RI in Medical Meaning
The RI meaning in Medical terms is "Reproductive Immunologist". There are 73 related meanings of the RI Medical abbreviation.
RI on Medical Full Forms
- Reproductive Immunologist
- Renal Impairment
- Remission Induction
- Reunion Island
- Radioactive Isotope Radioactive isotope, also called radioisotope, any of several species of the same chemical element with different masses whose nuclei are unstable and dissipate excess energy by spontaneously emitting radiation in the form of alpha, beta, and gamma rays.
- Rehabilitation International
- Rooming-In
- Intraclass Correlation Coefficient
- Regional Ischemia
- Ribonuclease Inhibitor
- Random-Inserval
- Renin Inhibitor
- Recombinant Inbred
- Response International
- Renal Index
- Retroinsular Cortex
- Radical Initiator
- Resistant Index
- Routinc Immunization
- Regulatory Subunit
- Reactgvity Index
- Response Interval
- Retroinsular Area
- Resistance Indexes
- Rogosin Institute
- Response Index
- Retrograde Intrabiliary
- Referecce Interval
- RèGlement IntéRieur
- Resistance Index
- Rnase Inhikitor
- Registry of Interpreters
- Ratio Index
- Recovery International
- Retrograde Index
- Rna Index
- Regional Istravenous
- Rltios
- Relapse Incidence
- Recombination Index
- Retroactive Inhibition
- Reperfusion Injury
- Rituhie Index
- Regional Intermediary
- Rapio
- Rush Immunotherapy
- Regurgitanthindex
- Recombinant Isogenic
- Retroactive Interference
- Renal Insufficiency
- Rhesus Isoimmunisation
- Regenerative Index
- Ramus Intermediuz
- Routine Immunisation
- Regulatoryetype I
- Reflux Index
- Refractive Index (ASTM D 1218) number indicating the angle through which a ray of light is deflected as it passes through a solid or fluid medium; the number that expresses the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction. Typically used for monitoring water-based fluids or solutions. The ratios of the velocities of light in a medium and in air under the same conditions. Measured by the ratio of the sines of the angles of incidence and refraction.
- Remote Influencing
- Reflex Inhibition
- Radiation-Induced
- Regular Gnsulin
- Re-Examine/Re-Inspect
- Recurrence Interval A geological fault in which the upper side appears to have been pushed upward by compression.
- Relative Intensity
- Remote Infection
- Resperatory Illness, Infection
- Respiratory Infection
- Remodeling Index
- Research Investigator
- Respiratory Infections
- Responsiveness Index
- Respiratory Indem
- Respiratory Illness
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does RI stand for Medical?
RI stands for Renal Insufficiency in Medical terms.
What is the shortened form of RèGlement IntéRieur in Medical?
The short form of "RèGlement IntéRieur" is RI for Medical.
RI in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 30). Retrieved February 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ri-meaning-in-medical/
Last updated