RG Meaning

The RG meaning is "Right Guard". The RG abbreviation has 409 different full form.

RG Full Forms

  1. Right Guard Sports, Football, Guard
  2. Richards Gebaur Technology
  3. Ranger Green Military, Airsoft, Gear
  4. Region Growing Technology, Software, Segmentation
  5. Rhythmic Gymnastics Championship, Gymnastics, Leotard
  6. Rafael Gonzalez Cigar, Corona, Cuban
  7. Reference Guide Technology, Cable, Manual
  8. Rhythm Guitar Technology, Plug, Virtual
  9. Radial Glial Medical
  10. Row Guidance Technology, Agriculture, Precision
  11. Rio Group Government, Organization, Society
  12. Redundancy Group
  13. Revenue-Generating
  14. Revenants Game Edition, Borderland, Revenant
  15. Routing Gateway Technology, Networking, Network
  16. Ring Ground Technology, Telecom, Antenna
  17. Real Good Nutrition, Food, Victual
  18. Retractable Gear Technology, Aircraft, Cardinal, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  19. Regulatory Guide Technology
  20. Rough Guide Book, Travel, Locations
  21. Rifa Gang Gaming, Gang, Play, Samp
  22. Real Gamer Gaming, Craft, Playing, Gamer
  23. Retinologischen Gesellschaft Organizations, Fur, Germany, Deutschland
  24. Review Group Aerospace
  25. Riesa-GroßEnhain County, Locations, Deutschland
  26. Rate Gyro Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  27. Registered Geologist Technology, Science, Environment
  28. Radio Galaxies
  29. Redaktion Geschichte
  30. Rashad Greene Sport, Football, Jaguar
  31. Real Government
  32. Recessed Grid
  33. Revisione Generale
  34. Russell Group Student, Education, University
  35. Railway Gazette
  36. Region Governor
  37. Renaissance Gold
  38. Roboute Guilliman
  39. Reception Group
  40. Reserve Grade
  41. Rotorcraft Gyroplane
  42. Ruben Gonzalez Technology, Product, Music, Racquet
  43. Richard-Ginori
  44. Royal Guards Military, Skill, Ragnarok
  45. Radio Government Technology, Cable, Transmission, Amateur radio
  46. Richard Gibson
  47. Orgrimmar Gaming, Play, Pastime, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  48. Rate Groups
  49. Retro-Grade
  50. Rolled Gold
  51. Really Good
  52. Race Gas Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  53. Recreation Guide
  54. Rewards Gift
  55. Rain Garden
  56. RéGime GéNéRal
  57. Renormalizaton Group
  58. Reactive Gas
  59. Respect Greatness
  60. Routing Group
  61. Retrosplenial Granular Cortex Medical
  62. Rubber Grommet
  63. Risk Guideline Science
  64. Republic of Germany
  65. Rolling Greens
  66. Radius of Gyration Radius of gyration or gyradius refers to the distribution of the components of an object around an axis. In terms of mass moment of inertia, it is the perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation to a point mass that gives an equivalent inertia to the original object. Medical, Science, Moment, Bowling, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  67. Red-Green Medical, Light, Laser
  68. Randal Grichuk Baseball, Jay, Cardinal
  69. Real Girl Internet Slang
  70. Reviews of Geophysics Technology, Education, Climate, Earth, Bibliographic Code, Earth Sciences, Computing, Physics, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
  71. Rush Gauge
  72. Railroad Gazette
  73. Refitting Group Submarines Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  74. Relative Green
  75. Roblox Gaming Gaming, Coding, Play, Tycoon
  76. Reception Good
  77. Research Guidance
  78. Rotor-Gene Medical, Genetics, Cycler
  79. Royal Gazette Business, Government, History, Gazette
  80. Receptor Grade
  81. Rice Gallery Technology, Art, Volume
  82. RèGlement GéNéRal
  83. Radio Golis
  84. Richard Gere
  85. Rate Group
  86. Retractable Landing Gear Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  87. Rolle-Gimel
  88. Reality Gaming Technology, Server, Play
  89. Recommended Gear
  90. Revue GéNéRale
  91. Rainbow Graphics
  92. Renormalization Group Medical, Technology, Theory, Atmospheric Research, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  93. Rockin Green
  94. Reaction Grid Technology, Government, Virtual
  95. Resource Guidance
  96. Route Groups
  97. Revenants Games Technology, Gaming, Edition
  98. Retroglossal Medical
  99. Rubber Grommets
  100. Riga Grande
  101. Republican Guard Military, Iraq, Force, Guard
  102. Rolling Green
  103. Radii of Gyration Medical
  104. Red, Green Business, Light, Laser
  105. Ramp Generator Technology, Signal, Manual
  106. Real Genius
