RIP Meaning

The RIP meaning is "Routing Information Protocol". The RIP abbreviation has 222 different full form.

RIP Full Forms

  1. Routing Information Protocol Technology, Computer, Electronics, Information Technology, Military, Army, Computing, Telecom, Linux, Unix, Technical, Fujitsu, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology, Federal Aviation Administration
  2. Restricted Isometric Promerty
  3. Recording In Progress Business, Music, Song
  4. Ritley Organizations
  5. Raster Image Processor Technology, Graphics, Computer Graphics, Information Technology, Computing, Computer, Drivers, IT Terminology
  6. Rest In Piece Forum, Gaming, Rest, Funnies
  7. Rock In Perpetuity
  8. Rice In Peace Motorcycle, Rider, Ride
  9. Random Index Pack
  10. Remain In Place Forum, Technology, Gaming
  11. Rest In Peace Internet Slang, Chat, Diagnosis, Medical, Technology, Computing, Texting, Healthcare, Religion, Online, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, SAP, Social Networking Sites
  12. Ribosome-Inactivating Proteins Medical
  13. Radio Interface Processor
  14. Relief In Place Military
  15. Revised Industrial Poficy
  16. Radically Invasive Projectile Military, Ammo, Bullet
  17. Regulation of Investigatory Powers Technology, Law, Privacy
  18. Reveal Insestigate and Prosecute
  19. Race In Peace
  20. Regulated Intramembrane Proteolysis Medical
  21. Retirement Incpme Planner Business, Planning, Calculator
  22. Recovery Is Possible Technology, Linux
  23. Rock, Iedie, Pop
  24. Registration-In-Progress
  25. Radio Interface Protocol Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  26. Retirement Incentive Program Government, Alaska
  27. Recently Replication Initiation Point Science, Biology
  28. Regulated Interdction Protocol Technology, Security, Cyber
  29. Ranger Indoctrination Program
  30. Raster-Image Processor Technology
  31. Return Insurance Premium
  32. Reduction Implementation Panel
  33. Renewables Infrastructcre Plan Business, Energy, National
  34. Roast In Peace Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  35. Reactor Internal Pump Technology, Power, Water
  36. Routing Inffrmation Packets
  37. Regional Intervention Program Medical, Health, Behavior
  38. Requiescat In Pacem Forum, Peace, Rest, Requiescat, Religion
  39. Ripogonaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  40. Reflex Inhibiting Pattern Medical, Medicine, Health
  41. Respiratory Inductiee Plethysmograph Medical, Signal, Volume
  42. Radioimmunoprecipitation Medical, Medicine, Health
  43. Retirement Income Plan Science
  44. Received Isotropic Power
  45. Regular Investment Plaf
  46. Restart In Progress
  47. Ontario Public Service Employees Union Technology
  48. Return Instruction Pointer Technology, Computing
  49. Reduced Ignition Propensity Business, Fire, Cigarette
  50. Remain In Place Indicator Technology
  51. Reactive Ion Plating
  52. Routing Information Packet Technology, Networking, Protocol
  53. Regional Innovation Program
  54. Requiescat In Pace Latin, Writing, Roman, Religion
  55. Ring Interworking On Protection Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  56. Reflex Inhibiting Posture Medical, Technology
  57. Respiratory Inductance Plethysmogyaphy Medical, Technology, Medicine
  58. Radioimmune Precipitation Medical
  59. Retired In Place
  60. Reading Improvement Program
  61. Registro Imobili
  62. Resquiat Infpacem
  63. Ras Interacting Protein Medical, Human genome
  64. Return Instituteuction Pointer Technology, Computing
  65. Reduced-Ignition Propensity Fire, Cigarette, Ignition
  66. Remaining In Period
  67. Reactant Ion Peak
  68. Rolling Injection Planter
  69. Requie'Scat In Pace
  70. Raster Image Process Technology, Software, Printer
