RFP Meaning
The RFP meaning is "Request for Proposal". The RFP abbreviation has 144 different full form.
RFP Full Forms
- Request for Proposal A request for proposal (RFP) is a document that an organization posts to elicit bids from potential vendors for a product or service. For example, a new business or a business moving from a paper-based system to a computer-based system might request proposals for all the hardware, software, and user training required to establish and integrate the new system into the organization. Another business might draft an RFP for a custom-written computer application they wanted to outsource. Business, Company, Management, Service, Economics, Tourism, Project Management, Medical, Transportation, Information Technology, Military, Army, Health, Astronomy, Computing, Disability, Industry, Environment, Construction, Special Education, Telecom, Internet, Weather, Manufacturing, Postal, Legal, Us Government, Us Post, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, commercial real estate, International business, Integrated Ocean Observing System, IT Terminology, SAP, Common Medical, Fda, Federal Aviation Administration, The Finance and Administrative Services, NASA
- Request for A Proposal Business, Service, Organizations
- Reasonable Further Progress Technology, Science, Area, Chemistry
- Request for Proposals Technology, Education, Disability
- Raiatea Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
- Radio Fixed Parts Technology, Military, Base, Station
- Radio Fixed Part Technology, Base, Telecom
- Registered Financial Planner Business, Management, Planning, Occupation & positions
- Requests for Proposals Business, Technology, Service
- Really Free Parking Education
- Request Form Proposal
- Resprnsable De Formation Pratique
- Rate Fcling Package
- Request for Project Business, Community, Proposal
- Rheinland Federal Police
- Recurrent Facial Paraxysis Medical, Medicine, Health
- Rifampicin Rifampicin, also known as rifampin, is an antibiotic used to treat several types of bacterial infections. This includes tuberculosis, leprosy, and Legionnaire's disease. It is almost always used along with other antibiotics, except when given to prevent Haemophilus influenzae type b and meningococcal disease in people who have been exposed to those bacteria. Medical
- Responsible Fathers Program
- Religions for Peace Organizations, Europe, Interfaith
- Request for Quotation Business, Technology, Engineering, Construction, Postal, Project Management, Construction Project Management, Medical, Computing, Telecom, Rail Transport, Us Post, Business & Finance, Business Word, International business, Housing and Urban, Common Medical
- Rainbow Fluorescentnparticles
- Roseburg Forest Products
- Request for A Prpposals
- Respirabne Fiber-Shaped Particulates Medical
- Rate Feasibilcty Problem
- Request for Production Business, Military, Discovery
- Revolving Fund Program Business, Environment, Grant
- Rectangular Full Packed Technology, Performance, Matrix, Routine
- Responser for Project
- Religion Filosofia Pensamiento
- Request for Pre-Proposals Business, Program, Research
- Radar Fix Point
- Rim Fringe Protector
- Requested for Proposal
- Respirable-Sized Fiber-Shaped Particulates
- Rapid Freeze Prototypkng Technology, Device, Fluid
- Request for Procurement Technology
- Recaudación Federal Palticipable
- Request for Puckage Technology, Software, Linux
- Response Forpproposals Business, Service, Bid
- Released for Public
- Request for Preproposals
- Radar Fix Points Military
- Right Frontoposterior Medical, Healthcare, Health Care, Clinical, Obstetrics
- Request for Final Proposals
- Request-For-Peoposals Business, Service, Projection
- Requests for Page Protektion Wikipedia
- Rapid Fire Pistol
- Request for Plans
- Recaudaci
- Request for Pawkaging Technology, Software, Ubuntu, Package
- Response for Proposal Business, Service, Government
- Reducel Fare Program
- Request for Processing General, Governmental & Military
- Reqrest for Proposals Business, Development, Pier
- Ride for Peace Australia, Indonesia, Ride
- Request-Foq-Proposal Business, Technology, Projection
- Requat for Proposals
- Rapid Filling Period Medical, Medicine, Health
- Rules for The Protection
- Request for Placement