  107. Responsible Gaming Organizations, Gambling, Lottery
  108. Reviews and Guides
  109. Rural General Medical, Medicine, Education, Health
  110. Rail Gun Military, Colt, Pistol
  111. Refinery Gas
  112. Regulated Gallery Technology
  113. Robins Georgia
  114. Research Group Technology, Military, University
  115. Rory Gallagher
  116. Reefer Generator
  117. Ryegrass Medical
  118. Radio Glamorgan
  119. Richard Garriott
  120. Rate Grant Technology, War, Opium
  121. Role of Gonadotrophins
  122. Real Guns
  123. Recommendations Group
  124. Revue G
  125. Rainbow Girls
  126. Renormalisation Group Science, Theory, Physics
  127. Rocket Glider Technology, Model, Rocketry
  128. Reach Guide
  129. Resource Graph
  130. Route Group
  131. Registro Geral
  132. Retro Gamer
  133. Rubber Gel
  134. Rift Guardian
  135. Reference Group Medical, Meeting, Technology
  136. Représentants Des Gouvernements
  137. Roll Grooving
  138. Rachel Gibson
  139. Red & Green Technology, Light, Laser, Sight
  140. Ramped Gradient Science
  141. Reactor Grade Science, Fuel, Plutonium
  142. Response Generation Technology, Science, Service, Device
  143. Reviews & Guides
  144. Rupert Grint
  145. Referral Group
  146. Regular Hunt Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  147. Rob Gronkowski Sport, Football, Patriot
  148. Research Grants
  149. Root Guard Technology, Switch, Port
  150. Reed & Graham
  151. Ryan Grant
  152. Radio Gateway
  153. Rat Brain Glucose Utilization Medical
  154. Roland Garros France, Roland, Court, French
  155. Real Growth
  156. Recombinant Gas Technology, Aircraft, Battery
  157. Revolution Gaming
  158. Russian Grenadier Military, Russia, Model
  159. Rainbow Gem
  160. Renee'S Garden
  161. Rocket Girl Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  162. Reachability Graph Technology, Presentation, Model
  163. Resource Governor Technology, Database, Server
  164. Rounded Gauge Technology, Model, Engine
  165. Registered Geologists Technology, Environment, Consulting
  166. Retro-Graphics
  167. Rubber Gasket
  168. Rifle Grenade Military, Weapon, Launcher
  169. Ridge The opposite of a trough. Longitudinal area of high barometric pressure. Longitudinal extent of a raised part of sea bed. A line or wall of broken ice forced up by pressure. May be fresh or weathered. Science, Locations, Geography, Geology, Location, System, Geographic, Scientific & Educational, Ordnance Survey, Street Suffix, NOTAM Contractions
  170. Rate Guide
  171. Represented Government
  172. Roll Grinding
  173. Rachel Gatina
  174. Recycling Group Business, Company, Waste
  175. Ramee Guestline
  176. Renseignements GéNéRaux
  177. Reactive Gel
  178. Response Generator
  179. Return Grill Science
  180. Rupert GarcíA
  181. Reference Governor
  182. Registered General
  183. Rob Gregory
  184. RepÚBlica De Guatemala
  185. Root Gap
  186. Ryan Gosling Film, Movie, Love, Gosling
  187. Radio Galega
  188. Red General
  189. Raster Graphics Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
  190. Royal Guard Forum, Military, Holster
  191. Real Grill
  192. Recognized Graduates Education, Dental, Technician
  193. Revolutionary Guards
  194. Russian Grenade Military, Russia, Metal
  195. Rainbow Gala
  196. Render Gallery
  197. Rochester Gladiators Arts, Fight, Recording, Gladiator
  198. Re-Gummed Business, Stamp, Queen, Gum
  199. Resource Generation
  200. Rough Grade
  201. Recoding Games
  202. Richard Gray Technology, Service, Power
  203. Roy Gerig
  204. Riesa-GroßEnhain GroßEnhain
  205. Rate Growth
  206. Representational Grant
  207. Roll Grinder
  208. Racing Games
  209. Rectractable Gear Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  210. Ramat Gan
  211. Renovation Grant Government
  212. Reactive Gastritis Medical, Technology
  213. Response Gear Boot, Boots, Gear, Footwear
  214. Route Guidance Technology, Service, Car
  215. Returned Goods
  216. Running Ghost
  217. Reference Gauge
  218. Registered Genealogist Genealogy, Genealogical
  219. Robert George
  220. Republic of Guinea
  221. Ronnie Garvin
  222. Radio Galaxy A galaxy that gives off large amounts of energy in the form of radio waves.
  223. Red Gain
  224. Raster Generator
  225. Royal Grey
  226. Real Grade Business, Model, Hobby
  227. Recognized Graduate Program, Education, Dental
  228. Revista De Guimaraes
  229. Russian Government
  230. Railways Group
  231. Renaissance Guitar
  232. Rochester Gamers Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  233. RaÚL GarcíA Studio, Athletics, Album
