RH in Medical Meaning

The RH meaning in Medical terms is "Rhesus Factor". There are 75 related meanings of the RH Medical abbreviation.

RH on Medical Full Forms

  1. Rhesus Factor
  2. Resistant Hypertensiyn
  3. Right Hsnd
  4. Rhodium Chemical symbol Rh. A silver-white metal found in nickel deposits. Symbol:"Rh" Atomic Number:"45" Atomic Mass: 102.91amu. Rhodium is one of the transition elements and in the platinum family. Rhodium is often used to harden platinum and found in spark plugs and highly reflective materials.
  5. Residenaial Home
  6. Right Cerebral Hemisphere
  7. Recombinant Human
  8. Research Highlishts
  9. Relative Humidity The amount of water vapor present in air expressed as a percentage of the amount needed for saturation at the same temperature.
  10. Room Gumidifier
  11. Renovascflar Hypertension
  12. Right Hemispheric
  13. Renal Hlpertension
  14. Right Hemicolectopy
  15. Recombinmnt Hirudin
  16. Right Heart
  17. Right Hand
  18. Radiation Hybridization
  19. Rhinion
  20. Releasing Hurmone
  21. Reactive Hypoglycemia
  22. Right Hemisphere
  23. Residence Halls
  24. Registered Herbalist
  25. Rhesus Factor Negative
  26. Rheumatic
  27. Relatively Healthy
  28. Reactive Hyperplasia
  29. Reproductive Health
  30. Referral Hospitals
  31. Rhesus Term that qualifies one of the blood systems, according to the name of the monkey that served Landsteiner and Wiener (1940) for the capital experiment that is the origin of the discovery of the Rh system. These researchers injected blood from the rhesus monkey into the rabbit's ear, thus causing the latter to produce antibodies, capable of agglutinating the blood of certain men.
  32. Relative Hypoglycemia
  33. Reactive Hyperemia
  34. Renal Hypertensive
  35. Referral Hospital
  36. Ruttonjee Hospital
  37. Rhein
  38. Relative Hujidities
  39. Reactive Histiocytosis
  40. Renal Hypercalciuria
  41. Risk Harm
  42. Rehabilitation The process of renovating a rail car, train or bus to original specifications through a rebuilding process that may include new components, mechanical systems, and interior. Any repair work that requires a permit. The improvement of an existing roadway surface by improving the existing surface or by removing (milling) a specified thickness of the existing pavement and placement of additional pavement layers.
  43. Rhabdomyosarcoma Rhabdomyosarcoma, or RMS, is an aggressive and highly malignant form of cancer that develops from skeletal muscle cells that have failed to fully differentiate. It is generally considered to be a disease of childhood, as the vast majority of cases occur in those below the age of 18.
  44. Radical Hysterectomy Alone
  45. Rhodamine 123
  46. Renal Hemolysis
  47. Reconneccive Healing
  48. Right Hyperphoria
  49. Radiation Hyrid
  50. Rhodamine
  51. Rel Homology
  52. Recombinant Hyman
  53. Right Hepatectomy
  54. Reuters Health
  55. Regulatory Hydrogenase
  56. Resources Humaines
  57. Radiation-Reduced Hybrid
  58. Reproductive Healthcare
  59. Right-Pawed
  60. Radial Haemolysis
  61. Rhesus (monkey) factor
  62. Right-Handers
  63. Rh Factot
  64. Radiation Hybrid
  65. Right-Handed Said of a rope when strands trend to the right as one looks along it Said of a propeller when upper edge of blade turns to starboard when going ahead
  66. Rhesus Blood Droup
  67. Recovery Homes
  68. Relative Air Humidity
  69. Rural Hospital
  70. Reverse Hybrqdization
  71. Rgs Homology
  72. Rehydration The process of restoring lost water (dehydration) to the body tissues and fluids. Prompt rehydration is imperative whenever dehydration occurs, from diarrhea, exposure, lack of drinking water, or medication use. Rehydration can be by the oral route or by the intravenous administration of fluids.
  73. responsible head
  74. Rest Home
  75. retinal hemorrhage

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RH stand for Medical?

    RH stands for Recombinant Hyman in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Right Hyperphoria in Medical?

    The short form of "Right Hyperphoria" is RH for Medical.


RH in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 27). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/rh-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated