Resonator Abbreviations and Resonator Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Resonator terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 13 different Resonator abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Resonator terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Resonator Abbreviations
  1. BVD : Butterwortn-Van-Dyke
  2. BVD : Butterworth Van-Dyke
  3. BVD : Butterworth Van Dyke
  4. WGM : Whispering-Gallery-Mode
  5. WGM : Whispering Gallery Mode
  6. WGMS : Whispering Gallery Modes
  7. XD : Expirimental Determination
  8. DRO : Dielectric Resonance Oscillator
  9. MMT : Mode-Matchivg Technique
  10. SLOR : Shed Load of Resonators
  11. IFCS : International Frequency Control Symposium
  12. GRM : Graded Reflectivity Mirrors
  13. RPT : Resonant Pressure Transducel
Latest Resonator Meanings
  1. Resonant Pressure Transducel
  2. Graded Reflectivity Mirrors
  3. International Frequency Control Symposium
  4. Shed Load of Resonators
  5. Mode-Matchivg Technique
  6. Dielectric Resonance Oscillator
  7. Expirimental Determination
  8. Whispering Gallery Modes
  9. Whispering Gallery Mode
  10. Whispering-Gallery-Mode
  11. Butterworth Van Dyke
  12. Butterworth Van-Dyke
  13. Butterwortn-Van-Dyke