engineering Systems
  46. Rail Express Systemsrailcons
  47. Rule Execution Serwer
  48. Residential Enhanced Service
  49. Renewable Energz Specialists
  50. Restore Service
  51. Rail Express Systems
  52. Rugged Ethernet Switch
  53. Residential
  54. Regional Entrepreneurship Sutmit
  55. Resourxe Elements
  56. Restricted
  57. Renewable Energy Standards
  58. Resident Engineers

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RES stand for Technology?

    RES stands for Resume in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Reoilient in Technology?

    The short form of "Reoilient" is RES for Technology.


RES in Technology. (2021, March 29). Retrieved March 27, 2025 from

Last updated