RINA Meaning

The RINA meaning is "Recursive Inter Network Architecture". The RINA abbreviation has 17 different full form.

RINA Full Forms

  1. Recursive Inter Network Architecture Technology, Networking, Future
  2. Royal Institute of Naval Architects Organizations, Design, Ship
  3. Royal Institutetution of Naval Architects
  4. Royal Institution of Naval Architect Technology, Design, Publication
  5. Royal Institute of Naval Architect Technology, Design, Ship
  6. Royal Institutetute of Naval Architects Organizations
  7. Royal Institute of Naval Architecture Education, Archive, Construction
  8. Royal Institution of Naval Architects The British association founded in 1860 to promote the improvement of ships and everything that relates to them. Organizations, Design, Ship, Electrical
  9. Revenue for Increase In Net Assets Government
  10. Reservas Internacionales Netas Ajustadas
  11. Research Institute for New Americans Organizations, Russia, Jewish, Russian
  12. Research and Innovation Network Austria
  13. Rural Independent Network Alliance Technology, Service, Sprint, Wireless
  14. Registro Italiano Navale Technology, Education, Shipping
  15. Rooney Ida Nolt Ahern
  16. Recursive Inter-Network Architecture Technology, Networking, Protocol
  17. Rhode Island Nurserymen'S Association

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RINA stand for?

    RINA stands for Reservas Internacionales Netas Ajustadas.

  2. What is the shortened form of Research and Innovation Network Austria?

    The short form of "Research and Innovation Network Austria" is RINA.


RINA. Acronym24.com. (2021, April 5). Retrieved December 27, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/rina-meaning/

Last updated