RG Meaning
The RG meaning is "Right Guard". The RG abbreviation has 409 different full form.
RG Full Forms
- Right Guard Sports, Football, Guard
- Richards Gebaur Technology
- Ranger Green Military, Airsoft, Gear
- Region Growing Technology, Software, Segmentation
- Rhythmic Gymnastics Championship, Gymnastics, Leotard
- Rafael Gonzalez Cigar, Corona, Cuban
- Reference Guide Technology, Cable, Manual
- Rhythm Guitar Technology, Plug, Virtual
- Radial Glial Medical
- Row Guidance Technology, Agriculture, Precision
- Rio Group Government, Organization, Society
- Redundancy Group
- Revenue-Generating
- Revenants Game Edition, Borderland, Revenant
- Routing Gateway Technology, Networking, Network
- Ring Ground Technology, Telecom, Antenna
- Real Good Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Retractable Gear Technology, Aircraft, Cardinal, Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Regulatory Guide Technology
- Rough Guide Book, Travel, Locations
- Rifa Gang Gaming, Gang, Play, Samp
- Real Gamer Gaming, Craft, Playing, Gamer
- Retinologischen Gesellschaft Organizations, Fur, Germany, Deutschland
- Review Group Aerospace
- Riesa-GroßEnhain County, Locations, Deutschland
- Rate Gyro Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Registered Geologist Technology, Science, Environment
- Radio Galaxies
- Redaktion Geschichte
- Rashad Greene Sport, Football, Jaguar
- Real Government
- Recessed Grid
- Revisione Generale
- Russell Group Student, Education, University
- Railway Gazette
- Region Governor
- Renaissance Gold
- Roboute Guilliman
- Reception Group
- Reserve Grade
- Rotorcraft Gyroplane
- Ruben Gonzalez Technology, Product, Music, Racquet
- Richard-Ginori
- Royal Guards Military, Skill, Ragnarok
- Radio Government Technology, Cable, Transmission, Amateur radio
- Richard Gibson
- Orgrimmar Gaming, Play, Pastime, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Rate Groups
- Retro-Grade
- Rolled Gold
- Really Good
- Race Gas Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Recreation Guide
- Rewards Gift
- Rain Garden
- RéGime GéNéRal
- Renormalizaton Group
- Reactive Gas
- Respect Greatness
- Routing Group
- Retrosplenial Granular Cortex Medical
- Rubber Grommet
- Risk Guideline Science
- Republic of Germany
- Rolling Greens
- Radius of Gyration Radius of gyration or gyradius refers to the distribution of the components of an object around an axis. In terms of mass moment of inertia, it is the perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation to a point mass that gives an equivalent inertia to the original object. Medical, Science, Moment, Bowling, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Red-Green Medical, Light, Laser
- Randal Grichuk Baseball, Jay, Cardinal
- Real Girl Internet Slang
- Reviews of Geophysics Technology, Education, Climate, Earth, Bibliographic Code, Earth Sciences, Computing, Physics, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
- Rush Gauge
- Railroad Gazette
- Refitting Group Submarines Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Relative Green
- Roblox Gaming Gaming, Coding, Play, Tycoon
- Reception Good
- Research Guidance
- Rotor-Gene Medical, Genetics, Cycler
- Royal Gazette Business, Government, History, Gazette
- Receptor Grade
- Rice Gallery Technology, Art, Volume
- RèGlement GéNéRal
- Radio Golis
- Richard Gere
- Rate Group
- Retractable Landing Gear Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Rolle-Gimel
- Reality Gaming Technology, Server, Play
- Recommended Gear
- Revue GéNéRale
- Rainbow Graphics
- Renormalization Group Medical, Technology, Theory, Atmospheric Research, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Rockin Green
- Reaction Grid Technology, Government, Virtual
- Resource Guidance
- Route Groups
- Revenants Games Technology, Gaming, Edition
- Retroglossal Medical
