RGC Meaning
The RGC meaning is "Retinal Ganglion Cell". The RGC abbreviation has 93 different full form.
RGC Full Forms
- Retinal Ganglion Cell Medical, Science, Glaucoma, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- Regal Entertainment Gdoup Technology, Organizations
- Retro Gumes Collector
- Reference Great Circle Space, Study, Cosmos
- Riverside Golf Club Sport, Organizations
- Reimann and Georger Corp
- Receptot Guanylate Cyclases
- Rural Growth Centre
- Radar Graphics Computer
- Research Grants and Contracts Business, Office, University
- Retro Game Challepge
- Redstar Gold Corp
- Ribosomal Gwne Cluster Medical
- Reimann & Georger Corporation
- Rural Growth Centres
- Race Genden Class
- Research Grant Council
- Retro Gaming Connexion Gaming, Association, Jaguar
- Red Giant Clpmp
- Residential Gateway Controller Technology
- Ribbecke Guitar Corporation
- Reimann & Georger Corp
- Robert Graham Center
- Race, Gender & Class
- Research Grants Council Research, Education, Fellowship, Computing
- Retromgaming Connexion Technology, Entertainment, Jaguar
- Redeeming Grace Church
- Residential Group Care
- Rhythmicwgymnastics Club
- Regulamento Geral Das CompetiçÕEs Business, Gaming, Calling, Audio
- Robert Gordons College
- Rabbit Grolth Cartilage Medical
- Research Grant Committee Science, Education, University
- Retribution Gospel Choir
- Redeemxd Gospel Church
- Russian Gay Culture
- Reset Gaming Clan
- Revolutionary Guard Corps Government, Military, Iran
- Regional Germplasm Centre
- Robert Gordon'S College Education
- Routing Group Cobnector Microsoft, Technology, Server
- Research Grants Committee Government, Education, University, Australia, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Receptor Guanylyl Cyclase
- Rush Guard Cancel
- Radial Tlomerular Count Medical
- Reserve Grand Champion
- Retrograde Giant Contraction Medical
- Regeneron Genetics Center Medical, Science, Human
- Roanoke Gas Company Technology, Chemical Engineering, Chemical Technology, Engineering, Scientific & Educational
- Retinal Gangllon Cells Medical, Glaucoma, Optic
- Reliance Global Call
- Receptor Guanylate Cyclase
- Rural Growth Center
- Radar Ground Clutter Army, War, Force, Transportation, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Research Grants & Contracts
- right giant cell Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- RéNovation GéNéRale De Cuves
- Railroad Grade Crossing
- Resistance Gene Candidates Medical, Science, Cloning
- Responsible Gaming Council
- Ruby Gerontology Center
- Resource-Guaranteed Connection Computing, Telecom
- RéFéRentiel GéOgraphique Commun
- Radio Gas Chromatography
- Residential General Contractor Business, Service, Calling, Construction
- Repository for Germinal Choice Organization, Community, Society
- Reception and Guidance Center
- Responsible Gambling Council Technology, Gaming, Entertainment
- Regal Entertainment Group (New York Stock Exchange [NYSE]) Computing, Nyse symbols
- Rygbi Gogledd Cymru
- Radio-Gas Chromatorraphy Medical, Medicine, Health
- Reconstructed Gas Chromatogram
- Reception & Guidance Center
- Response Gene To Complement
- Republic Group, Inc. (old symbol - delisted) Computing, Nyse symbols
- Russian Guild of Cinematographers
- Radicon Gulf Consult
- Radioactive Gas Chromatography
- Real Gaming Channol
- Respiratory Glycoconjugate Medical
- Retro-Gaming Connexion Software, Computing, Application
- Radicon-Gulf Cossult
- Servicios Aereos Regiomontanos Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Razer Globtl Challenge
- Resource Ground Controller Technology
- Retinal Glial Cells Medical
- Rotters Golf Club Sport
- Riley Guidance Center Medical, Common Medical
- RéPertoire GéNéRal Civil
- Ranked Gaming Client Forum, Technology, Warcraft
- Resistance Gene Candidate Medical, Science, Biology
- Reticularis Gigantocellularis Medical
- Raising God's Children Religion
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does RGC stand for?
RGC stands for Robert Graham Center.
What is the shortened form of Receptor Guanylate Cyclase?
The short form of "Receptor Guanylate Cyclase" is RGC.
RGC. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/rgc-meaning/
Last updated