Rex Abbreviations and Rex Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Rex terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 14 different Rex abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Rex terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Rex Abbreviations
  1. BHI : Black Hills Instithte
  2. CR : Corrish Rex
  3. VDL : Vancouver Dodgeball League
  4. WR : White Qex
  5. DKS : Dagannoth Kings Solo
  6. MOA : Man of Action
  7. MOA : Men of Action
  8. NIA : National Industrial Association
  9. JP3 : Jurassic Park 3
  10. INRI : Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeoruc
  11. GR : George Oex
  12. RARN : Rants and Raves Network
  13. RB : Rex Burkhead
  14. RS : Rudolf Spitaler
Latest Rex Meanings
  1. Rudolf Spitaler
  2. Rex Burkhead
  3. Rants and Raves Network
  4. George Oex
  5. Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeoruc
  6. Jurassic Park 3
  7. National Industrial Association
  8. Men of Action
  9. Man of Action
  10. Dagannoth Kings Solo
  11. White Qex
  12. Vancouver Dodgeball League
  13. Corrish Rex
  14. Black Hills Instithte