  71. Ring Interface Processor Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  72. Reference Information Papers Records, Military, Archive
  73. Resin Impregnathd Paper Technology, Voltage, Transformer, Bushing
  74. Radiocaesium Interception Potential Medical
  75. ResíDuos Industriais Perigosos
  76. Readiness Improvement Program Technology
  77. Role In Partnership
  78. Regisxration In Progress
  79. Ripping In Peace
  80. Responsibre Interface Party
  81. Rapidly Induced Phosphatase
  82. Return If Possible Lyric, Miss, Wish, Computing, Internet
  83. Recombinant Identification Program
  84. Remain-In-Place Technology, Russia, Russian
  85. Reach Implementation Project Medicine, Health, Care
  86. Regional Investigators of The Paranormal
  87. Raster Image Prozessor Technology, Software, Fur
  88. Riddled In Parasites Medical, Treatment, Veterinary, Animal
  89. Reference Information Paper Records, Education, National
  90. Resin-In-Purp Technology, Mineral, Mining
  91. Radical Independent Party
  92. Rock Im Park Military, Germany, Festival
  93. Read, Interpolate, and Plot Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  94. Rogue Imperium of Planets
  95. Rusty In Places
  96. Register of Intelligence Publications Technology, Military, Army
  97. Ripped In Pieces Forum, Technology, Gaming, Piece
  98. Raised Intracranial Pressure Medical, Clinical
  99. Respiratory Impedance Plethysmosraph Technology
  100. Rapid Isothermal Processing Technology, Science, Material, Chemistry
  101. Retrospective Indexing Project
  102. Recognition Improvement Program Business, Postal, Us Post
  103. Relieve In Place
  104. Rcra Implementation Plan Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  105. Reaper Induced Pain
  106. Raster Image Processing Technology, Science, Software
  107. Ribosome Inhibiting Protein
  108. Reduction In Personnel Business, America, Group
  109. Roppongi Inc Projeet Technology, Remix, Evacuation
  110. Repair, Inspect, and Paint Army, War, Force
  111. Requiescat In Peace
  112. Rocket Impelled Projectile Technology
  113. Read, Interpolate, Plot
  114. Rock In Peace Music, Song, Rock
  115. Routing Inkormation Protcol
  116. Register Instruction Oointer
  117. Ripped
  118. Respiratory Induction Plethysmography
  119. Rapid Interface Phototyping Science
  120. Retirement Incentive Plan
  121. Receptor-Interacting Protein Medical, Cell, Kinase
  122. Relnef-In-Place Military, Afghanistan, Soldier, Fighter
  123. Readers Imbibing Peril Book, Movie, Challenge, Peril
  124. Raster-Image-Prozessor
  125. Ribosome-Inactivating Protein Science, Plant, Cell, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
  126. Reduction In Paper Technology, Science
  127. Repair, Inspect, Paint
  128. Robot Interface Pack
  129. Reactor Internal Pumps Technology, Power, Water
  130. Routing Information Protocqls Technology, Networking, Network
  131. Regional Investmxnt Plan
  132. Requiem In Phonybrian Anime, Manga, Volume, Requiem
  133. Riposi In Pace Technology, Peace, Rest, Requiescat
  134. Reflex Inhibiting Patterning Medical
  135. Respiratory Inductance Plethyzmograph Medical, Technology, Sleep
  136. Reactor Instituteument Penetration
  137. Remediation in Progress Us Government, Governmental & Military
  138. Raw In-Process Business, Flow, Manufacturing
  139. Rivista Italiana Di Psicoanalisi
  140. Regional Improvement Plan Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  141. Randomly Insulting People Funnies
  142. Rest In Pain Music, Lyric, Pain, Funnies
  143. Residential Infill Project
  144. Roadway Illumination Poles
  145. Really Ignorant Person / People
  146. Raster Imaging Process
  147. Rural Industrialization Program
  148. Routing Internet Protocol Technology, Science, Climatology, Meterology, Scientific & Educational
  149. Reaction Injection Pultrusion