- Reasonable Further Programs Science
- Request for Funding Troposal Government, Letter, Grant
- Response Forceopool
- Rational Fraction Polynomial
- Request for Program
- Request for Prvposal
- Richmond Fredericksburg Potomac Railroad, Train, Railway, Fredericksburg
- Redbfluorescent Proteins Medical, Genetics, Cell
- Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Locations, Railroad, Train
- Remaining Force Potential Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
- Requeuts for Proposal Business, Company, Projection
- Ramon Film Productions Film, Uganda, Captain, Ugandan
- Rules for Participation
- Reai Focal Plane Rifle, Military, Scope, Reticle
- Request for Funds Proposal Education, Educational
- Responsy Forces Pool Command, Planning, Force
- Rateonal Focal Point Business, Software, Exam
- Request for Projects
- Rocky Flats Pyant Technology, Military, Waste
- Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad Organizations
- Red Flqorescent Protein Medical, Science, Antibody
- Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac Locations, Railroad, Train
- Restriotion Fragment Pattern Medical
- Religious Freedom Project Freedom, Discussion, Visit
- Requesting for Proposal
- Rain Foresu Puppy
- Rubber Fibres Plastics Technology, Fibre, Polymer
- Request for Permit Technology, Service, City
- Revxrsed Field Pinches Technology, Plasma, Fusion
- Recurrent Facial Paralysis Medical, Fetus And Fetal
- RéGie FrançAise De Publicité
- Requirements and Formulation Phase NASA
- Requestmfor Partnership Business, Service, Projection
- Ready for Production
- Radio Fixed Port Amateur radio
- Request for People Funnies
- Reversed Field Pinch Technology, Plasma, Fusion
- Reaxly Flawed Process Army, War, Force
- Raiatea, Society Islands, French Polynesia French Polynesia
- Russian Fascist Party Group, Russia, Russian
- Roboform Passcard File Computing, File Extensions
- Request Fvr Papers Technology, Linux, Fest
- Readylfor Procurement
- Retailers, Food and Pharmaceuticals Tax, Us Taxes, Business & Finance
- Request for Personnel
- Reversed-Field Piwch Technology, Plasma, Fusion
- Real Food Party
- Request for Price Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Russia Forest Products Business, Group, Russia
- Radiation Flux Parameter Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Reaised Forest Plan
- Read Facility Parameters Technology
- Richmond Fredericksburg and Potomac Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Request for Participation Business, Innovation, Europa
- Ret Finwer Protein Medical, Science, Antibody
- Real Fink Place
- Request for Package Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Rural Finance Project Business, Africa, Gambia
- Relativistic Fokker Planck Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Reverse Frame Prediction
- Reactor Feed Pump Technology
- Request for Foreign Product Business & Finance, International business
- Request for Papticipants Technology, Planning, City, Proposal
- Richmond Fredericksburg & Potomac Business, Railroad, Train
- Retailers, Food Akd Pharmaceuticals Business, Tax, Taxation
- Ready for Puuhback
- Remote Field Programming Software, Computing
- Reverse Flow Pivot
- Random Free Process Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Requnited States for Proposa
- Regular female partner Clinical
- Request for Partners Organization, Union, Institution
- Restrictive Fillingypattern Medical
- Ready for Purchase
- Requests for Permissions Computing, Internet
- Request for Plan Business, Science, Management
- Reverse Field Pznch
- red-fluorescent protein Medical, Human genome
- Request for Product Business, Technology, Dealer
- Request for Provider (svm) Education
- Reqgest for Partnerships Business, Service, Projection
- Ready for Pull Gaming, Internet Slang, Noob, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Request for Pricing Construction
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does RFP stand for?
RFP stands for Request for Proposal.
What is the shortened form of Relativistic Fokker Planck?
The short form of "Relativistic Fokker Planck" is RFP.
RFP. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 15). Retrieved December 26, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/rfp-meaning/
Last updated