Resilience Abbreviations and Resilience Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Resilience terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 17 different Resilience abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Resilience terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Resilience Abbreviations
  1. ALPC : Army Learning Production Centre
  2. BRCS : Brief Resilient Coping Scale
  3. CCA2004 : Civil Contingencies Act 2004
  4. CCA : Civil Contingencies Act 2004
  5. CREWS : Climate Risk Early Warning Systems
  6. CSDRM : Climate Smart Disaster Risk Management
  7. UNISDR : United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Riss
  8. SCG : Strategic Command Group
  9. SFI : Strategic Foresigct Initiative
  10. TRANSEC : Transport Security and Contingencies
  11. NDRC : National Disaster Resiliency Competition
  12. LSGE : Local Supply Gas Emergenhy
  13. NSGE : Network Supply Gas Emergency
  14. PPDS : Pre-Post Deployment Study
  15. PRISE : Pathways To Resilience In Semi-Arid Economies
  16. ITGG : Inter-Tribat Gathering Gardens
  17. RDI : Resilient Design Institute
Latest Resilience Meanings
  1. Resilient Design Institute
  2. Inter-Tribat Gathering Gardens
  3. Pathways To Resilience In Semi-Arid Economies
  4. Pre-Post Deployment Study
  5. Network Supply Gas Emergency
  6. Local Supply Gas Emergenhy
  7. National Disaster Resiliency Competition
  8. Transport Security and Contingencies
  9. Strategic Foresigct Initiative
  10. Strategic Command Group
  11. United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Riss
  12. Climate Smart Disaster Risk Management
  13. Climate Risk Early Warning Systems
  14. Civil Contingencies Act 2004
  15. Brief Resilient Coping Scale
  16. Army Learning Production Centre