- Rubber Grommets
- Riga Grande
- Republican Guard Military, Iraq, Force, Guard
- Rolling Green
- Radii of Gyration Medical
- Red, Green Business, Light, Laser
- Ramp Generator Technology, Signal, Manual
- Real Genius
- Responsible Gaming Organizations, Gambling, Lottery
- Reviews and Guides
- Rural General Medical, Medicine, Education, Health
- Rail Gun Military, Colt, Pistol
- Refinery Gas
- Regulated Gallery Technology
- Robins Georgia
- Research Group Technology, Military, University
- Rory Gallagher
- Reefer Generator
- Ryegrass Medical
- Radio Glamorgan
- Richard Garriott
- Rate Grant Technology, War, Opium
- Role of Gonadotrophins
- Real Guns
- Recommendations Group
- Revue G
- Rainbow Girls
- Renormalisation Group Science, Theory, Physics
- Rocket Glider Technology, Model, Rocketry
- Reach Guide
- Resource Graph
- Route Group
- Registro Geral
- Retro Gamer
- Rubber Gel
- Rift Guardian
- Reference Group Medical, Meeting, Technology
- Représentants Des Gouvernements
- Roll Grooving
- Rachel Gibson
- Red & Green Technology, Light, Laser, Sight
- Ramped Gradient Science
- Reactor Grade Science, Fuel, Plutonium
- Response Generation Technology, Science, Service, Device
- Reviews & Guides
- Rupert Grint
- Referral Group
- Regular Hunt Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Rob Gronkowski Sport, Football, Patriot
- Research Grants
- Root Guard Technology, Switch, Port
- Reed & Graham
- Ryan Grant
- Radio Gateway
- Rat Brain Glucose Utilization Medical
- Roland Garros France, Roland, Court, French
- Real Growth
- Recombinant Gas Technology, Aircraft, Battery
- Revolution Gaming
- Russian Grenadier Military, Russia, Model
- Rainbow Gem
- Renee'S Garden
- Rocket Girl Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Reachability Graph Technology, Presentation, Model
- Resource Governor Technology, Database, Server
- Rounded Gauge Technology, Model, Engine
- Registered Geologists Technology, Environment, Consulting
- Retro-Graphics
- Rubber Gasket
- Rifle Grenade Military, Weapon, Launcher
- Ridge The opposite of a trough. Longitudinal area of high barometric pressure. Longitudinal extent of a raised part of sea bed. A line or wall of broken ice forced up by pressure. May be fresh or weathered. Science, Locations, Geography, Geology, Location, System, Geographic, Scientific & Educational, Ordnance Survey, Street Suffix, NOTAM Contractions
- Rate Guide
- Represented Government
- Roll Grinding
- Rachel Gatina
- Recycling Group Business, Company, Waste
- Ramee Guestline
- Renseignements GéNéRaux
- Reactive Gel
- Response Generator
- Return Grill Science
- Rupert GarcíA
- Reference Governor
- Registered General
- Rob Gregory
- RepÚBlica De Guatemala
- Root Gap
- Ryan Gosling Film, Movie, Love, Gosling
- Radio Galega
- Red General
- Raster Graphics Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
- Royal Guard Forum, Military, Holster
- Real Grill
- Recognized Graduates Education, Dental, Technician
- Revolutionary Guards
- Russian Grenade Military, Russia, Metal
- Rainbow Gala
- Render Gallery
- Rochester Gladiators Arts, Fight, Recording, Gladiator
- Re-Gummed Business, Stamp, Queen, Gum
- Resource Generation
- Rough Grade
- Recoding Games
- Richard Gray Technology, Service, Power
- Roy Gerig
- Riesa-GroßEnhain GroßEnhain
- Rate Growth
- Representational Grant
- Roll Grinder
- Racing Games
- Rectractable Gear Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Ramat Gan
- Renovation Grant Government
- Reactive Gastritis Medical, Technology
- Response Gear Boot, Boots, Gear, Footwear
- Route Guidance Technology, Service, Car
- Returned Goods
- Running Ghost
- Reference Gauge
- Registered Genealogist Genealogy, Genealogical
- Robert George
- Republic of Guinea
- Ronnie Garvin
- Radio Galaxy A galaxy that gives off large amounts of energy in the form of radio waves.
