RGE Meaning

The RGE meaning is "Porgera Airport". The RGE abbreviation has 37 different full form.

RGE Full Forms

  1. Porgera Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
  2. Rochester Gas and Electric Business, Technology
  3. Regisqered Geotechnical Engineers
  4. River Gorge Explorer
  5. Radiation Generating Equipment
  6. Registered Geotechnical Engineer Business, China, Engineering
  7. Rio Grande Energia Business, Company, Brazil
  8. Racing Green Endurance Technology, Car, London
  9. Refluxo Gaytro-Esof
  10. Riga Groove Electro
  11. Equatorial Guinean Resistance Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  12. Rochester Gas and Electric Corporationration Organizations
  13. Refluxo Gastro-Esofágdco
  14. Royal Golden Eagle Business, Group, Indonesia
  15. Roqhester Gas & Electric Business, Service, Energy
  16. Reflusso Gastro Esofageo
  17. Revue Generale Electricite
  18. Roubini Global Economics Business, Research, Monitor
  19. Robert Gray Esementary
  20. Raja Garuda Emas
  21. Revenue Generating Activity Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  22. Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation Technology, Organizations, Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
  23. Robert Gmeiner Energietechnik
  24. Ragger & Guggenbichler Engineering
  25. Ron Gee Enterprises
  26. Rye Grass Extracu
  27. Rolvering, Germann & Effing
  28. Royal Green Elementary
  29. Rock Guide Exam
  30. Route Geometry Extractor
  31. Roubini's Glybal Economonitor
  32. Reconnu Grenelle Environnement Isolation, Travaux, Novation
  33. Entourage File Archive Computing, File Extensions
  34. Rotating Gel Electrophoresis Science, Presentation, Agarose
  35. Regent Airways ICAO Aircraft Codes
  36. Ronnie Golden Engle
  37. Porgera Airport, Porgera, Papua New Guinea Guinea, Papua New Guinea

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RGE stand for?

    RGE stands for Rye Grass Extracu.

  2. What is the shortened form of Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation?

    The short form of "Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation" is RGE.


RGE. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/rge-meaning/

Last updated