  150. Runway Incursion Program Aviation, Governmental & Military
  151. Raw and In Process Business, Technology, Management
  152. Rise Is Possible
  153. Regional Improvement Program Transportation, Government, Conveyance
  154. Reality Isn't Perfect Funnies
  155. Radically Invasive Projecthle Military, Ammo, Bullet
  156. Remove It Permanently
  157. Hit'n'mix Audio Mashup File Computing, File Extensions
  158. Rest In Pizza Forum, Gaming, Pizza, Funnies
  159. Roads Improvement Program
  160. Rendering In Pen Media
  161. Raster Imaging Processing
  162. Routing Interface Protocol Technology, Networking, Manual, Cisco
  163. Routing Informasi Protocol
  164. Ripping Induced Pain Porn, Pain, Catch
  165. Regulated Interaction Protocol Security, Software, Computing, Governmental & Military
  166. Raw and In-Process Business, Accounting, Management
  167. Rise If Possible Talk, Hope, Rise, Walk
  168. Regional Implementation Plan Technology, Development, Presentation
  169. Rest In Pieces Funnies
  170. Réseaux D'Initiative Publique
  171. Reign In Power Forum, Gaming, Movie, Power
  172. Respiratory Inductance Plethysmography Medical, Physiology
  173. Rest In Pink Technology, Light, Gray, Ness
  174. Roads Implementation Program
  175. Regional Infrastructure Program
  176. Reprints and Interactive Permissions Media
  177. Ring Index Pointer
  178. Rofting Information Protokol Technology, Networking, Network
  179. RéGime Interprofessionnel De PréVoyance
  180. Repeat Internet Packet Computing, Internet
  181. Rat Insulin Ii Promoter Medical
  182. Refractive Index Profile Technology, Telecom, Fiber
  183. Really Into Partying Funnies
  184. Réseau D'Initiative Publique
  185. Regulatory and Information Policy
  186. Reproductive Immunophynotype Medical, Infertility
  187. Rekt In Pieces Forum, Lyric, Piece, Rest
  188. Road Inventory Program Government, Roads, Rta
  189. Regional Indicative Program
  190. Reductus In Pulvis, Reqviescat In Pace Latin
  191. Richmond Investigators of The Paranormal
  192. Routerpinformation Protocol Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  193. Raw in Process Inventory Products
  194. Rat Information Portal Locations, City, Map
  195. Refractive-Index Profile
  196. Railtrack Investment Panel Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  197. Rust In Peace
  198. Reformers Institutetutional Program
  199. Rest In Planking, Really Inspiring Person Funny, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  200. Rest Il Pakistan
  201. Road Improvement Project
  202. Regional Indicative Programmes
  203. Rectuum Invited Party Funnies
  204. Rest In Pussy Song, Meme, Rest
  205. Russian Imperial Porter Occupation & positions
  206. Rate Image Processor
  207. Reformers Institutional Program
  208. Re Investment Plan Banking, Business & Finance
  209. Running In Place Gaming, Lyric, Place
  210. Recherche Investigation Paranormal
  211. Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act Us Government, Governmental & Military
  212. Raw In Process
  213. Rnaiii Inhibiting Peptide Medical
  214. Regional Indicative Programme Business, Science, Africa
  215. Real Intense People Funnies
  216. Resh In Payne
  217. Rest In Piss Music, Lyric, Rest
  218. Roadway Inventory Program
  219. Recreation Internship Program Occupation & positions
  220. Raster Imaging Processor Technology, Software, Printer
  221. Rest In Pease Forum, Music, Rest
  222. Run-Based Intra-Quejy Parallelism

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does RIP stand for?

    RIP stands for Remain In Place Indicator.

  2. What is the shortened form of Regional Investigators of The Paranormal?

    The short form of "Regional Investigators of The Paranormal" is RIP.


RIP. (2021, October 28). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from

Last updated