- Red Gain
- Raster Generator
- Royal Grey
- Real Grade Business, Model, Hobby
- Recognized Graduate Program, Education, Dental
- Revista De Guimaraes
- Russian Government
- Railways Group
- Renaissance Guitar
- Rochester Gamers Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- RaÚL GarcíA Studio, Athletics, Album
- Reserve Guard
- Rough Term used by miners when they offer uncut opal for sale. Medical, Architecture, Architectural, Weather, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions
- Ryan Getzlaf Hockey, Card, Deck
- Richard Garay Craft, Storage, Goo
- Royce Gracie
- Richard Gladwell
- R Code rubber-insulated building wire, 600V, 60°C. or render (survey), Right, are, Remote, Return, Right or Resistance, Potentiometer, Resistance, Radius, reaction force, reliability, Rockwell hardness, stress ratio, Vector reaction force, Correlation coefficient, radius, Distance vector, genser community, precedence designations, routine
- Rating Group Organizations, Russia, Chess
- Report Generation
- Roller Grill Technology, Dog, Machine
- Really Gorgeous
- Racer Game
- Recruiting Group Business, Management, Service
- Rain Gauge An extensive, nearly level, low desert plain from which fine sand has been removed by wind, leaving a sheet of coarse, smoothly angular, windpolished gravel and small stones lying on an alluvial soil, strongly cemented by mineralized solutions to form a broad desert pavement. Technology, Product, Weather
- RéGimen General Para, Con, Social
- Renovatio Group
- Reactive Gases Atmospheric Research
- Response Gateway
- Routing Groups
- Rettens Gang
- Runge-Gross Science, Theory, Density, Theorem
- Refereed Games
- Register-Guard
- Riverboat Gambler Pinball
- Republic of Ghana
- Ron Gutberlet
- Royal Gamer Gaming, Channel, Money
- Rhythm-Guitar-Synthesizer
- Reproductive Genetics Medical, Science, Biology
- Repeating Group Technology, Patent, Display
- Rohm German
- Refractory Grade Products
- Responsive Gallery Technology, Press, Premium
- Reginald Grundy Famous
- Red Grange
- Robert Geller Business, Design, Fashion
- Rive Gauche French
- Request Granted Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Rustic Gold
- Rocky Grove
- Recording Gain Music
- Rafael Games
- Reece Gaines
- Reports Generator Military, Army, War, Governmental & Military
- Rat Games Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Repetitive Group Diving, Scuba Diving, Underwater, Scientific & Educational
- Ron Guidry Business, Baseball, Sport, Card
- Rear Gunner Military, War, Squadron, Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
- Rare Gas Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Roving Guns Forum, Organizations, Guild
- Rhythimic Gymnastics
- Red Gastrocnemius Medical
- Repair Grade Technology, France, Emission
- Rogue Gunfighter Military, Rig, Vis
- Ring Gauge Products
- Responsible Gambling
- Roberto Gucci Famous
- Red Gold Product, Price, Store
- Vrg Linhas Aereas Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes, Governmental & Military
- Risk Governance Business, Management, Manager
- Risk Groups Medical, Agent, Biosafety
- Renegotiation Gains Unions, Governmental & Military
- Rustic Gloss
- Ryan Gomes
- regummed
- Radway Green Military, Ammo, Ammunition, Regional
- Redundant Group
- Registrar-General
- Rate of Germination
- Radial Ground Amateur radio
- Rogers Communications, Inc. Organizations
- Rear Gear Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Random Genotypes Medical, Human genome
- Rhod Gilbert
- Rare Genomics
- Renseignements G
- Rogue Galaxy Technology, Gaming, Play
- Rotating Gobo projector Products
- Routing Goop Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Ray Graham
- Rufus Grey Famous
- Red Goddess
- Ring Grain
- Replication Group Technology, Windows, Server
- Remember the Gear Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Restaurant Griddle
- Russian Guitar
- Ryan Giggs
- Resource Guide Media
- Radio Gunner Military, Group, Crew
- Reduction Gear Gears in an engine which allow the propeller to turn at a slower speed than the engine
- Rate Gyroscope Technology
- Rogers Communications, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Rock Guitar Music, Guitar, Gear