  234. Reserve Guard
  235. Rough Term used by miners when they offer uncut opal for sale. Medical, Architecture, Architectural, Weather, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions
  236. Ryan Getzlaf Hockey, Card, Deck
  237. Richard Garay Craft, Storage, Goo
  238. Royce Gracie
  239. Richard Gladwell
  240. R Code rubber-insulated building wire, 600V, 60°C. or render (survey),  Right, are, Remote, Return, Right or Resistance, Potentiometer, Resistance, Radius, reaction force, reliability, Rockwell hardness, stress ratio, Vector reaction force, Correlation coefficient, radius, Distance vector, genser community, precedence designations, routine
  241. Rating Group Organizations, Russia, Chess
  242. Report Generation
  243. Roller Grill Technology, Dog, Machine
  244. Really Gorgeous
  245. Racer Game
  246. Recruiting Group Business, Management, Service
  247. Rain Gauge An extensive, nearly level, low desert plain from which fine sand has been removed by wind, leaving a sheet of coarse, smoothly angular, windpolished gravel and small stones lying on an alluvial soil, strongly cemented by mineralized solutions to form a broad desert pavement. Technology, Product, Weather
  248. RéGimen General Para, Con, Social
  249. Renovatio Group
  250. Reactive Gases Atmospheric Research
  251. Response Gateway
  252. Routing Groups
  253. Rettens Gang
  254. Runge-Gross Science, Theory, Density, Theorem
  255. Refereed Games
  256. Register-Guard
  257. Riverboat Gambler Pinball
  258. Republic of Ghana
  259. Ron Gutberlet
  260. Royal Gamer Gaming, Channel, Money
  261. Rhythm-Guitar-Synthesizer
  262. Reproductive Genetics Medical, Science, Biology
  263. Repeating Group Technology, Patent, Display
  264. Rohm German
  265. Refractory Grade Products
  266. Responsive Gallery Technology, Press, Premium
  267. Reginald Grundy Famous
  268. Red Grange
  269. Robert Geller Business, Design, Fashion
  270. Rive Gauche French
  271. Request Granted Us Government, Governmental & Military
  272. Rustic Gold
  273. Rocky Grove
  274. Recording Gain Music
  275. Rafael Games
  276. Reece Gaines
  277. Reports Generator Military, Army, War, Governmental & Military
  278. Rat Games Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  279. Repetitive Group Diving, Scuba Diving, Underwater, Scientific & Educational
  280. Ron Guidry Business, Baseball, Sport, Card
  281. Rear Gunner Military, War, Squadron, Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  282. Rare Gas Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  283. Roving Guns Forum, Organizations, Guild
  284. Rhythimic Gymnastics
  285. Red Gastrocnemius Medical
  286. Repair Grade Technology, France, Emission
  287. Rogue Gunfighter Military, Rig, Vis
  288. Ring Gauge Products
  289. Responsible Gambling
  290. Roberto Gucci Famous
  291. Red Gold Product, Price, Store
  292. Vrg Linhas Aereas Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes, Governmental & Military
  293. Risk Governance Business, Management, Manager
  294. Risk Groups Medical, Agent, Biosafety
  295. Renegotiation Gains Unions, Governmental & Military
  296. Rustic Gloss
  297. Ryan Gomes
  298. regummed
  299. Radway Green Military, Ammo, Ammunition, Regional
  300. Redundant Group
  301. Registrar-General
  302. Rate of Germination
  303. Radial Ground Amateur radio
  304. Rogers Communications, Inc. Organizations
  305. Rear Gear Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  306. Random Genotypes Medical, Human genome
  307. Rhod Gilbert
  308. Rare Genomics
  309. Renseignements G
  310. Rogue Galaxy Technology, Gaming, Play
  311. Rotating Gobo projector Products
  312. Routing Goop Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  313. Ray Graham
  314. Rufus Grey Famous
  315. Red Goddess
  316. Ring Grain
  317. Replication Group Technology, Windows, Server
  318. Remember the Gear Transportation, Governmental & Military
  319. Restaurant Griddle
  320. Russian Guitar
  321. Ryan Giggs
  322. Resource Guide Media
  323. Radio Gunner Military, Group, Crew
  324. Reduction Gear Gears in an engine which allow the propeller to turn at a slower speed than the engine
  325. Rate Gyroscope Technology
  326. Rogers Communications, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  327. Rock Guitar Music, Guitar, Gear
  328. Realty Group
  329. ruptured globe Medical, Common Medical
  330. Rhamnogalacturonan Medical
