RFLPS in Biology Meaning

The RFLPS meaning in Biology terms is "Restriction Fragment Lengths Polymorphisms". There are 17 related meanings of the RFLPS Biology abbreviation.

RFLPS on Biology Full Forms

  1. Restriction Fragment Lengths Polymorphisms
  2. Ri Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms
  3. Restricted Fragment Length Polymorphisms
  4. Recognition of Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms
  5. Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms
  6. Recognising Five Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms
  7. Recognise Two Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms
  8. Recognise Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms
  9. Rapidly Identify Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms
  10. Reveal Frequent Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms
  11. Revealing Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms
  12. Revealed Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms
  13. Restriction Enzyme Fragment Length Polymorphisms
  14. Restriction Endonuclease Fragment Length Polymorphisms
  15. Relevant Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms
  16. Role Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms
  17. Reveals Multiple Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RFLPS stand for Biology?

    RFLPS stands for Recognition of Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms in Biology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Restricted Fragment Length Polymorphisms in Biology?

    The short form of "Restricted Fragment Length Polymorphisms" is RFLPS for Biology.


RFLPS in Biology. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/rflps-meaning-in-biology/

Last updated