- Realty Group
- ruptured globe Medical, Common Medical
- Rhamnogalacturonan Medical
- Raquel Gonzalez Business, Car, Magazine
- Renseignement Generaux
- Rogers Communication, Inc. Technology, Organizations
- Receiver General Products
- Routing Gateways Technology, Networking, Network
- Rail Garrison Science
- Ray Garcia
- Russ Gibb Famous
- Red Glass Filter, Glass, Shopping, Accessory
- Ricardo GonçAlves Technology, Music, Prod, Compadre
- Rich Gold
- Replay Gain
- Regression Graphics General, Governmental & Military
- Restaurant Gal
- Ryan Garko
- Record Group Geographic
- Radio Guide Technology, Cable, Telecom, Media
- Redmond Gary
- Varig Airlines Civil Aviation, Business & Finance
- Rochester Gas Business, Service, Energy
- Realtime Graphics
- Rachel Grace Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Rg Gregory
- RéPublique De GuinéE Internet, Pay, Guinea
- Roger Glover Technology, Music, Rock
- Rollergames Pinball
- Router Guide Technology, Networking, Verse
- Raging Grannies
- Ravenous Gorge
- Robert Grant Famous
- Receiver Gain Receiver gain is a measure of the effective area of the antenna. It is typically expressed as a ratio to a nominal omnidirectional antenna. Technology, Signal, Resonance
- Red Giant A stage in the evolution of a star when the fuel begins to exhaust and the star expands to about fifty times its normal size. The temperature cools, which gives the star a reddish appearance. Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Ribeira Grande Portugal, Locations, Cape, Ant
- Reticulated Grating
- Replacement Gear Product, Racing, Gear
- 1bit B&W 4bit CMYK Raster Graphics format Computing, File Extensions
- Ressources GéNéTiques
- Ryan Gage
- Random Guy Funnies
- Radio Group Technology, Java, Amateur
- Red Guards
- Range The difference between the highest and lowest values of a measurable attribute of the output of a process. An area between two limits within which a quantity is measured, stated in terms of a lower and upper limits. The categorization of an attribute into different segments. The set of values that a quantity or function may take. Aviation, Aircraft, Computing, Texting, Spacecraft, Electronics, Real Estate, Game, Aeronautics, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Technology, Academic & science, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Rosette Gauge
- Robby Gordon Racing, Truck, Race
- Realm Graphics
- Roger Gary Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- ReykjavíK Geothermal Business, Energy, Ethiopia
- Rven G'Harr
- RéGiment Du GéNie Military, Army, France
- Roentgenium Roentgenium is the name for the element with atomic number 111 and is represented by the symbol Rg. It is a member of the transition metals group. Chemistry, Science, Scientific & Educational
- Registrar General Occupation & positions
- Rafael Godeiro Para, Dos, Ria
- Raven Guard Military, Space, Squad
- Rajiv Gandhi Famous
- Rossiyskaya Gazeta Technology, Android, Russia, Russian
- Receipt of Goods Business, Order, Money, Air, Air Cargo, Condition, Delivery, Receipt, Air Freight, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Rapid Gravity Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Royal Gang Porn, Music, Gang, Prod
- Rhythmische Gymnastik Sport, Gymnastics, Leotard
- Restoration Gateway Medical, Uganda, Journey
- Repertory Grid Science, Research, Psychology
- Residential Gateway Computing, Drivers
- Respuesta Global
- Robert Golden Famous
- Radio Grade Technology, Networking, Cable
- Red Guard Military, War, Guild
- Rolling Geometry
- Robbins Gioia Business, Technology, Management
- Re-group Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Rex Grossman
- Rustic Green
- RocíO Gamonal
- Roadstar Guitar Music
- Rafael Garcia
- Rauma Golf
- Richie Ginther Famous
- Rose Gold Business, Product, Ring
- Recaredo GutiéRrez
- Rabies Glycoprotein Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does RG stand for?
RG stands for Rustic Gloss.
What is the shortened form of Rate Guide?
The short form of "Rate Guide" is RG.
RG. Acronym24.com. (2021, April 5). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/rg-meaning/
Last updated