  331. Raquel Gonzalez Business, Car, Magazine
  332. Renseignement Generaux
  333. Rogers Communication, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  334. Receiver General Products
  335. Routing Gateways Technology, Networking, Network
  336. Rail Garrison Science
  337. Ray Garcia
  338. Russ Gibb Famous
  339. Red Glass Filter, Glass, Shopping, Accessory
  340. Ricardo GonçAlves Technology, Music, Prod, Compadre
  341. Rich Gold
  342. Replay Gain
  343. Regression Graphics General, Governmental & Military
  344. Restaurant Gal
  345. Ryan Garko
  346. Record Group Geographic
  347. Radio Guide Technology, Cable, Telecom, Media
  348. Redmond Gary
  349. Varig Airlines Civil Aviation, Business & Finance
  350. Rochester Gas Business, Service, Energy
  351. Realtime Graphics
  352. Rachel Grace Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  353. Rg Gregory
  354. RéPublique De GuinéE Internet, Pay, Guinea
  355. Roger Glover Technology, Music, Rock
  356. Rollergames Pinball
  357. Router Guide Technology, Networking, Verse
  358. Raging Grannies
  359. Ravenous Gorge
  360. Robert Grant Famous
  361. Receiver Gain Receiver gain is a measure of the effective area of the antenna. It is typically expressed as a ratio to a nominal omnidirectional antenna. Technology, Signal, Resonance
  362. Red Giant A stage in the evolution of a star when the fuel begins to exhaust and the star expands to about fifty times its normal size. The temperature cools, which gives the star a reddish appearance. Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  363. Ribeira Grande Portugal, Locations, Cape, Ant
  364. Reticulated Grating
  365. Replacement Gear Product, Racing, Gear
  366. 1bit B&W 4bit CMYK Raster Graphics format Computing, File Extensions
  367. Ressources GéNéTiques
  368. Ryan Gage
  369. Random Guy Funnies
  370. Radio Group Technology, Java, Amateur
  371. Red Guards
  372. Range The difference between the highest and lowest values of a measurable attribute of the output of a process. An area between two limits within which a quantity is measured, stated in terms of a lower and upper limits. The categorization of an attribute into different segments. The set of values that a quantity or function may take. Aviation, Aircraft, Computing, Texting, Spacecraft, Electronics, Real Estate, Game, Aeronautics, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Technology, Academic & science, The Finance and Administrative Services
  373. Rosette Gauge
  374. Robby Gordon Racing, Truck, Race
  375. Realm Graphics
  376. Roger Gary Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  377. ReykjavíK Geothermal Business, Energy, Ethiopia
  378. Rven G'Harr
  379. RéGiment Du GéNie Military, Army, France
  380. Roentgenium Roentgenium is the name for the element with atomic number 111 and is represented by the symbol Rg. It is a member of the transition metals group. Chemistry, Science, Scientific & Educational
  381. Registrar General Occupation & positions
  382. Rafael Godeiro Para, Dos, Ria
  383. Raven Guard Military, Space, Squad
  384. Rajiv Gandhi Famous
  385. Rossiyskaya Gazeta Technology, Android, Russia, Russian
  386. Receipt of Goods Business, Order, Money, Air, Air Cargo, Condition, Delivery, Receipt, Air Freight, Business & Finance, Business Word
  387. Rapid Gravity Physics, Scientific & Educational
  388. Royal Gang Porn, Music, Gang, Prod
  389. Rhythmische Gymnastik Sport, Gymnastics, Leotard
  390. Restoration Gateway Medical, Uganda, Journey
  391. Repertory Grid Science, Research, Psychology
  392. Residential Gateway Computing, Drivers
  393. Respuesta Global
  394. Robert Golden Famous
  395. Radio Grade Technology, Networking, Cable
  396. Red Guard Military, War, Guild
  397. Rolling Geometry
  398. Robbins Gioia Business, Technology, Management
  399. Re-group Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  400. Rex Grossman
  401. Rustic Green
  402. RocíO Gamonal
  403. Roadstar Guitar Music
  404. Rafael Garcia
  405. Rauma Golf
  406. Richie Ginther Famous
  407. Rose Gold Business, Product, Ring
  408. Recaredo GutiéRrez
  409. Rabies Glycoprotein Laboratory, Scientific & Educational

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RG stand for?

    RG stands for Rustic Gloss.

  2. What is the shortened form of Rate Guide?

    The short form of "Rate Guide" is RG.


RG. Acronym24.com. (2021, April 5). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/rg-meaning/

Last updated